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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Gah, I haven't been on here in forever XD I am going to Soeul in at the end of October and just booked my consultation with Dr. Park for calf reduction. (also plan on getting some facial contouring too but that will likely be its own thread and will be at a different clinic)

I'm going with another girl I met on this forum :smile: we booked an airbnb together. (there was going to be 4 of us but the other 2 seem to have bailed)

I will definitely post my impressions, before and afters and reviews when it all happens!

I first used the online consult on the website. The doctor asked for me to email a picture of my calves and my calf circumference along with my height and weight. Emails and answers were prompt and precise :smile:

He said that I am a candidate for calf resection and that according to my body stats (154cm tall, 50kg, calf circumference 36.5cm and 37cm or 5'1" tall, 110lbs, calf circumference 14.5 inches) the most ideal circumference is 33cm/13inches.

I am super excited!! gah!

side note, I am a circus artist doing static trapeze, hoop, silks and contortion. I used to be a way serious ballet dancer/student (probably how I got the giant calves in the first place) and I still take a ballet class now and again. I'll be taking 3-4 months off for sure and I will let you all know how the surgery affects my performance.
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HI Elle!! I am planning on going to dr Park at the end of September. I myself would love to find someone who is planning on undergoing the some surgery so I don't have to go though the process alone. I also feel hesitant about being in Korea for 2 weeks by my self. I would be super nice to share this experience with someone. I am a girl form Sweden, 23 years old.

Have you decided a date yet?? :smile:
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Hi, it's too bad i just found this page. I would have loved to travel with you guys. But I feel that October is too late. I have all of september free. Which date in October are you leaving for Korea?

And does someone now what kind of shoes we should wear after? I've heard that high heals are preferred?
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Hi, have you undergone your surgery yet? or book the appointment?
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Botox is not a permanent solution. It will only last for a few months so you will have to do it many times.
It will also be expensive since you need a lot of botox since the calf is a big muscle.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey Happychallenger,

You're doing this soon! I am booked for November 2nd with Dr. Jong.. Please share your experience when the day comes!
I'm doing some accommodation research now, what have you booked for yourself?

Anyone who's had work done with Dr. Jong have recommendations of comfortable places to stay?

