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I thought I was going to be cooped up the whole time I was there but I was out & about the next day surprisingly. I did buy alot of food & stock up in case I was going to be staying in the whole time lol.

I got my revisional surgeries with Dr. Kim at BK clinic. If you read my previous posts I wrote the whole story of what I got there. Just click under my username & click all users posts or something like that :smile:
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Atlee, no the stares were good stares ;)

Actually, I just got a free ride from this man tonight to Taipai 101, lol. He trusted me enough to let me ride with him on his motorbike. I am such a brave heart but I got to admit that I got into a panic attack and was scare out of my wit once he started to move. I got to say that the people in Taiwan are so much nicer than the Westerner. I feel so at home here. It brought back so much sad memories for me when my family was migrating from Hong Kong to Canada. For some Taiwan reminded me of HK because of the current building structure in the downtown district but at the same time, I am so happy to revisit that memory again. It showed me how far I have come and how much I have matured.

I think my new look seems to appeal to the man in Taiwan for some. I was also hit on by this other man when I was buying lunch at a fast food chain. He was good looking and speaks a little bit of English. I was having trouble ordering food and so he cut in and helped me to order instead and that’s how we start talking. He said he hangs out in the next door bar and said I should come out when I get some time. Of course being a nice person myself, I said sure but I don't really know if I will come back to that food chain again.

Its somewhat new to me that I am getting these kind of attentions. Maybe I can’t appreciate the fact that my new nose getting me the attention.

Oh you will want to bring lots of money here to shop. I am going crazy shopping for leather purse, boots and ankle shoes etc. I am going to have to pray harder to resist that temptation to spend anymore. Otherwise I will be in deep water by friday which is when I fly back to Canada.

All the best in your research and I hope you will come to some sort of resolution with wanting to get a nose surgery.
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well as of now i'm currently thinking of having a full nose job, browlift, and my eyes...lol i would also love to go shopping around in taiwan too. i hear is really fun:nuts:...well do you think 10,ooo will be enough for the whole trip?
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Keenose: Did you have buccal fat removal at Dr. Chuang`s wishclinic? How much was it and how was the result?

Who is better at epi and double eyelid surgeries? Dr. Chuang or Dr. Kim (BK Clinic)? Are there any other plastic surgeons that are good?
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Don't know how much a browlift is but considering Taiwan should be cheaper than Korea, I think 10,000 is a good amount. Depends on the hotel you stay at & also how much shopping you want to do :P
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awwwww that is GREAT to hear! :biggrin: Im so sick of reading horror stories on surgeries. :biggrin: That helps me a whole lot. now all i need is to find a way to fund for the price.
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ahhhh thanks! ;) I am leaning a lot more towards dr. Kim at BK. I'm just nervous about complications because im just paranoid by nature.

This girl told me that she had it done there, and she was not fully asleep. She did not feel anything but then she could see and imagine the pain. :Push: I thought you were put to sleep completely until after the surgery. I'm a little confuse one the anethesia methods. were you completely asleep during your surgery kimosa?
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WOW congrats!!! so you had fast deswelling.. that is cool!

Yup, expect to have feelings of tightness for several months!

I am almost 3 months post op and still when I laugh broadly, I still feel SOME tightness....

It doesnt really change your smile.. but because the nose looks different, when I look at myself smiling or laughing, I tend to automatically focus on my nose instead of my smile.

before, it was my smile that I notice.. now its the other way around.
Thats for me though...

Yes, I totally agree with what you said at the end.. everybody should do their homework to find the right surgeon for him/ her. :tup:
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Hey nini,

Its ok... ;)

I did double eyelid, nose (goretex) and buccal fat removal.

I love my nose shape, only complaint is regarding scars at alar base.
Buccal fat removal didnt really make a difference for me.... dont see much change.

Double eyelid still healing, scars are fading but I notice that my eyelid OVERLAPS at the crease (where the incision was made) ..... I dont think this is normal right?
I've seen pictures are drmeronk and they didnt have that?

I have removed all my pictures online already.. deleted them. :P
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Hi Ataraxy,

Yup, I think it was 40k ?
As mentioned earlier, I dont really see the difference of having buccal fat removed. It didnt really make a difference for me....

About epi.. I havent done it.. so ... :P
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Hey Guys!!

Havent been on here for a while but tomorrow will be my one month post-op for nose surgery with Dr. Chuang.

The outcome is very good, my nose looks really natural. Some people cant tell that i got it done, they just said i look different and ask if i changed my hair or something haha. At first, i was not used to it because i felt like i looked uglier then before and i was also afraid that i would not look like ME anymore. But now at one month, im starting to resemble my old self alot more, just with a better nose. SO i feel alot happier and cant wait for my tip to deswell some more. My scars are healing ok i think. I have alot of dry skin around the two sides of my nostrils (near the alar scars) and my tip and it itches sometimes. I dont know if that's normal? Anyone have the same side effects as me? Oh, yea Keenose, i asked about your alar scars and he suggested to just keep the area clean (wipe it with q-tip and saline solution) and dont scratch it and let it heal naturally. How is your scars looking right now? did the hole get smaller? I've just been cleaning the area with q-tip everyday to keep it clean, so right now it seems to be healing ok. Best of luck to u in your healing process!

Oh yea i dont know if you girls know this but DO NOT eat shrimp or beef while you're recovering from nose surgery. Particularly shrimp because it can make your scars raised and make your meat stick out according to my mom. Dont eat crab also. Fish is ok but not tuna. Ive been mostly eating pork and chicken. You can have a little bit of beef i believe but try not to eat too much of it. Stay away from shrimp at all cost!!

I also got eyelash implants!!! They are sooo long!!! they havent started falling off yet so i dont know how long it is suppose to take to fall out and grow back but i notice little red bumps along my lash line and its itching which is suppose to indicate that they are going to grow soon but then the lashes that he implanted in havent fallen off yet. Some of them fall off when i try to clean my eye, So i dunno if those are going to grow back or not? Maskd, I need your help! lol, I dont know if i can wear mascara or not yet? but can u tell me what happened in your situation? Also the lashes dont look straight anymore, they point in all different directions now and look kind of messy. Is that normal? Overall, the eyelash implant surgery hurt the most becuz the anethesia only worked on me for 15 minutes then i started feeling it. It was really uncomfortable and it took about 1 hr on each eye i think. My eyes were reallly really swollen from the nose surgery the day before so maybe that could be the reason.

If u have any questions about nose / eyelash u can ask me and i will be happy to help!

Im still deciding if im going to post pictures because when i take pictures, my nose tip looks so big on camera but in person it is not, so it gives an inaccurate picture of wat my nose really looks like, maybe ill wait for the tip to deswell a little bit more then decide if i want to post pics.
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oh post your pics pleasee!! i've been really lucky as i have no scarring at all!  i can post my pics if you want!
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