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Coscrazy - Your original nose didn't look bad at all but I like the newer nose better. I think once you get those bumps fixed, your nose will look great. Hope to see some pictures of your current nose though at the same angle as the ones you just posted now for good comparison :smile:
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Oh no, please dont feel bad! :okay: Honesty and honesty only is exactly what I want. I feel at least my original nose looked natural and symmetrical, although it was a button nose. Right now, not only is it uneven with bumps it looks like a 'nose job'. Thanks for your input Gossomer :smile:
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I agree with what you're saying about my new nose not fitting to the other features of my face. I feel that its looks too big and protruding for my face, i feel it just looks off, like it should belong on a different kind of face. You may also be right about not being used to it as well, but you're wrong about my original nose being uneven though, it might be the angle in the photos, but my nose was very symmetrical, including my nostrils. Yes, it was indeed a button nose and a little flat and thats why i wanted a nose job, but wasnt expecting uneven alar and nostrils to come with it :sad:
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I think the best thing for me to do is give myself some more time to get used to my new nose. Right now i want to do the whole nose again but I think I probably will only need to get those bumps and uneven nostrils sorted out, and hopefully he wont have to open up my nose and fiddle around with it too much. :sad:
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Hey Kaspy!

I've consulted with a couple of cosmetic dentists over here and they pretty much said the same thing to me too! They said they don't like to do veneers on someone so young because they damage your natural teeth and you have to keep getting them replaced (like every ten years or something). Apparently they prefer a more 'conservative' approach. That's why i got braces in the first place. (plus the fact that my parents agreed to pay for them, becuase I convinced them it was a 'necessary orthodontic thing' :O)

But the Dentists in Thailand are clearly not as conservative as Aussie ones! Every one i consulted with online said they'd do it for me. I just hate the texture of my teeth. It's not somethign that whitening would repair, so I'm going to go for the veneers anyway. There's no point having perfectly straight teeth if they are ugly teeth to begin with!! I'm prepared to have them redone every ten years if that's what it takes. I'm just over them and want a perfect smile! Plus, so cheap in Thailand! Why not?!

Dr. Chuang has reccomended a Medpor implant for my chin and silicone implants for my cheekbones. I really never thought my cheekbones were a problem, but since beginnning my PS journey i have realised that a lot of things i never thought were 'a problem' actually are! lol...I'm trying not to be swayed too easily coz its difficult when surgeons keep suggesting all these options. The reason I like Dr. Chuang is that he NEVER suggested anything until I ASKED what else he might fix. I never got the feeling he was trying to sell me anything. And, now that I think about it, I can definetly see what he means about my chin - it is a little recessed and could probably use the implant.

Like you i am TOTALLY petrified of having all these foreign materials in my face!!! I'm really not too keen to have the gortex in my nose, since other surgeons seem to think my nose can be fixed without it, but I trust that Dr. Chuang is the best and he knows what he's doing. Hell who am i to tell him which materials are best/worst?!!

Jury is still out on the cheekbones for the time being.

I'm trying to down-scale as I also might be having a brow lift in Thailand if the muscle levator surgery won't do enough for me!

It's a total overhaul for me. Extreme Makeover, if you like!!


I'm afraid I won't be able to go any earlier than June because I'll have uni exams to sit. Plus, April is my 21st birthday, so I'd kinda like to be home for that one! :girlsigh:

And don't worry, I'm brushing up on the old Mandarin..I remember how to say 'I like ice cream'...That will be muchos handios. hahahaha.
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I am easily swayed as well. I was so tempted to get all the suggested procedures done because it would be cheaper to get it all done at once and you wouldn't have to go through all the pain and hassle again. It's not a smart idea. Especially when you think about how many hours you'd be under the knife.

Is he going to screw the medphor implant to your chin? I think I'd prefer to have my screwed so it doesn't move around but he suggested silacone. Anyone know what the difference is between how they look?

June/July would actually work better for me too because I only have 1 week of in April and I'd prefer to stay there 10 days.

I know what you mean by not really noticing certain things about your face until plastic surgeons bring them up. The first time I went to see one he suggested that I have 8 different procedures and I felt like crap all day. haha. :tdown:
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Don't get too many procedures at once.

One procedure is traumatic enough... Anyone who has had plastic surgery will tell you that afterwards you will constantly be analyzing your face... EVEN more than before. If you change just your eyes and nose, your face is completely different to yourself. And it is VERY hard to be subjective on yourself.

Your after nose is worse because it is not symmetrical... But, if it did not have these small bumps and symmetrical nostrils then the after nose would be considered better. In other words it's better to have a good nose than a better nose with noticeable imbalances...
My advice to you to go to an American doctor that monitors your anesthetics still stays. I think it's really important for you since you have such a bad reaction to it. The anesthetics thing really is very dangerous.

I don't know too much information on these two doctors. But there is Dr. Eric Choe in NY and Dr. Charles Lee in California.
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hi im new just thought id intro myself coz ive been flicking through this thread. im a chinese gal from the UK and have been considering eye and nose surgery for next year sometime - been researching us docs until now - Dr flowers and Dr charles lee mainly - have u guys seen him on montel n tyra and stuff?
but now am thinking about korea, prob missed out alot of whats been said coz theres so many pages, update me whos next 4 surgery then?? hehe =) gona try read some more later, tired now! chat soon xxx
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OMG EIGHT?!! That is crazy!! What did he suggest? Gold-digger...

The main reason I wanted to get everything done at once was so that I would only have to go through one bout of 'looking crap', healing and downtime and everything ! If you start doing everything spread out, you'd be healing for the rest of your life (slight exaggeration, but you know what I mean).

I'm not too worried about undergoing a big change...I really don't like my face atm, so that is kind of the point of having PS for me! I am a little worried about what the parentals and relatives might say...but I guess they'll just have to get over it, because it will be way too late by the time they find out!!

Dr. Chuang hasnt mentioned anything about screwing the chin implant in!! OMG that is a bit scary!! Might ask him....

I'm pretty sure Medpor works like Goretex - your own skin tissue starts becoming 'part of' it (or somethign like that)... Doctor sent me a link to the Medpor website. I'm pretty sure its harder to remove than silicone because it binds itself to your tissue.
*Better hope we get it right first time around!

I'm afraid i have no idea how the different materials actually look 'different' to each other once they've been put in..But i guess they do, or he wouldn't have suggested different ones?

Just wondering...Does Dr. Chuang use a certified anaesthetist (sp?)....I'm so petrified i'm gonna die under the General Anesthetic!! 1 in every 250,000 or something...and of course Kanye West's mom...(yikes).

Also, I don't know if anyone has already mentioned, but what are Dr. Chuang's exact certifications? Like is he a Board Certified PS, an ENT specialist, cosmetic surgeon or what?

Not that it really matters coz I'm pretty positive I'm going with him anyway, but just wondering...

Maskd, Keenose? anyone?

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Hi there Saltanat,


My impression is that Japan has alot of good surgeons as well... just that they can be pretty pricey.
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Nope, havent heard of him.. have heard of the famous Gao for nose though..
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Hey Nini....

Welcome back... WOW where were you? Its like... you just vanished into thin air......:sad:
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Hi Uglyduckling,


Feel free to read back on the previous posts... there are the answers to your questions there.

Like the silicon vs goretex question.. has been debated and discussed several times before.

With any material used, there are several factors to consider... skill of surgeon... personal factors... personal preferrance... and luck etc...
Pros and cons... just your choice at the end.

Read more and you shall hopefully be able to find out what you like..

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