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soo...im new to this and im a few years late LOl -_- but maybe someone can reply and give me some advide. i wna get a nose job and get the bridge of my nose build, probably with silicone. but im scared to death about it getting dodged up and looklking like michael jackson. and pictuers of noses extruding..well...arent so encourging. im in contact with Yanhee International Hospital and plan on going in a month. HELP.
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asian_beauty....where are u from? are u willing to travel? As for me, traveling out of country/state was out of list for me at the time. But if i were u, take your time researching and go to an experienced doctor. I think that american doctors tend to do subtle change to your nose. Asian on the other hand, gives you that dramatic change that can either look very nice/natural or it can be awefully devastating to look at .
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Hey there, On the day you had your surgery did your nose swell really badly? How many days until it looked a little more normal? Thanks in advance.
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Hi guys,

I've done several searches in this thread but can't seem to pull anything up.

Can anyone recommend a surgeon in Southern California (OC, LA or San Diego) who does excellent work with asian noses? I'm looking to make the tip and bridge higher, not using implants but cartilage or something like that.
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if you're from california, i would definitely do research on dr. charles Lee . He has a youtube video for rhinoplasty. His sn is DOCSHOPVIDEO.

on the day of surgery, you will be swollen. I was not bruised up like many people b/c i didn't have any brige work done. My nose looked really swollen and big the day i got home. I was under general anesthesia so they stuck a chest tube down my throat so i could breath. I had a sore throat for a week. I felt horrible mentally and definitely physically. my nose was bandaged up except the tip was exposed. I lost sensation on my tip for almost two weeks.
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I'm happy that I don'y have any problems with my silicone implants as of now. Its been more than a year and I'm perfectly happy. I just had my butt implants done yesterday and its so fantastic. I've noticed that this is also one of the problems of some asian women. specially Filipinos.
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:S sounds like a bad experience. I never knew if you done rhino they stick a tube down your throat! Cant we just breath from our mouth:s It sounds so scary omg which doctor did u go to? Thanks
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Thank you Red Benz. I am really wary of getting implants put in my nose... it seems like Dr. Lee only uses those, so I am going to keep looking. I will probably schedule a consultation with him though, since a lot of people seem to like him. (the posters who said they removed his implants scare me, though!)
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Hi everyone im glad i found this blog!

i got a I silicone implant with cartilage grafting on the tip. i'm 5 months p.o.

here are some pics...

do u think this is a really big difference? because no one knows that I got my nose done, and I think it was kind of a waste of money. but when u look at pics like these, u can really see the difference. but i feel like you see more of a differerence from the side but not from the front. did ne one experience this as well? [​IMG]
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hi asian beauty.
i havent personally met any doctors for nose jobs fr the philippines. my choices are either dr yap ( belo) or dr de leon ( la nouvelle).. i think there are lots of doctors from the philippines to choose from but i dont have time to contact all so im limiting my choices to the said doctors... well, im having second thoughts about dr yap. isnt he old already? maybe hes hands are already shaky... :nuts:
july is so near! pls update me of your progress if you decide to have a nose job. goodluck!
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yap, per day. no, im out of the philippines so i cant have consultations just yet...
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Dr. De Leon is a great doctor honestly. He did my revision for the nose tip. just the way I like it.
Dr. Joaquino is also awesome. research research
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