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Nah im from England UK!! there aint nowhere to do surgery over here so am guna treat my trip as a holiday too :P where ru from and what ethnicity? will u be travelling on your own? anyhow we could still meet up when the time comes :tup:

also on the wishclinic website i cant get to the pictures and my chinese isnt brilliant if any 1 can help thankyou!! xxx
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That is the link is for his double eyelids, if you click on the tab on its left, then you'll see all the epicanthoplsty photos.

If you are really interested in getting your eyelids done, u might want to look at Dr. Su, she is supposed to be one of the best eyelid docs in Taiwan. Eyelids are her specialty. Her website is here:


I am thinking about going to Dr. Su for eyes and Dr. Tseng for nose... but I would like to consult with Dr. Chuang as well, seeing how many people love him from this forum.

Aussie nose- :tup: Rock on!
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Good luck Jang with the surgery!!

To Britgal and Needimprovement,

I am also considering Dr. Charles Lee of Bev. Hills! I haven't sent him an email yet but he seems very good.

To the rest of the people on this thread, as far as how you are going to handle post-plastic surgery questions, I'm not sure how totally different everyone's nose is going to look but in the mean time before the actual surgery perhaps you should try some nose contouring tricks with makeup!!! I tried it the other day just for fun and it really does give the illusion of a more defined nose! So, when you do get the surgery maybe it won't be so obvious (although I think everyone's changes will be rather subtle and natural) ;)

For those of you who have had a nose job, I was wondering if due to the implant being put in for the bridge, did the corners of your eyes get pulled slightly (such as giving you the illusion of a larger eye - like the "epi" surgery...I think it's called that).

Thanks :smile:
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sound good, well i'm from cali. but dr. chales lee is too expensive...he was my first choice too but after coming to this forum i decided to do it in taiwan instead its much cheaper and the doc are, i feel, the same as in skills and talent. Well i'm hmong most don't know what it is and it's hard to explain :sweatdrop:but let's just said i cannot speak chinese for sure lol. Yes, i will be going alone...this is a private matter so i will not even tell my family about it and hope that they won't be able to tell. If everything goes as plan i won't have to mention anything to them because i plan to go study abroad in the spring semester right after the plastic surgery.:yahoo:
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hey NiceSmile,

i was the same too, i was really thinking of going to him but i decided to give the other doc a try as it is better to have more option...and now thanks to this forum and research :woohoo:i have decided to go with dr. hsu with nose, though i'm still debating between dr. jong and dr. chaung for eyelid.
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hi need improvement!! I have heard good this about both dr.'s that you are debating on for your eyes! I'm too scared to travel to another country since I will be rather far from home. I also figured that the cost of tickets and other things such as convience, it will might equal out in costs and so forth to just stay here in the US. Did you have a consultation with Dr. Lee in which he quoted you a price? And if so, how much did he say? I'm hoping he won't tell me anything to high!! I think just a bridge will cost $5,000?

By the way, back to my other question before.. Has anyone that has gotten a nose job noticed a change in the shape of their eyes (ie. Did the look bigger)?:wtf:
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yeh i think its lateral canthoplasty, which im interested in. theres a pic on the veriteclinic website if anyones interested, also i realy like the nose on the gal who had the septal elongation nose job :smile:...


guys what do u think of dr.chuangs before&after pix?
Dr.Su's pix look alittle unnatural??
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wot is Dr.hsu website?is that in taiwan too?

i emailed dr. lee a while back he always recommends the DST method which has a quicker recovery time but im worried my eyelids r too heavy and ive only seen girls in his advertisements with DST not incisional...also recommended a full nose job and chin implant for which think he quoted
$2900.00 for DST upper eyelid blepharoplasty
$6900.00 for rhinoplasty with alarplasty
$4500.00 for genioplasty (chin augmentation using implant)
The noses on his website look a little weird n pointed...maybe im looking to much into the pictures!
cost is not a major major issue i just want to find a good surgeon and have natural results, like anybody else. The mission continues...
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hey NiceSmile, i know what you mean...lol i was the same as you too. dr. charles lee is a good doctor but like i say he is more expensive. when i ask him for the full nose job it was 6,900 and for the eye was 2,900, almost 10,000. i'm not that rich and i'm also planning to study abroad right after my plastic surgery. overall if i do it in taiwan i will be doing eyes both double-lid and epi, with a nose job...and with all the living and traveling expense it will just cost me about 6,000 at most for everything.
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hey britgal, the website is ychsu.com and email is [email protected]
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hey needimprovement!! That is so awesome that you can get so much done for that price!
where are you going to be studying abroad? Sounds so exciting!! Good luck with everything and keep us posted!! I could go to HK to get my work done but dont know of any doctors there:confused1:

Hey britgal! Thanks for telling me the your estimates. There was a really sweet girl on here that shared her pics of her nose job with dr. Lee....it is very pretty! Her name is sigmabratxx.
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