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How can I make my calves smaller?

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@parachute333 thank you so so much for your constant Updates. Really really appreciate that so much. From reading your post it looks like you’re well on your way to recovering. You’re so lucky to have your husband there with you. Stay strong girl and don’t worry about the jelly wobbliness right now as I’ve read others had the same and your skin will starts to tighten up and everything will retrieve back in place. Think positive because after you healed you’re going to be looking so good in skinny jeans, leggings, long boots and in summer time mini skirts and short shorts. :smile:
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Hello @camber yes thank goodness I’m always there. I cannot be happier haha..I am not taking any painkillers. Doctor Park only gives 3 painkillers..and it’s the tightness/ stiffness that makes it unbearable. Yes I’m eating 2 bananas a day to increase potassium intake! I think it helps because I didn’t have any spasms the whole time.

@Bambu yes I’m so glad he finally came over although a little late (he came only 10 days after my surgery). It does help to have someone with you during the journey :smile: yes! I can’t wait to wear some pretty skirts soon haha

Day 12
My legs are still tight and sore in the morning. It’s better in a sense that I can walk to the washroom right after I’m awake. I still have to bend over a little cus it still hurts when I straighten my knees. My feet are still battered and swollen..my husband commented they look like pig trotters haha. Walked around gangnam for 2 hours and my legs were too exhausted so we took a cab back to the hotel to rest. I’m still walking gald thI placed my legs against the headboard immediately and stretched..felt better but my feet still hurt from the walking. I’m still wearing my 5cm heeled slippers out although I really am hoping my feet will deswell so I can fit into my shoes. I’ve uploaded how swollen my feet were yesterday and today. The back of my knees still hurt. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I can’t wait for aspiration on Monday cus it makes me feel a lot lighter.

Sleeping with my legs elevated tonight. Update again tmr :smile:
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Hi Parachute, the feet don't look too bad and at least they are still working - which is the main thing less than two weeks post op. I am feeling confidence now about this scary experience. I was out tonight -, good night, lots of wine. I was in trousers and an old friend came in - 10 years older than me and she had a short skirt, short boots and her legs looked great. I thought I was I could wear that and it heightened my resolve to go ahead. This forum has been the best thing that has happened as otherwise I dont think I would have had the courage to book a flight to Korea. I HOPE this time next year I can walk in somewhere like my old friend and not get signed up for the local rugby team. LOL. Parachut keep updating I am going through the process with you.
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Hello! Sorry I did not update yesterday because I was exhausted by the time I came back to the hotel. So here it is!

Day 13:
Hubs decided I should switch to flats now so we got a pair of running shoes. I’m usually a size 5 but because of my swollen feet I got myself a size 5.5. It was tight but I didn’t want to waste my money on sth I can’t wear back home :P the top and side portion of my feet are still very tender so wearing the shoes was painful. It’s the feeling when someone is pressing againsg a bruise. Im not sure if it’s anythng to do with the nerves though...I was walking slowly with the flats but I got used to the pain and did my best to walk as per normal. The good thing is the back of my knees no longer hurt. They are just tight when I sit for more than 15 mins. It’s my feet that makes walking a chore now..feels like the pain is slowly making its way down. Hopefully its a sign of recovery!

Day 14:
Went to visit dr park for aspiration. Again, I reminded him to place an ice pack on me! This time he got my hubs to have a look on how an aspiration was done. Hubs’ face was just in shock when dr park showed him how haha..he is supposed to do it on Wed. Hubby is nervous but I’m way more nervous than him :O Dr pulled out about 50ml in total and told me I was doing ok, my left has more fluid than the right. Before wrapping my calves, dr measured my calves. I used to be a 36cm on both side but now I am a 32.5cm on both sides. Gosh..so much pain and agony for th3 3.5cm!! Hopefully it can still go down to a 31 by the end of 2 months.

