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I am on accutane now, 20 mg per day..today is the 19th day..
I have also planned for surgery in august.. i am going to consult my surgeon and would get back to this forum by wed.
Why don't you consult your surgeon too?
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sandra if its a closed rhino and you stopped accutane right now, then maybe. but if its open, i would definitely wait cause i would think your skin is super fragile after 3 months and healing would be a concern. talk to your surgeon but also a dermatologist who may be more objective.
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Just some general questions to forumers here.. would really appreciate if you could share your thoughts...

I think getting a good surgeon is really the main determinant of the success of a rhinoplasty...

But how do you know you have chosen the right cosmetic surgeon then?

When you all get rhinoplasty from a surgeon, have you all seen the patients whom the surgeons have operated on in person before deciding on the surgeon?

Or do you just make your decision after consultation after seeing the before-after photos on the surgeon's computer?

Unfortunately, I do not have any close friends or relatives who have gotten rhinoplasty so I do not have any referrals.. :sad: so i am feeling rather insecured by my choice of surgeon now as it is based merely on the consultation..
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get on a lot of chat boards, asks stupid questions, email people. the information you need is on the internet.

for me on the rhino i researched what the different methods of rhino are. for instance, rib versus silicone vs goretex, etc. then it also varies by your race and what type of procedure you want. its very confusing and you have to read a lot of boards and research but i think its got to start with that. there are pluses and minuses to each. the results will vary by race and the type of skin you have. if you are ethnic then i would only go with someone with experience in your race, not someone who claims to have experience, but someone who clearly does. it also makes sense to get a bunch of opinions. often times one surgeon may suggest something not because its the best thing for you, but its because that is all they know how to do and arent comfortable with other things. where i think a lot of botched up surgeries comes from is when a surgeon goes out of their comfort zone because of greed or because their pride does not allow them to admit they dont have sufficient experience. doctors are human just like everyone else.

once you figure out the type of procedure you want, then i think its all about finding a surgeon who has a lot of experience in this type of procedure and looking at their b&a pictures. but i discount pictures because they can be altered. go to chat boards, google, and email people directly who have gone with those doctors. usually people who have done this are more than happy to share and provide guidance to others.

when you have narrowed down the short list of surgeons then i met with them and also read A LOT of the feedback from the boards. you will hear both good and bad things. but when it comes down to it you go with your gut.

for me i wanted to avoid a bad result at all costs so i went with the person that on the boards and from my first impression had done this sort of thing with success many many times.

the last thing i would recommend (and had the luxury) is not focusing about is cost. for something as crucial as this i would not look to be saving money. its an investment and if done well can more than pay for itself over the long term. if there was a surgeon i wanted that cost too much, i would either ask for a discount or wait longer to save up enough money. if you go with a cheaper second rate surgeon then you run the risk of having lots of psychological grief that you cant put a price tag on and it will probably wind up costing more in the long run for revisions.

hope this helps.
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hi guys.

so i have scheduled my consultation with a plastic surgeon tom. he did my last surgery. the receptionist asked him if it is okay to be on accutane and answer was yes. especially if it is revision rhinoplasty since it is rather conservative and closed surgery.

however, i am very nervous about it. like john 1 said, the plastic surgeon might want to do my revision surgery since he gains profit from it.. i dont want to have scarring. taht would be nightmare! maybe i should wait.

i would ask my dermatologist but i really really dont want him to know that im getting a nose job because i know him personally....( he asked me to be his gf two years ago.. although he is 12 years older than me!! it is a long story) so im torn whether to ask him or not.

i have called other surgeons to ask about accutane but they have not call me back. im going to go to the consultation tom and see what he says..

will keep you guys updated.. ttyl!
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i just got a nose job 8 days ago (alar reduction and cartilage graft to tip). Right now, my tip looks big and my whole tip just seems to lack definition ( in pics it just loks like a blob, although it looks better in person...)

For people with the experience: i thought increasing projection was suppose to make the tip smaller? (especially from the frontal view??) Did the tip decrease in size and increase in definition? Significantly?

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Thanks sandra!!
I am asking my surgeon too.. let's update each other on this forum.. haha. :smile:

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Hey, thanks for the advice..
the problem here is that there isn't much feedback on message board about the surgeon i am going too.. most people in singapore either go overseas for surgery or go to other surgeons (partly because this surgeon charges very very high price?)
and there are so far only 2 good reviews about him in singapore's message board.. and i can't contact these people. :sad:

Maybe I should ask the nurse whether it's possible to speak to patients who have done rhinoplasty with my surgeon.. hym...
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if you havent checked it out, you may want to ask on the nose job forum on soompi.com. its a korean board i think so most of the people are using docs in asia. if not the referrals is always a good option too.
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Ok guys and girls,

Here's what dr. Chang from Taipei replied:

Your nose problems as you described are multiple and your purpose are ideal. However in your nasal situation, I believe that you may need more than one operation to revise all these problems. Re-widening the nasal wing and nostril is the most challenging works that may need multiple stages to correct.

That doesn't sound too good, does it? But let's keep faith, I am waiting for a 2nd reply, because he needed some further details which I had to explain to him.
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hello guys.
so i went to see my surgeon today. he said something diff from yesterday on the phone. he says i need to be off accutane at least two months prior to surgery. =/ and the other surgeon called me said and six months.

i really hate my nose and i wanted to fix it before i go back to school. but i guess it would have to wait until this winter. this really sucks.

anyway.. rememberme123. i hope all will go well with you. let me know what you decide to do!
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The lady on the home page of the HanhPhuocVictoriaSurgeryCenter, the so called Mrs. All Nations Universal, 1995, is quite famous among the Vietnamese community for having a plastic face. Just by the look of her face, I wouldn't consider going to above mentionned Surgery Center.

Also, I am Vietnamese, but frankly, I wouldn't consider going to Vietnam for PS. As a matter of fact, nearly all the women in my family had PS over there, and the result is far from satisfactory.
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Crap, that would be a nice nose on me as well (I believe). Just not too sharp, very juvenile, still very oriental. Thanx for posting the pic, I have never heard of her, but now I have some more material to show the surgeon.
Besides, I know that Zhang Ziyi, Tang Wei or Aoi Miyazaki's noses are not perfect neither, but that's the way I like them. They've got the girl next door look. Anything else wouldn't suit me anyway...
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Just to make some points clear: according to one of the Belgian surgeons that I consulted (Dr. de Mey, ex-president and secretary of the Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery and also chief of the Department of Plastic Surgery of one of the well-known public hospitals in Belgium), Gore-tex has been used for more than 30 years in vascular surgery. He claimed that it's not that hard to remove in case you want it removed, because it is not as porous as Medpor for instance. He says he uses it when performing plastic surgeries on babies and infants. As they grow older and their facial shape changes, he happens to remove the old implant in order to put in a more suitable one.
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Yep, me too.. I am going to wait.. probably doing at the end of this year, or beginning of this year! :smile:

Let's wait patiently to improving our nose!!

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