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If you give me your details or pm me I can confirm at some point. If I go it be 1st Sept to 10th Sept.[/QUOTE]

Hey Jez.. I thought I would be ready to leave sooner but things have come up so September 1st might be too soon for me.. sorry couldnt PM coz i dont have enough posts atm.. :smile:
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Hi blueheavens.. When do you plan to leave? I am also interested in surgery in sep..
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Hello! May I know which doctors in taiwan and korea are you considering?

I am thinking of going to taiwan to get my nose done.. and i have shortlisted a few surgeons, still in my decision making process.. :smile:
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Yes, I did see a couple pics of middle eastern women with large humps and droopy tips and deviated septums. I thought they both looked great even early post-op. But again, these are my standards, not sure how those women actually felt.
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I don't know. I might stay a whole month just to be safe. Let me know if and when you plan to leave. It'd be good to have company through the healing process.
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I'd love to have some company. I am planning leaving on the first week of September.
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Hey Flame,

I hope your healing process goes smoothly! I know that you're probably really tired but when you feel up to it, could you answer some of my questions?

I am debating between silicone and rib, and I wanted your opinion on the aesthic differences. for example, does rib photograph well? Also, did you think Dr. Shah did a good job on your nose?

I can't pm for some reason, but my email is [email protected]. I'd really appreciate any photographs!

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I had an email/online consultation with Dr. Charles Lee last week and thought it was interesting that he felt the shape of the implant matters more than the type of implant and that the silicone vs. goretex decision is best made once the surgeon opens you up and sees your internal nasal anatomy. Initially I thought (and mentioned to him that) I really ought to go with goretex but he said that upon viewing the photos I sent him, either silicone or goretex could work but the best material is decided in the operating room.

Also, has anyone heard about small holes being punctured inside a silicone implant to allow tissue ingrowth? Dr. Lee mentioned this but I've never read about this being done before. If this is done, doesn't it mean that should implant removal or revision being needed in the future, it'll run into the same difficulties as goretex removal where parts of your internal tissue will inevitably be taken out as well?

--------------Here's part of the reply I got from Dr. Lee-------------------------------

For the bridge, I would use whichever implant will give you the best appearance. This is best determined in the operating room. The modern silicone implants don't have the same problems such as calcification or translucency as before. Both gortex and silicone are very good, and the material is not as important as the shape of the implant. I will keep in mind your concerns; they both can be very permanent. With silicone, small holes can be placed so there is tissue ingrowth into the silicone implant; and if placed above the covering of the bone, there is not as much resorption of the underlying bone.

In your case, I would place an implant - there is a gortex covered one that is 4.5mm which I may use, and raise the tip using cartilage as you mentioned, or sometimes donated cartilage from the tissue bank which has been irradiated and screened for viruses.

I did not see a nostril view (straight front view with your head tilted back), but I don't think you need nostril narrowing.
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sooo I went on my consult (for eyes and nose) with Dr. Choe today and I really can't comment about how good he is. I came out of his office feeling like I just wasted 2 hours of work time for nothing. First of all his staff does a horrible job with scheduling. I waited over 30 mins after my scheduled time, but fine I figure he's just that popular of a doctor. When I saw him he just kept telling me how nice my eyes are. But then it was my mistake that I came in using the eyelid glue and some make up coz I had to go to work this morning. Don't get me wrong, he did compliment me a lot on a lot of things not just my eyes, which coming from a plastic surgeon is a big compliment, but I just wish he spent more time discussing the procedures as opposed to what I already have. And I felt like our consult was rushed because he had a surgery after our consult. He didn't even show me before or after pictures. I hardly got to ask any technical questions coz he kept deviating the conversation. I get that he was just probably trying to establish rapport, which I respect, but I was hoping I would come out of the consultation with more information. It was almost like he didn't take me seriously or that he didn't think I needed surgery. And I don't think I look horrible, but I do need eye surgery because I do use the glue everyday and I really don't like my nose.

I'm supposed to go back again for another consultation coz I really wanted to see before and after pictures but I don't know if I even wanna bother. I probably will have to wait another hour just for the consult and I don't how much info I'll get out of it. Granted that the consultation is free, it's just annoying because I do have to take off work for a few hours to see him. And I just don't wanna be disappointed again.

I'm seeing Dr. Kwak next week so we'll see how that goes.
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Wow I'm so sorry to hear that you did not get all your questions/concerns answered with Dr. Choe. He is a rather gregarious guy. I've always done my consultations in the Flushing office (on Wednesdays) and surgery in the Manhattan office so I guess I didn't know his Manhattan office had so many scheduling problems.

IMO it's definitely best to remove make-up (esp. eyelid tape, eyeliner, eyeshadow, any coutour make-up for the nose area) when going in to these consultations. When you meet with Dr. Kwak (who takes several photos of you and then performs the computer simulations), it'll be in your best interest to make sure that the before-photo is taken without any make-up......otherwise the simulated after-photo probably will be of little value.

As for before/after photos, I think you always have to ask the doctor and/or his office managers for them.....otherwise they don't necessarily show them. That's been my experience with ALL my consultations. Dr. Kwak was the only one who personally showed me the before/afters on his personal computer while we were going through the consultation (that's after I asked for the before/afters). For all my other consultations, upon asking for the before/after photos the surgeons all referred me to see their office manager/assistant after the consultation......so after you finish meeting with the surgeon, the assistant will show you the before/afters (either on a computer screen or in a binder) in a separate room or in the main lobby. With Dr. Choe my very very first consultation (for my eyes) last Sept. I didn't ask for the before/afters (coz I'd already seen so many before/afters of his bleph work from soompi, mostly of girls around my age) and they didn't show me any. When I went back for my rhino consultation and asked for before/afters, Sharon spent a lot of time in another room with me (after the meeting with Dr. Choe) going through the before/afters in a binder. With Dr. Jeffrey Ahn & Dr. Steven Pearlman, it's the same procedure -- the surgeons don't personally show you any before/afters, but instead refer you to their office managers who shows you the before/afters in another room.
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Hey guys, can u please quote how much it is to go to taiwan for DR HSU for autogolous rhino?? like a good 2 week including accomodation and all the expenses?? rough estimate... i have yet to email Dr Hsu, but just want to get a rough idea now
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^ ear cartilage 70000$ taiwanese
rib 100000 taiwanese$$$
for dr hsu.

hey i was wondering why did u pick silicone then if u dont wanna do another surgury and if u dont want complications...why didnt u choose natural material so ur body wont reject the foreign object in the future?
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