Came home to rest. I realized dunking my feet in cold water for 10mins before elevating them also help quite a bit! Walked around dongdaemun for about 3 hours. Still really slow at walking...because of the pain at the top and sides of the feet. Hopefully tmr will be a better day! I’ve added 2 pics of my battered feet.
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Hi Parachutt you are doing well especially doing so much walking. The feet are looking better. I am dreading the aspiration as well but apparently it is quite easy but we have to do that ourselves or in your case hubs so that is why we dread it. So 4cm is good and hopefully when swelling goes down you will lose more cms. The lipo is making the back of the your legs stiff Lipo is worse than anything I know I have been there. So did Dr Park say how long your would have to wear the bandages? I think it is around 6 weeks
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Hello @camber, thank you so much for your encouragement. I’m intending to head down to a local clinic to have it done in case it freaks my husband out too much :/ I have hard lumps around my thighs and it hurts when I stretch. Did you experience that as well? Dr park said I have to wear the bandages for 3-6 months!!
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Hi Parachute I think the hard lumps are fat that has died and will pass through your system naturally. I had that as I had a breast reduction and the Dr said it could take some time for it to soften and pass through. You have had the op done at the right time as can you imagine having your legs bandaged in the summer.
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Wow. Thank you for your sharing and wish for your good luck. I'm interested in calf reduction too bc my one also getting bigger since I walk a lot and wearing high heel for dating. I'm thinking about botox but apprently their is calf reduction surgery just paralyze nerves.
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Hi Astrid - Think most people on here will have had botox. If you calves are big it will only make them less severe and will not really reduce them PLUS botox is just poison. Can I ask what country you are from I am from UK and going to Korea on 22 December staying until 9 January to have the job done with Dr Park
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Day 15
My legs were still a little tight so I have to stretch them out before being able to walk upright. It takes about 10 minutes so it’s much better compared to the first few days. Feet were still swollen from all the walking the day before. So we decided to give it some rest and hung out at cafes. Came back to the hotel, dunked my feet in ice cold water, massaged my feet and elevated them.

Day 16
Today is aspiration day!!! Hubby actually aspirated me omg. I was so nervous that he would hurt me. My left leg had 20ml of fluid pulled out and none on my right leg yippee! Dr park said that he probably needs to aspirate me for another 4 weeks (once a week) :O I felt better after aspiration and by the afternoon I was FINALLY walking normally. It took me 16 long days to walk properly with no limping..I’m so happy :smile: Climbing down the stairs is still a little difficult but I’m getting there. I’m heading back in 2 days’ time so I hope I can heal ASAP. My top and sides of the feet are still numb and tender.Dr did not give me a specified time as to when I’ll regain my sense of touch. When I got back today, I dunked my feet in cold water and gave it a bit of a massage. I’m heading home in 2 days time and am a little worried about the plane ride. Will update again!
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Day 18
My last aspiration with dr park! The right calf doesn’t require aspiration anymore..so it’s just my left calf. I had 12ml removed which isn’t a lot. Said my goodbye to doctor and the nurses. Felt a little sad because they have seen me through the worst (breaking down so many times the first week and almost passing out) to today (smiley and being able to walk). The 6hr flight back was ok, but my feet swelled up. Was a little tight at the back of my knees after I got off the plane. Hopefully the swell will go tmr and I can start my xmas shopping! I’ll have to wear the compression garments for 3-6 months but dr park also gave me compression stockings. I can wear them when I wear skirts or shorts etc. So glad to be home! For those who are intending to do calf reduction, I would recommend staying at least 2 weeks. The first week is going to be tough but know that it is only temporary. It’s best if you can get support from a partner or a friend. I would say their physical presence makes a lot of difference. Once you reach the 2 week mark, everything gets easier:smile:

Looking back, I’m still not sure if I would still go through calf reduction again. The pain and tightness is too much for me to bear. Im intending to do yoga after another 2 weeks (1 month post op) to help me stretch my calf muscles. I’m glad to have found this forum..during the first week I was re reading past experiences. Dr Park is the kind of doc that doesn’t really tell you much so I had to rely on the forum. I guess dr knows what he is doing?

I’ll be posting weekly on my progress. Hopefully I’ll be confident enough to show you guys my legs next week! :smile:
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I wouldn’t recommend Botox as it’s not permanent and the dr can’t shape your calves..
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Day 24:
I can’t sleep so I thought I could do a quick update here. My legs are still slightly swollen from the plane ride but I guess it’s mostly because I have been walking around quite a bit.

My legs are normal looking now :smile: for the first time in my life I wore tights out. Went to Victoria’s Secret to get some yoga tights for exercising and hubby commented that I look really nice in them. I guess I’ll be wearing lots of them :P

The back of my knees is still tight in the morning so I have to stretch them out. I can’t sit for long periods of time because there will be sharp pain at the sides of my legs. The sides of my feet were terribly itchy but I read (in past posts) that it was a sign of healing so yay I guess? The sides of my feet doesn’t hurt as bad 1 week ago. They are no longer so tender.

I’m concerned about the scar now so I’m still researching for the best scar cream. It’s a little troublesome for me to be always bandaged up because it is terribly warm and humid in Singapore.
I’m so used to wearing shorts all year round and now I have to wear long skirts and baggy pants. Hopefully I can recover fast enough!!

I think eating loads of bananas really helped me through my tough recovery. I did not experience any cramps throughout. In fact, I’m still eating 1 banana a day because you’ll never know when the cramp will strike!

I’ll try to take a pic of my legs in the next post :smile:

@camber is your surgery confirmed? :smile:
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