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Hey! Yeah, I'm *definitely* going over in May to get my nose and eyes done.... my tentative schedule is leaving in the middle of May and staying for 2-3 weeks.

I don't know too much about Dr. Tseng.. but I love the way his noses look! A lot of people don't like it, but I like the extended tip that points down a little (think Paris Hilton, but not SO exaggerated). I speak Chinese, so I searched his name and most of the Chinese language forums say that he's one of the best in Taiwan, and that he is a VERY RESPONSIBLE doctor who would always tell you the truth. When I emailed him my photos, he told me the truth that my nose is not going to be easy... and his website talks extensively about the REALISTIC goals patients need to have. He said that "a 20 point nose is not going to become an 'A'" nose after surgery, but it could be a MUCH prettier nose. :smile:

So, if you are interested in him, you can email him yourself or go visit his website.

On the other hand, Dr. Chuang is really well known in Taiwan, and he's on Taiwanese TV all the friggin' time. A few of the girls on this forum have had great experiences with him.. and he sound like a doctor you can really trust.

Take your time with the doctor searching process...... it is frustrating.. but it's worth it.:smile:

Good luck!
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Yay for the legal field!! I see that we're well represented.. haha. Looking good will definitely help you in this field!!

Good luck with your law school classes... civ pro nearly killed me. :sweatdrop:
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6 months will be more than enough. Truthfully it only took me 1.5 weeks to deswell like 80% for my eyes and nose to look presentable. I'm a fast healer though.

Take c vitamin, arnica and bromelain before n after surgery.

The epi scar is not visible at all, it's just that i'm a picky person and want the skin tehre to be completely smooth and same color as my normal skin. Only if you look close that's when u can see an itty bitty line which is improving every day by the way. I suggest u let the scar be. I never conceiled anything with make up because i want to heal well. not sure if it affects healing but i know anything chemically made stayed off my face and will stay off my face for the next 12 months. I don't wear make up like that anyway so it's all good!

I'm hesitant about posting my pictures so I'm not sure if that will ever happen. I'm not sure if this will do u any good but i can try to describe it and post pics that look like my nose.

Right now from the side my nose is looking fabolous. I already had a nice profile before surgery so this improved it a little bit more, not by changing the shape really but by adding more height. It's not a paris hilton nose and there's not a steep slope, it's rather a mix in between. In other words it doesn't look too masculine or too feminine. From the front i still kept some of that ethnic flavor, so the tip isn't too sharp but it's more defined. Nostrils are narrower than before and i now have an umbrella nose lol. I call it an umbrella nose cuz he gave me a columellar strut cuz before i had no strut.


This is KIND of the nose i have, and it was the closest i could find. SO it's not the same nose, Her nose kind of gets wider closer to the tip while my nose is a little more straight from the top of the bridge down to the tip. The roundness of the tip is kind of the same, but nostrils are different cuz her nostrils kind of form an upside down V while mine are more straight.

In other words what he did to my eyes and nose I give him a 8/10. I don't expect perfection, just an improvement.

I don't want to recommend any doctor to anyone because i don't want to be responsible for anything. All I know is he did a good job on my face. Like i stated before and i'll say it again, follow your gut feeling and if you feel like this is ur doctor then go for it.
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Thanks beauty07! The thing is, I've been studying abroad for a few years now and I haven't seen most of my friends(except really close ones) since then, I keep wondering if they will be able to tell if the change came from PS or otherwise.. and it will be almost 1&1/2 year off from my family as well after I get it done, but I am sure(or will it??) it will get busted so you can imagine all the ridiculous ideas and excuses that ran through my mind! Does your parents know about your PS? And had anyone who saw you said anything yet?

