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Okay I am 8 days post-op. I had augmentation rhino w/costal rib graft w/ nasal osteotomy infracture?(to narrow bridge) and a little tip work done-also with rib graft. I know its way too early but man I am a little freaked out because my bridge is high and whole nose looks so big/long right now. When they took off my cast off yesterday at my 1 week follow up I kinda bugged out because

1. I look like a "foreigner" of non-Asian decent and didn't recognize myself
2. My bridge was and is still really high
3. I thought I looked like Steve Martin from that one movie where he has this HUGE nose
4. I thought that my doctor forgot that I was Korean and gave me a Caucasian nose
5. (insert all other scary thoughts) I was freaking out!

Everyone at my doctor's office said not to worry its just the swelling but even still I was worried. I came back to this forum to see if anyone else had a similar experience. After reading what Kyu and Doobao experienced it made me feel a little better but even still I am thinking how much can the bridge really settle? I mean its bone. Nonetheless I am hoping it drops a lot because at its current state I won't be a happy camper.

Mr. Kyu do you still feel that you look white/eurasian? or did things change once swelling went away?

Doobao and or Kyu would you guys be interested in photo exchange? I Know everyone is different but I kinda want to see how your bridges looked right after surgery and compare.

Side note - It super sucks to groom in the morning because I am so paranoid that I will damage my nose ARGH!
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Even if I have read a lot of negative stuff about Shimmian Philippines and Dr. Levi Lansangan from other forums, I became very hard headed and still wanted to consult with him because I was impressed with his background.
I called and emailed his clinic to set my appointment.
Called a day before my appointment to confirm my schedule.
I got to the Shimmian clinic 15 mins. before the time scheduled. I've waited sitting at their receiving area for 2 hours and I was sitting there with 2 other previous patients complaining about their noses.
One was a girl who is not satisfied because her nose is too high and it really is. She is complaining because it has already been 6 months, asking for a redo daw almost every month. There was also this gay, who is having a very hard time breathing through his left nostril after the goretex rhinoplasty also by Dr. Lansangan. The scars are so obvious and it looked scary. He had is nose done there 3 months ago.
AT that time, I already wanted to back out even if I paid for the consult already, by the way, its 500 pesos.
I still waited but I was very scared already. I met Dr. Lansangan and at the start he was nice, but after explaining that he recommends goretex and septal cartilage for the tip, he began upselling and somewhat pushing me to get other stuff done. He said I'll look nice after upper and lower blepharoplasty, cheek fat removal, lip implants with goretex and jaw contouring, and liposuction. A whopping 650 thousand pesos of upseling. He was talking me into getting interested on those procedures. Somewhat pushy and aggressive.
I was overly disappointed and sad because he was my top choice. Probably for him, I need those done but I love the way i look, aside from my nose.
After personally seeing two patients complaining, and with all those negative stuff I have read about his works, I am really not satisfied with how my consult went. I even got worried and scared because of those.
Can anyone recommend a good surgeon who does goretex here in manila. I was considering Dr. Yap but he makes it kinda high too, plus the fact that he charges too high. uuu
One of the major things that made me worried is this one internet forum about noselifts/rhinoplasty, It was pala a Shimmian manila philippines made forum. Very desperate move by shimmian. Its like they are doing another scam like Joy Conanan. I tired posting my experience there and I saw it got posted for like 10 mins. Then my account got banned and my posts were deleted. Beware of this internet forum because it is definitely manipulated by a Shimmian personel. uuu
I should have listened. now---lesson learned.
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thanks for answering asin!
my nose is ok from profile view. i just cant figure out how the doctor will take off the excess alars without making the tip higher (which i would not like...) so worried about that...
thanks again!
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oh, ok.
one more question, hope you dont mind...
when you sent them your email, did you give your real name?
im afraid that there might be customer care reps working at belomed that i personally know, and i dont want any of the people i know to learn that im planning of having a nose job. curse the stigma! :biggrin:
thank you!
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Princessgal, I'm glad you didn't go through with it and that you saw through that plastic surgeon's motivations. Obviously, a lot of people got scammed.
The economy is pretty bad these days all over the world, so plastic surgeons can be just as desperate.
Good for you on being vigilant, and I hope that you really think twice about even doing anything to your nose. I'm sure it is fine and that tweaking it isn't worth all this trouble!

