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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Yes Im doing it with Dr. Park. From this forum, I heard he takes more out and I don’t want to go through resurgery. :sad:
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Hi guys, I can’t sleep because of discomfort and pain, so I thought I would update here.

Prepping for surgery: IV stuck on left hand and anesthesiologist came in and stuck a needle in my back. Felt warm and tingly around my legs and thighs.

Surgery: I felt really cold and was shivering. The anesthesiologist held my hand. His hands were warm and nice. Then, I fell asleep.

Post surgery: They wrapped my legs tightly and turned me over, and rolled me into recovery room. I felt so numb from the hip down, and was still shivering as I felt cold.

Post surgery-2hrs: Nurses came in to tell me to move my feet, and tried to get me to the bathroom. It was really difficult because my legs were not listening to my brain as the anesthesia was still in effect. I felt dizzy so I laid on the sofa before trying again. Nurse injected antibiotics in IV, and I felt nauseous and spit into a bucket.

Post surgery-4hrs: Nurse came in to inject painkiller in IV. It stung really badly. Dr. Park came in and asked if I had any questions. I tried to go to the bathroom again. Walked better this time, straight and at good pace. Anesthesia was starting wearing off and I could feel soreness on my right calves. They allowed me to eat at this time, and then I went to the hotel. They told me just rest for today, and keep legs elevated.

Hotel: The anesthesia wore off, and I am currently in pain and discomfort. Worse at walking than before when I was leaving the clinic. Trying to keep my legs elevated..My right leg is asleep and the foot area especially is numb and asleep. I try to wake it back up by massaging and walking, but to no avail :sad: Left leg is also pained but no numbness or falling asleep. Right foot is driving me insane. At the clinic I was able to walk straight. At the hotel, I am walking in pain hunched over, dreading walking to the bathroom. All I’m doing is eating since there’s not much else to do. I feel so fat.. I try to keep my legs elevated, but my right foot is giving me so much trouble as I can’t feel it.

I am going back to the clinic tomorrow morning, and I cannot wait to see if I can get any updates about my legs! Hoping for a speedy recovery.
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Dear Chococatx stay strong the worst is nearly over. At least you walked quite soon as you are bound to have little setbacks. You should have asked for a blanket as I read from another on here they brought her a blanket when she felt cold. I think it is amazing that so many girls are having it done and even though you dont feel great now and your foot is numb that seems to be a common problem and the nerves usually sort themselves out - nerves are tough old boys that know how to take care of themselves. Try to eat as many bananas as you can and of course the odd bar of chocolate usually helps to make you feel good. Keep up the good work and keep us updated.
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Thank you Camber. Your words are keeping me strong! They gave me a blanket as they saw me shivering. It was weird because the bed was heated, but I couldn't feel the heat. I am eating a lot of bananas! Just been eating all day and night..hopefully the nutrients are used towards healing. I heard Bromelain is good for swelling, and Pentaxyl for scar healing. I've been looking it up online, but I don't know how to get it shipped here in Korea. I will probably ship the Pentaxyl back at home in the US, but I do want to take Bromelain right away. I wonder if the pharmacies here in Korea carry the product.
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Hi @chococatx congrats on getting your surgery. I bet you was really scared and nervous anticipating for the day to come and finally you made through it and on your way to recovery! Hang on tight girl as you may read on the forum everything will subside and get better in no time! I’m super excited for you and can’t wait for the day you update us with how good looking your legs is! :smile: stay positive and I’m wishing you a speedy recovery!
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Thank you for your kinds words @Bambu I am now 3 days postop and I feel a lot better. After a day outside standing, walking/limping, and sitting (mostly sitting lol), coming back to the hotel and keeping my legs elevated is helping a lot with circulation, and I can get up and stand much more quickly out from bed without my legs hurting as much as it did with less knee-bending/back-hunching. I am still walking very slowly and walking still hurts a little, but definitely seeing much more improvement. I just remember to tell myself frequency of stretches is better than one long stretch. Stretching hurts a lot behind the knees, but I find it helps significantly in healing and walking. I go back to the clinic in the morning to clean my wounds again and to check on my healing status. And then go for aspiration 1 week from surgery..so in four days.

