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Thanks John1

You are not rambling! Its very helpful! Would I be able to get B&A pics please! Do you have some a few days post surgery too, so I can get an idea of the swelling.

Does the implant have to be replaced in the future?

Where did you do your surgery?

Thanks again!
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I'd like to get my hump back. I also think that my nostrils are too small, but it's a very challenging procedure to widen the nostrils. However, lowering the bridge may make them look wider (according to some surgeons).
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Hi Everyone,

I am 11 days post op after my rhinoplasty. I had a gortex implant to increase the the height of my bridge and ear cartilage for the tip. I feel so ugly! My bridge looks too high for my face and the tip looks huge! My nose is so big! I also had a chin implant which doesn't help make me look any more normal. I'm sorry for sounding so depressed but I can't help but feel alone and need support. Anyone who is experiencing the depression after rhinoplasty please contact me. My noses looks natural just really really big! Is this normal to be that big? Does anyone know how much a nose shrinks from after the majority of swelling goes away? I am so scared right now. I'm scared that my bridge is too tall and I really don't want to get another surgery. Does gortex shrink over time? I'm praying that my bridge will reduce. Please help me!
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Dont worry im sure it should be find, ive been reading past comments and alot of people have been saying its normal to swell so much and the bridge should start to go down in a few more months i think. I was wondering if your bruises are gone by the 11th day (rhino)? Also is the incision on your nose really evident?
Thanks XD
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Thanks CottonCandy,

The swelling on the tip is so big I think I look like a troll :'( I just have to wait, but it's hard to let people see me now. I have one very light bruise under my right eye that has not completely disappeared yet. The incision is just a little red, but it can be covered up by makeup. No one can really see it since its small and right under the nose. Do you know if the very top, the part where the bridge starts will decrease over time? That's the part I really hope will go down, and the tip :/
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hey gingerale
i really wouldnt worry. i felt the SAME way. i had chin, bridge implant (silicone) and tip work and freaked out about each of them at some point.
what i would recommend is to ask your surgeon how many mm's the implants were. mine were 1.5mm so logic dicated that once the swelling went down there would only be a 1.5mm difference. this turned out to be the case.
in terms of your bridge being too high, both going up towards your forehead and protruding out in front of you, i was realllllly worried about that. i couldnt see how it would go down. but it did. basically, if you feel 1) soft tissue and 2) pain when you press down, that means you have swelling. if there is no pain and it feels like you are pressing down on bone, then you are not swollen anymore. so until that happens, dont worry.
as for your tip that is the last thing to deswell.
generally, from what i have read, the bridge will fall anywhere from 2-6 weeks out. mine well 2 weeks out but i healed super fast. the tip will take longer. mine is still resolving itself.
heres why. the swelling is just water. your swelling goes down basically thru gravity. things which you should do to speed recovering is, make sure you sleep on your back, not your side of on your belly. during the day make sure your head is reclined at around a 45 degree angle. use warm compresses to promote circulation. and you can also, GENTLY, use your fingers to stroke from each side of your bridge down to your cheeks. the water travels downhill and flows down your cheeks. you can speed it up but dont press too hard as you may damage tissue and make it worse. be gentle.
your tip takes the longest cause some of the water flows down to your tip and gets trapped there which is why its big and takes more time to deswell. your chin should deswell first cause it has your entire neck for the water to flow down.
dont worry we have all been there. it does get better. 11 days is still really early.
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also if you read thru back these pages you will see others, mkryu and doobao, who were freaking out about their bridge and it all worked out. some others had the problem, were too freaked out lost faith, and got the implant removed after just a few weeks. again, until you feel no pain when you press down, you are still swollen. i looked like a cat with a massive bridge of enormous height and uniform width from tip to forehead. now its tapered and stops between my eyes as the skin deswelled and shrink wrapped the implant.
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i freaked out a lot after my surgery. after about the first week i was kinda of freaked out/depressed. this forum helped me a lot though bc everyone told me it would go down and it finally did. im about 3 months post op and i would say my height went down progressively each week. about 1.5 months it was almost normal right now the height is where it should be all im waiting for now is my tip. they say the tip takes the longest to completely get to where it should be. so dont fret! give it some time and you'll definitely end up feeling a lot better =) hope this helps!
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Hi everyone...I've been reading this board for awhile so I thought I'd join...last week, I had bridge and tip rhinoplasty with Dr. Lee in Beverly Hills. I'm 4 days post-op, and things are going pretty well, minus the bruising and swelling... :P

Anyways, my question for those who have had a silicone bridge implant...between my eyes, I'm guessing the end of the implant, there seems to be a small ridge, or bump, on my nose. Anyone else had this experience? Is this normal, and will it go down? (I've been reading that the bridge will go down, but I guess I'm more concerned about this bump...)