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i dont think u should worry much, 1) its swollen still
2) from what i remember the nose will eventually "sag" from gravity.. no thats not really the word.. but yeah it will droop down from the weight.. so u need to consider it a good thing that ur nose is high.. cuz if it was low.. imagine how much LOWER it will be if it fully healed.. u'd be like pinochino
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Hi Princessgal,

I was going to go to Dr. Lansangan from Shimmian but through emails he also tried to upsell me on stuff. I ended up getting a facial at his clinic and I was very turned off by his wife who also works in his clinic. I went to his place after having my 2nd rhinoplasty with Dr. Yap, and she asked me "how come your nose is still small, you should make your bridge higher, my husband can do that for you". I also saw another patient in their lobby and OMG her nose was soooooo high, it didn't look natural.

Another thing that turned me off about him is, he uses Dr. Jung's pictures and Dr. Jung's brochures in his office when he's not the one that did the actual surgeries. These guys are almost borderline fraudulent.

Also, I went to their clinic because they said they had Obagi products on sale which is usually $300/set but they were selling it for about $50USD. When I got there, the bottles they showed me said "Shimmian Manila" and I asked "where's the obagi?" and the worker said, that is the Obagi, it's Shimmian Manila Obagi. I was like WTF is going on with this place. Overall, don't go there either. I guess in a way I'd rather go to Dr. Yap than Dr. Lansangan coz at least his work is "ok" and not horrendous. I'm still not happy with my nose and I'll probably go to Korea to fix it. Now I just need to save up a lot of $$$$$$.
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Well im very happy hearing that there are no needles involved when getting rhinoplasty... since im no not pain tolerant however what is this i hear about removing stitches? Is removing stitches the most painful part? Can someone who has done rhino please answer my question. Is it removing the stitches from the bottom part of your nostrils? omg that sounds really painful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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barely felt it actually. i was worried about the pain getting the stitches taken out.
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omg so its true? can u please explain it in detail a lil more?
This is what im picturing... so in 1 week after the operation the doctor asks u to come in... removes the cast (or white part covering ur nose) and then the bottom on ur nostrils should be crusty with dry blood right? and he will take lil mini scissors and then snip off the stitches near the bottom of ur nostrils?............true or false? OMG sounds painful
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i am getting mines done monday.....i'm getting cold feet.
My biggest fear is that it won't look right for my face. How is the swelling after one week? it would be nice if someone could take pictures of themselves everyday to show us the process of healing. I would like to visualize it rather than imagining it.....
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Hi, I was away for a while but a lot of people are sending me PM regarding my nosejob at SHIMMIAN MANILA. Well as I said during my last post which I think was last year. Dr. Lansangan of SHIMMIAN MANILA did a pretty amazing job on my nose as well as with my friends whom I referred to him. I was so proud of his work that I even posted my pics in this site (Please backthread).

There are a lot of issues raised here that are not true as I personally witnessed how professional they are in dealing with patients. They just charge around $1,800 for a gore-tex rhinoplasty and not a whopping $14,000- I mean thats crazy! Well during my stay of around 2 weeks in Manila I have seen a lot of patients who went to their clinic and I would say they are doing a pretty nice job down there.

Well, what could I say what I heard is that the sales of the biggest cosmetic group in the Philippines (Belo Medical) are so down because most people prefer SHIMMIAN nowadays. Its pretty much the same in the Philippines as in Korea.

So just follow your instincts, For me SHIMMIAN (Dr. Jung and Dr. Levi) are the best in rhinoplasty.

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does not hurt at all!
all you have to do is clean daily with hydrogen peroxide to remove dry blood and apply bacitracin ointment.
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