Out of curiousity, what is the reason of your preferred choice of Silicon over Goretex? I know Goretex might be hard to remove in the future but the idea of my tissues being able to integrate around it makes me feel more secure about having a more 'stable' nose I guess!
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Thanks Aussie_nose! Look forward to hearing from you soon then! I still need to book my tickets back home and forth so hopefully I can get it all done as soon as possible so I can prepare and start re-reading this forum again from the beginning! :roflmfao:
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silicone is jsut as stable. I dont feel it moving in my nose. At first I wanted goretex too, for the same reasons. But now that i got silicone instead i'm super happy with my choice because I know if anything happens i could always take it out, and that's not a big deal cuz u could just replace it with another one. that's IF it ever gets infected. But with goretex if anything happens, removing it will be a *****, and is that the price you're willing to pay just because it feels great to have a implant integrated into ur tissues? Both materials feel the same, and are meant to last a lifetime, they just do diff things depending on how your nose is, like width and height wise. Ur doctor will tell u what's best for u.

My fam does not know about my PS, neither do my friends. Im on my own so i dont see my fam often, i don't think they'll notice a diff either because i just had a minor tipplasty and had my bridge raised by just 4mm. U dont have to tell anyone, and if they're bold enough to ask u then it's up to you if u want to tell them or not. I personally am against dishonesty in any way shape or form, but who said you have lie? there are ways to work around it lol. If someone asked me if i had ''plastic surgery'', i'd say no. What's so plastic about it? I had cosmetic surgery lol, what i'm trying to say is, the way people word questions these days unless they specifically are asking u ''did you get a implant inserted by going under the knife'' then u canjust take the quesiton for what it is and give them an honest answer. But no one is going to ask such question, i bet they'll say ''something looks different about you''. so u don't need to lie or hide from people, just be urself, if they have the audacity to question u, then do what i do, and play mindgames, play with words, be vague.

At the end of the day, it's not that serious. so what if people talk ****, so what if people are against it, what's it gonna do for you? nothing. Life is short, so enjoy it and do you.

Do tons of research, be prepared for the surgery. REmember the pre-op instructions and the post op, don't forget the importance of bromelain arnica and vitamin c. i cant stress that enough.
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another update:

I don't have much to say about the hair transplants. I received 700 grafts and that's not alot for my hairline. Truthfully the first mistake i made was to rush into this, the second mistake i made was to not do my research carefully and by assuming that dr jong would be good for this procedure.

What he charges isn't any cheaper than what dr's in america do, and doctors here tend to be more qualified. Do your research, look up dr.feller from great neck, ny. And think twice before going to dr jong.

I'm sure he's great with eyelash implants etc etc, but after hours of reading i found out certain things, compared him to doctors over here and their diff ways of doing things.

In other words, I'm gonna have to do another session here in the states later this year. And you're supposedly supposed to succesfully receive ALL your grafts in ONE session, not two. So I basically am paying double for something that shoulda been happening in the first session.

So when u shop for a good doctor, good price, good location because he is right next to dr chuang, u have ot keep in mind that it's a lot of money to spend if u have to go bck for another procedure. And those extra hundreds that u're trying to save is not worth the trouble.

Good luck all!
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hey guys! so its been almost three months since my surgery. my nose is doing fine but i dont really like my eyelashes. Most of it has fallen off and i dont think its growing back. The ones that are still on are very sparse and long looking and it just looks out of place. I regret having eyelashes done because i have to trim it and when people look at me when im looking down, it looks like spider legs. I kinda just wanna pull all them out and damage it so they wont grow back. I rather use fake eyelash extensions then have these in. It was so not worth almost one grand getting it done. So when i use mascara it just looks funny because the hairs that he implanted stick in different directions and its hard to tame them. Wat's done is done, the one thing i keep thinking about is i coud've saved my one grand to use towards my debt or bills.

Im not saying dr jong did a bad job, in the beginning one of my eye had more hairs and was the same direction then the other eye and it didnt look so bad, but now it seems most of the hair has died and i only have like a few on each eye, which does look very appealing at all! Im thinking about either getting another session done or just totally pulling out my implanted lashes and ruin the roots so they wont grow anymore. Results vary for different people, Maskd had good results and i dont. So maybe it just depends on the weakness of my hair and how i take care of it.
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I'm so sorry to hear about that ;-(,

Don't give up hope, and DON"T go back for another session. I use revitalash and a bunch of other things on my eyelashes and IT WORKS!. It won't give u an inch long eyelashes but it makes them thicker and longer and u can def see a diff after a couple of months. Everyone is different so it's not guaranteed but at least u can give it a try.

