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No worries... the 5K tag, is that per day? Have you gone for a consult yet? Is there a consultation fee? Thanks!
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Kiki ,

I was tried again to send you a message but not success again^^ . I plan to go to korea for calf surgery , not nose job like you so I think I will do it at OZ clinic , for nose surgery I don't know what clinic 's good . But I think you can ask in this thread because so many people had done it and they can give you the advice . I want to go in this september but not yet decided an exact date . How about you ? How long do you plan to stay there ? can you email me here : bluesummer8507@yahoo.com ( to mod : please let me post it for one day , I will edit tomorrow ) . And we can discuss about date and others .
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hi there thevert85,

either Dr.Kim at BK clinic or Dr. Jung. I guess sometime in September is fine with me for about two weeks if everything work out. i still try to save the money and finding someone to work for me that time. btw i also want my eyes done too lol. that y i need more money. i tried to send an email with the above address, let me know if u received it.
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hi there, i send him a pics of me and his quoted me:biggrin: for both my eyes and nose cost $6000 (not just for the nose). rhinoplasty price from $2000-$4000. i guess i need so much work that he quote me the max lol
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check out Dr. Anil Shah, he's in Chicago and has a full page dedicated to helping Asians understand the philosophy of Asian Rhinoplasty. He's an up and coming star who have been mentored by 2 of the best rhinoplastic surgeons in the nation (Dr. Pastorek & Dr. Toriumi). Here's an example of an Asian girl he worked on, and her before nose looks quite extreme but he does it in such a way that softens the look and still maintain the natural quality to an asian nose.

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hi thevert85,i ck DrOz website and i think i will get a consultation there too along with BK clinic, Dr. kim since they closeby. then we will be able to go together and help it other out. i see on the calf surgery you will need to be on bed rest for 24 hours. i might able to help you around if we are together. i also think it will be fun to hang out afterward. i want to eat different foods, go to the sauna, sightseeing, and of course shopping lol.
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Hey there, I hear raves about this doctor Jung tried googling him but it doesnt work. What clinic is he from? Better yet can anyone on this forum please give me his site.

Finally people who have experience i need your help, can you tell me which surgeons are good and which ones to STAY AWAY FROM? Thankyou XD
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Do plastic surgery prices increase by much each year? I spoke with Dr. Anil Shah's office this week over the phone after e-mailing them my pictures. They gave me an estimate of $4,000 to $5,000 for what I need done. Of course, I would actually have to go in for an actual consultation first before they give me a definite price. I was planning on having the surgery next summer since I am out-of-state and need to really plan for it.

I also read around the forums that he is an up and coming surgeon and that he trained with Dr. Toriumi who is supposedly one of the best. I'm afraid to wait a whole year and have his prices double because of that or some other reason. Is that a likely scenario? :wondering
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I don't think a year or so is going to make much of a difference probably still due to the slumping economy. In any case, Dr. Shah is definitely one of the most reasonably priced plastic surgeon out there. He doesn't charge an arm and a leg like Dr. Toriumi does. Did he send you any digital photos of what you would expect from the outcome?
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Thanks for replying! He didn't send me any digital photos. I think I have to come in for the actual consultation for that. But he did speak with me on the phone for a little while and I really like him. He has the same opinions that I have about my nose, so I feel good about going with him. I originally booked a consultation + possible surgery for January 4th but that will be really hectic for me as far as traveling and finances go. I think I will push it back to next summer.

I agree, he is very reasonably priced. I can't afford a $25K nose!
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Once you see him for a consultation, they will quote you the costs and will honor that price whether you have your surgery in the next month or a year later.
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urgonna have to go a few posts back to find his website.. or even page 1

Anyways i think Plastic surgery is going CHEAPER not more expensive...
or so u would think right? cuz of the economy and recession..........;)
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