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Thank you so much John1 and Strawberrykiwi!

My chin is big too but I can't tell if its still swollen. I hope it is just swollen. The part where the bridge starts in between my eyes, when I press it it doesn't hurt but its just a tiny bit of discomfort.

Everything is so scary because a week after I took my case off, my nose is so big and I know I asked for a small nose. So it's a very difficult time. I knew some people will face depression after a surgery but I had no idea when it would start. Now I see! Thank you so so much. I really needed reassurance and remind myself that things will get better. The last thing I wanted was to regret ever doing it and feeling as though I have completely deformed myself. Thank you
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hi everyone, this thread is going crazy! lol. I am REALLY interested in getting a nose job, hopefully by next year.

I read a while back in this thread that DR. ANIL SHAH was a great doctor to go to for Asian rhinoplasty (not interested in beverly hills dr's)...my nose is kind of strange though. I don't have large nostrils, but the bottom half is really wide and "meaty" and it spreads out a lot when I smile (which I hate) I also want to thin out the bridge and tip just a smidge. I think I need an alar base reduction and a bit of bridge/tip thinning. Nothing too complicated, but it will make my nose look dramatically different. A lot of doctors though, it seems, don't do alar base reductions well or at all on Asian patients. They just thin out the tip a bunch and the rest of the nose is still wide...not pretty imo!

I want to stay in the United States, so if anyone recommends a good doctor or has pictures to share, please PM me or reply! It seems like this is the most informative thread I've found so far so I hope you guys can help!
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Hey manimani
It sounds like we have similar issues. I don't really have a big nose, just a little flat & bottom heavy, and my nostrils spread when I smile. Like yourself I was interested in dr shah also. I contacted him and spoke with him about my nose. He seems really knowledgeable and his taste seems pretty good judging from his site photos, but of course it's lacking samples of asian rhinoplasty with the exception of one case. It's kinda hard to choose a surgeon based on one sample, i need more samples to go on myself.

My other option was dr nasif and i was thinking about going in for a consult with him soon. He seems to be conservative which is good in my case because i don't want anyone to know i had anything "done."

Dr Toriumi is great with asian noses, but the guy is way too pricey for most. I heard he charges close to $20k.

There are a few other good surgeons, but they are overseas... such as dr. Hsu, and jung and kao.

What other doctors are you considering?
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Hi Gloss,

In case you haven't already found the info you're looking for:
The website is :http://www.nose.co.kr/english
His email address is: rhinojdh@hotmail.com

I am currently in contact with Dr. Jung about my revision. I just sent him an email 2 days ago and got a reply the next day (was surprised at the prompt reply which made me wonder if he has an assistant replying his emails). Anyway, he quoted me $5000 US for a revision which I thought was very reasonable so he is on the top of my list. I'm just a bit worried about flying overseas alone for the surgery, do not speak Korean and have never been to Asia. I am from Canada.

Are you still interested in going to this doc? Maybe we can buddy up for the trip ? Where are you located?
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Hey Gonna win!

Have you consulted with Shah in person? He should have more before/after pictures in his office. He said I could send him pictures of my nose so he could give me a price estimate. I have to get my hands on a camera first, but I plan to do that.

I heard Dr. Nassif is very "celebrity", doesn't spend a lot of time with you, and doesn't do a great job on patients. I personally wouldn't go to him. I talked to one patient who went to Nassif to get an alar base reduction and he made her nose uneven, and she got it fixed by Dr. Shah. What I like about Shah is he does very natural noses, not one of them looked bad on his website. This will be my primary.

I was originally considering two other doctors - Dr. Rizk and Dr. Kridel, but they are both very expensive. Dr. Kridel pioneered a lot in alar base reductions so I like that about him, but he charges so much. Dr. Rizk I have changed my mind about him, I think he makes noses that are too "carved up" and I don't like what he does to Asian patients. They look too fake (he does a great job on every other ethnicity though..) He is expensive too.

What is good about Toriumi? I heard he is good with Asian patients too but he pretty much tears your nose apart and rebuilds it up! I heard he doesn't spend much time consulting with you and he makes "big" noses which I don't like. I don't think I'm going to go to him. Shah trained under Toriumi and Pastorek so that gives me a little more confidence, however he is a new doctor and hasn't been in practice for a long time.

Does anyone happen to know who did Scarlett Johansson or Alicia Keys' noses? They look AMAZING, I think I want a nose job to that similar effect.

Please keep me updated on whatever you decide! And if anyone else has any input/info on dr. rizk I will really appreciate it!
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