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heyo!!! i read that Hyaluronidase can help reduce swelling and bruising post op. Usually takes 2-3 weeks for it to go away but apparently with Hyaluronidase it takes about 5 days. and apparently its good because it helps make the surgery easier to perform. But its expensive. so what do you guys think???
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As I have a gore-tex implant, and my skin is actually quite thin and fair for a Vietnamese, if you look carefully, you can sometimes see that there's a whitish layer underneath my skin. Anyway, I will have this removed one of this days, as soon as I can find a very skilled surgeon used to work with Orientals and removal of Gore-tex.
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I wouldn't try the bone shaving of the jawline. My auntie had it done, and now she looks like an alien. I don't know how skillkul her doc is, but I think there are less invasive methods to get a smaller jawline.
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I want to go to taiwan for PS too! but late July is kind of too late...
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Hey everyone,

This is my second post since the last time I was on here. I'm getting Rhinoplasty done in August and I was either going to Dr. Charles Lee who is located in Beverly Hills or Dr. Vladimir Grigoryants who is located in Glendale. I know that Dr. Lee is pretty popular and specializes in Asian cosmetic surgery, but I've seen some of his work on the website and I feel that most of his patients come out with the same results. It's like he creates the same nose for all, if not most of his patients and does create a nose that truly fits each each individual patient. Despite that, I am leaning towards going to him for Rhinoplasty because of his expereince with Asian Rhinoplasty. Can anyone who had rhinoplasty surgery done with Dr. Charles Lee give me more details and advice about going to him? I'm a little nervous about it and I just need some insight from people who has got work done with him in the past. Any info would be truly appreciated! :smile:

In regards to Dr. Vladimir Grigoryants, I really like his work. He specializes in Rhinoplasty and he does a pretty good job judging from the pictures on his website. The only thing that gets me is that he has not had that much experience dealing with Asian rhinoplasty. Don't get me wrong, he does do Asian rhinoplasty when he gets the chance, but I feel that because he's worked with Latino, Caucasian patients more. Idk, I really like his work judging from the before/ after results on his website. Okay help me with this one, would you rather go to someone who is experienced with Asian Rhinoplasty or someone who specializes in Rhinoplasty but has not had a ton of experience dealing with Asian rhinoplasty?
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Would just like to ask the forumers here.. Anyone who just/ are intending to only "enhance" the lower 1/3 of your nose?
(defining/ narrowing the nose tip and alar w/o augmenting the bridge)

How are the results like? Is it very subtle?

Would really appreciate any response.. thnks!!
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Think you could ask or PM some of the forumers here who have actually had personal experience with Dr Charles Lee to make a better decision? (can look at previous posts)
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Hi guys i need your opinion......(but please dont judge me)

Im having a really hard time thinking of whether i should get Rib cartiledge or Ear cartiledge done.....

This is my reason.

Rib cartiledge i know i will have the nose i want (well closer to my goal compared to using ear) however i will look completely different, i think i will stop talking to my friends because i know alot of rumors will go around.. i dont want ppl to know i did rhinoplasty..


Should i just do a lil operation and do ear cartiledge for my nose.. that way i can still see my friends, its only a lil difference (btw.. my friends are university students.. we barely see each other anyways so they wouldnt be able to tell the difference)
However i'll always be wishing to have the perfect nose like song hye kyo when i use ear.. and i think i'll be better looking using rib... but i dont wanna have to keep hiding until i graduate and move
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hey vivi_bee

I totally understand what you are going through. Although im using implant like silicone or goretex rather than rib, there is still going to be a difference and i dont want people to know. However I have a plan for you!!!
Maybe you should go for rib and recover fully then see your friends and say you didnt get rhinoplasty but you got that injection thing to make your nose higher and show them some details on it =] its believeable OR you can tell them you used a relative from overseas's rhinoglasses. This isnt out on the market but they say it can make your nose taller:amuse: you can say its really expensive or something thats why u didnt buy it rather borrowed your relative's one. ahahah but then again, i dont know the probability of them believeing you but since you dont see them often they wont really notice will they? Try cut your hair really short and dye it a crazy colour to take the attention away from your nose XD Im going to attempt this stuff as a cover up for my surgery. However i have a particular friend who will definately know i got the surgery as she has fully analysed my nose T.T can't lie to her!!!
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^ lol... well the thing is i have a close group of friends, and 2 of them are close with some girls that dont like me very much. (my ex friend who is now dating my ex.. so she isnt my friend but my enemy)

Honestly u cant hide plastic surgery... ppl are gonna take your old photos and compare it too your new ones.. especially on facebook... u know different angles and stuff.. they are gonna see it from comparing pictures.. its just i dont know whats better...i know for sure rib they can tell cuz all the doctors say using rib cartiledge your nose will look hard for 9 months lol.

im wondering if i can get ear cartiledge done and then in the future lay some rib bone ontop of my ear cartiledge...? =/ ... :huh:
omg the skin around my nose might end up weird like Dawn Yangs
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hi vivibee,

i think you should be thinking long term. what will you want a few years from now? would it matter what your friends thought in 5 years, if you were to get a drastic change? you may have to endure more gossip and stuff like that right now, but that will pass. you should do the nose job for yourself and if using rib to get the perfect nose will make you happy, then do it.

however, you should also consider how a drastic change can mess with your head... you really have to be mentally prepared for that.

i don't think song hye gyo's nose is that high. it looks pretty natural and asian. i've actually been showing her pictures to doctors as the nose that i want.
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you should do what ever you want and not hold back because of others.
just tell people you had a an accident or you needed to get a deviated septum fixed...or do your makeup differently....
show your friends that link and everyone will try it so everyone's nose will look different...then you can sneak in your new nose...
if you are worried about your current friends so much, you should definitely wait until after you graduate...you can make it a graduation gift to yourself. then afterwards, you can have a fresh start in a new town.

I had silicone to raise the bridge and ear cartilage graft on the tip for support and it looks totally natural.
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hey, Im planning on silicone to raise my bridge and ear graft for the tip as well. Can i ask which surgeon you went to and would you please be able to send me your before and after pictures if possible, i really need to know that things do turn out right for some people my email is [email protected]
Thanks in advance!!!
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