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He doesnt really do follow ups on implants so there are no b/a photos. I really didnt need hair implants as it wont really improve your appearance at all. But if u're one of those ladies that take every little detail to the T and the importance of havinga nice hairline when ur hair is pulled back then thats what itsfor! I just wanted a better hairline and more hair on the side of my head.
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no clue. i trust him 100% though, and should anything go wrong and its his fault the revisions are free
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no, heard he was good with any kind of hair implants so i went for it. the implamts are a little longer than 1\4''now. it'll take 6mos to 1 year
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Did you have your eyebrows tattooed or do you draw them on?
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Hey Girls,

I'm just wondering about something that hasn't come up on here too often - the issue of telling other people about your surgery? To tell or not to tell - that is my question!!

I am DEFINETLY inclined not to tell anyone. I haven't discussed the issue with anyone in my immediete family because I know they'd take it totally the wrong way and insist I don't need anything done. Fair enough. But I'm going to have the surgery anyway, so is there any point in causing huge problems and fights over the whole thing in the first place? I figure, what can they possibly do or say once the deed is done? Be angry and upset, maybe, but they'll have to get over it eventually, right?

I guess i am luckier than most in that I am in the enviable position of combining my surgery with an extended trip overseas. I'll be away from home for five months all up, and obviously won't be seeing anyone in that time - unless of course they fly over to visit, which is probable, but also workable. In any event, I will at least have a few months up my sleeve away from everyone.

All of this has convinced me to just go get everything done and worry about the consequences when I get home. I'm planning on doing the whole 'extreme haircut makeover' thing and I'm hoping that a new 'do' combined with time away fom everyone will leave their image of me a little hazier than it would have been if i came back straight from the surgeon's office!!

But then I start freaking - what if I look TOTALLY different and there is just no way they won't notice? Do I admit to everything? Admit to some things? (I'm having multiple surgeries....chin, cheeks, nose, eyes!!)

And then of course there is my boyfriend...He is pretty anti-sugery. He is of the camp that believes people only resort to surgery out of deep-seated psychological problems. I don't want him to think less of me because I want this done!! But is it realistic to expect him not to notice anything?!

Another outrageous idea I thought I could try is to say that i'd been in some kind of accident overseas (bus crash? Sporting injury? wild animal at the zoo...you get my drift lol). Maybe I could admit to some surgery to fix a supposed accident I had overseas? I could go so far as to say that I didn't tell anyone at the time coz i didn't want them to worry, it wasn't life threatening, I didn't want to come home early etc etc...Is that idea totally crazy?!

I really don't like the thought of lying to my loved ones, and, given the choice I would probably remain tight-lipped about it. But if people ask me to my face 'have you had something done', what should/what can I do?

Any ideas? What will you girls be doing when the time comes?
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I read somewhere that the hair comes out different than most of your hair, did Dr. Jong warn you about that? Does it look weird that you have 1/4" of hair in your forehead? I mean I hope that doesn't sound like a bad question, I'm just really curious.
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well im planning on getting eyes and nose, will def dye my hair and have a fringe cut after haha ive heard of people saying they had eye infections etc and celebs say they had a 'deviated septum' that affected their breathing! funny how their nose comes out beautiful afterwards lol

i was considering Dr.Charles Lee in US but now ive heard so many good things about Dr.Chuang im persuaded to go taiwan, any others planning a trip this autumn/winter?? ive emailed him with pics so just waiting for his reply now.. where can i c pictures of his eyelid work anybody??
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I can totally empathize with your post! When I told my family, friends and fiance about my plans to get surgery, all of them gave me the "i didn't know you were so messed up in the head" look. One of my closest friends, who is normally NEVER judgmental, said some hurtful things to me and we had a huge fight over it. BUT, since then, I've realized a few things

1. People will notice the change, and they will talk. So.. let them talk. You can either deny or admit your surgery, but the truth is, you're going to look prettier. It doesn't matter. It's okay for them to think you're messed up, because a lot of people LOVE to judge other people. YOU know you're not messed up and YOU know the pursuit of beauty is not something worth going to the psychiatrist for....

2. In reality, once people see your new image, they'll almost immediately forget what you looked like before. I've had a lot of friends that got their double eyelids, and sure, the first time I see them with their new look is kind of strange, but I normally don't recall what they looked like before after the initial shock. haha.

3. The haircut thing is a really good idea- also, you can just say that u "grew up".. or lost weight.. haha.

I work in a highly conservative firm, and people gossip like crazy. I'm sure that after my surgeries, my new face will be the news du jour, but... hey.. we have to learn how to deal with other ppl talking smack somehow, and it's worth it if we're going to be more beautiful in the long run. Beauty is a powerful thing.

Good luck with ur surgeries!
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Hey Sweetie,

Thank you so much for your post. You made me feel a lot better about my decision because everything you wrote I agree with!! I am not going to back down from this just because of a few *****y/jealous types that will likely have a gossip. My family will just have to get over it as well. The desire to have PS definitely doesn’t mean a person is crazy – in fact, I would argue that the desire to improve one’s self and enhance your beauty is only natural (*even if the means of so doing are artificial!! )

So thanks again :smile:
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how funnie, i am the same too!!:nuts: I plan to go this coming fall/winter, do you live in california?
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