I think eating a lot has actually helped me heal quickly although my body has gained significant amounts of weight (since I am mainly sitting and lying down most of the time). I am focusing my efforts on eating protein for skin regeneration (wound healing) and for muscle healing as muscle has been cut out and the remaining muscles needs to be stretched for proper function. I actually brought protein bars (No Cow Bars) that have no soy, no dairy, non-GMO from the states to eat since the medication the clinic gives you requires you to stay away from milk products. I’m also eating a lot of fruits like strawberries, oranges and bananas. Back at my home in the US, I have collagen powder that I used to put in my smoothies, so I will probably take that as well when I go back to help with healing.

I find the trickiest thing is finding the right balance when rebandaging after a shower so that it’s not way way toooo tight to cut off blood circulation, but not so loose so that the muscles just float. I try to get it really tight so that my legs take proper shape.

I’m not sure if it’s because I went through pain and discomfort that I want to believe I see a difference in size, but I think I do see reduction. My feet and legs are still swollen and bruised, so I will see after a couple more weeks! I am glad I did it this winter, so that by the time it heals, I can hopefully wear some shorts in the summer! I’ve always had thick chicken leg calves, and it made me look so short and manly. Hopefully, now I can look a bit more lengthy and feminine :smile:

I agree laying in the same position is a bit difficult, so I try to move around a lot. Thank you to the ladies on this forum. Reading on past experiences has helped me so much, and I could not have gone through it without knowing many brave women have gone through the same procedure.
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I also want to say that since my feet are so swollen is hurts to walk bare foot without wedges since the foot bends when walking bare foot.

Also, my left leg is not straigtening out from the knees when standing - hopefully this changes as I stretch more.
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Hi Chococatx - good stuff seems like you are doing well. Always like to hear of people on their feet after this sort of experience. What is the temperature like in Seoul at the moment. Are you managing to work around the shopping areas, and do a bit of sightseeing.
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Hi @camber It is very cold, so I would bring a thick jacket. I can walk but very slowly and limping, so not much. I think it is much better to rest and stretch and walk around at short times.

Both outer sides of my feets are numb with no feeling, so that’s really uncomfortable and I hope the feeling comes back.

But then again, it’s only been three days since surgery.
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Hello all!
Sorry for the lack of updates!
I am doing ok right now. I still have occasional tightness at the back of my legs in the morning and numbness at the side of my left feet. Other than that, I am normal. My legs are definitely less bulky than before and I can feel that wearing boots is a lot easier :smile: I look good in skinnies now but wearing skirts is still...meh. Maybe it’s just the way my calves are genetically? I look tapered and I don’t find them shapely. They still look thick from the sides. You can DM me for pictures. I lost about 3cm on both sides.

Lipo on my thighs is alright. Dr park took out fats from the sides of my thighs but not the front - sth which I am not too satisfied with. There’s still a chunk of fats in my front thighs.

Those who are going through the surgery..best of luck! The first 2 weeks are the worst. It gets so tight and painful when you stretch. But just force yourself to stretch..cus if you don’t, dr park will push you against the wall which is superrrrr painful.
Try to kill time by watching some dramas and it will take your mind off the surgery. If you are scared of the pain, remind doc to numb your calves with ice before aspiration. It helps a lot if your pain tolerance is low.

All in all, I would not go through calf reduction again if I had the choice. But since I have already done so, I don’t exactly have a choice haha! As for lipo, I did not regret my decision but I wished dr park had taken out some from my front thighs. Ahhhh well, I’ll def be staying away from invasive procedures for some time!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello girls!

Haven't posted in a while but followed this forum for probably years! just a girl dreaming of slimmer calves and a practical solution. I was just wondering, those that are from the UK that have travelled to korea for calf reduction, how come you went all that way and didn't try out the PS in Germany who offers calf reduction surgical options? Its A LOT closer. The clinic is called yuveo clinic. His name is Dr Schumann. If anyone has had any contact with this Dr regarding calf reduction, can you let us know what happened/thoughts? I wish people psoted more of their before and afters on here :sad:
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