It's like $70-120 for 1 tube depending on where you buy it and it should last u at least 2 months. Def worth a try, and if it grows the way u want it to grow it will deinately look better than those implants.

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Another update:

Here's a funny observation, I think the lateral epi on my left eye (the one i had problems with), someone managed to pull the eyeball closer to the outter corner so when i look straight my left eye slightly goes outward.

Just liek strabismus: similar ot what the 3rd girl has, exept it's nowhere near as bad as that.

Mind u I never had this before until after surgery and i just noticed it today. SO i'm 100% positive that the surgery affected the lateral muscle that keeps the eye in place. I hope in time that this will be corrected. So ladies if u do go for this surgery PLEASE consider all risks involved including a small case of strabismus. If you do decide to go for it, remember Lateral epi has a big chance of leaving a scar if u go for 5mm, but there's a good chance u won't scar if u go for 4mm, depending on ur eye as well of course. I had 4mm

ANyway, good news is the red is showing less and less, and the skin is back to normal so the lateral did enhance the overall look.

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I could tell you were an attny from your posts. Very well reasoned! ;)

Civ Pro is by far my least favorite class. Its bringing down my average man! Oh, and I totally agree with you about looking good in this profession (altho I think the same could be said for all professionals). There's a very apparent bias benefiting the good looking.

Anyway... back on topic! I think I'm going to email Dr. Lee and see how it goes. I just can't manage to move out of the country and I can't afford Dr. T so he's (hopefully) my best bet!

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hey beauty07, doesn't silicone implants shrink? b/c i read some of the past post replies and some people said they don't last as long as gortex. but either way plastic surgery never last a lifetime anyways. does your nose feel different? (like could you make any movement on your nose and face) i really want to get a nose job but i'm super scaredd b/c i don't want it to look fcuked up or something. :sad: i give people mad props for being brave and getting it done. :woohoo:
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Beauty thanks for this info...You have given me a lot to think about. I was already having doubts about the grafts - I know i definetly need to do something to improve my hairline (as it is very recessed) but I'm just not sure that this is the way to go. It just sounds so extreme!! There also seems to be a lot of waiting time as the hairs grow out.

Just wondering if you could elaborate on why you will have to go in for a second procedure? Did Dr. Jong not implant enough hairs or something?

This is also going to be the most expensive of all of my procedures - if i cut this one out i'd actually be able to afford everything right now, instead of saving crazily for the next four months...

Would your advice be to give this procedure a miss?

Thanks as always for your help!!
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Hi all,

I'm due to fly to Taipei next Sunday, and consult Dr Tseng on the 10th. I've been thinking of getting a nosejob for at least 3 years, and I have been researching for at least 1 year. I'm fron Singapore, and I've actually consulted with 2 doctors here, but they will only do L-shape silicon implants, and I very much prefer to go to Taiwan because there are more options (Goretex+ ear cartilege, I-shape silicon + ear cartilege, L-shape silicon)

Anyway, now that I've actually booked the flight, made the appointment, I'm feeling excited at the impending change, and yet apprehensive about how it will turn out, and the reaction from friends and family. I've only told a couple of friends about my plans...

Reason I chose Dr Tseng was that I liked his work, and he was really very nice in his emails. I wrote him in Chinese initially, and it turned out to be gibberish via his email, and he actually wrote back to ask me to re-write it in English.

I don't intend to have a totally new nose, but just to increase the bridge (My estimate is that I will probably need to get it increased by 5mm), and the lengthen the tip a little. Not aiming for perfection, but just an improvement.

Will be bringing my laptop along, so I will update you guys on how it goes!
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