thank you!
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi ladies, I have my calf resection surgery booked with Dr. Jong on Oct 12. I understand this is a major operation and many of you have doubts and lots of questions, there are not enough girls who've gone through the surgery that are actually responding to emails so I promise I will answer all your questions if you have any, feel free to email me. Like most of you, this was a very tough decision to make and I have not successfully talked to anyone who've gone through the same surgery so I kind of just jumped into this hoping that Dr. Jong will do a great job. All the girls who have gone through the surgery that shared their email addresses on the forum did not answer any of my emails so if you're going through the same frustration, I will help you with all the concerns and questions you may have.
I am travelling from Vancouver, Canada and will be staying in Taiwan for a total of 12 days. I will be travelling alone and will be staying at an Airbnb flat just 5 minutes from the clinic by foot. I have always had large calves, it's in my genes. Both of my calves are at almost 40cm and although I'm tall, 5'11, they look super unproportional as I am thin. I have been very self-conscious and have never worn anything other than long pants and long skirts in my life. My email is [email protected] and if you don't hear from me right away it's probably because I'm drugged up but I promise I will answer each and every one of you's emails. Wish me luck!
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Good luck hun!! Thank you and Wish you all the best!!!
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Heyyy travelbird!
How are you? How was it? I hope everything's good.
I don't know why last post have been deleted.
I also would like to hear about your experience!
Let me know if it's possible to talk with you through skype or email.
Thank you!!
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Hi everyone. I have just had my op done with dr Jong yesterday. Today is my first post op and I'd like to share my experience with some of you who are considering seeing dr Jong.
First I want to say that dr Jong is an amazingly caring and professional Doctor. He spends. a lot of time going over all concerns you may have, you'll never feel rushed. And his team is just as amazing. During the consultation dr Jong had me standing on a turning chair, took bunch of pics and measurements and captured multiple ultrasound images. He said my circumferences were 38L and 37.5R. He said that I would see at least a 3cm reduction if not more. The consultation took about 2 hours. Dr Jong only takes cash, he quoted me at $5000 and this is to be paid after the consultation. After the consultation I went check in at a place I found on Airbnb, 5 mins away from the clinic.
Day of the surgery, dr Jong spent about 40 min to go over the procedure with me again and answered questions. The nurse took me into the surgical room and stripped me down to my bra and rinsed me with some type of disinfecting solutions. Then the spinal anesthesia, which was painless and took effect rapidly. They gave me a shot to calm my nerves down and I fell asleep right away. I lied on my chest throughout the surgery and when they flipped me over, I woke up. Not too much pain after the surgery, just tightness on the back of calves and couldn't bend them straight. I slept for a good 12 hours and then the pain woke me up. Dr Jong gave me painkillers and antibiotics and some breakfast and I was fine until 5 hours later before taking another dose of painkiller and antibiotics. Dr Jong wanted me to not move at all and stay in bed for the rest of the day. Tomorrow I'll have everything removed and will check out of the clinic. I'll update more later on.
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Day 2 OP
last day staying at the clinic. It really is a super busy clinic, so many patients come in to get something done. I still haven't gone outta bed by this point. Dr Jong removed the drain tubes from my calves and it was the most painful experience ever!!! Only took a few seconds but it was so painful I thought I was ganna faint. He measured my calves and they were 37L/36R and my legs looks empty with lots of skin... He said the extra skin will tighten up in time so not to worry. The apartment owner was kind enough to come to the clinic and roll me in a wheelchair to the apartment. I could not have made it myself. I didn't get much sleep last night, fell asleep at 6pm. Got up to pee once but had to use walking aid and walked very very slowly. Some of the girls could walk the next day I honestly don't know how they did it lol. Kudos to them. No pain at all today, did not take any pain medications.

Day 3 OP
Still no pain. Just tightness around stitches and ankles. I can walk a bit better in wedges today, still needing the walking aid. Today I will leave the apartment and check in to a hotel more closer to the clinic because I want a tub to bathe in and also because my boyfriend is finally here to join me on this trip. I would totally recommend the apartment to anyone who's looking for a cheaper alternative, it only cost me $44 per night and altho it's very small it has everything you need: individual washroom with towels, soap, shampoo, tv, washer, filtered water, ac. If you need the owners contact pls feel free to email me.
Boyfriend rolled me in the wheelchair to the hotel, I still wouldn't trust myself walking for more than 1 min without help. Took me a while to climb into the tub but felt great after I showered the first time in 3days After the bath I changed the dressing like dr Jong adviced me to. It was stingy when I put the solution on my stitches but went away quick. I will post more updates in a couple of days.
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Hi Katrynn,

I am 17 days post op. I stayed in Seoul for 13 days post op.
I have read a lot of the posts here and been in contact with people that had the procedure done and I have noticed that the recovery is very individual.

This procedure is very hard mentally, I was in Seoul by my self so there was nobody to help me or push me. There were a lot of times I thought why did I do this, were my calves really that bad?? But as I feel right now, it was totally worth it. My calves were controlling my life. I would stay home a lot instead of going out with friends. I really fell in to depression. I hated shopping cause skinny jeans, skirts, shorts and boots would look so weird on me. I am very skinny and have skinny thighs so my calves were unproportional to the rest of my body.
I am 169 cm tall and my left calf was 38cm while my right one was 39cm.

I will write my recovery day by day as much as I remember of it. If someone have any questions don’t hesitate to write me!
For anyone thinking of doing this, I really recommend Dr Park. He is very nice as well as his staff. They made me feel very comfortable and they showed that they care. And Seoul is a very nice city I felt safe there for anyone traveling alone :smile:
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