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for those people here that requested more nose projection (bridge to tip) when viewed from a side profile, what options did the surgeon give you (implants of goretex/silicon, bone, cartilage etc)?

Is it possible to use your own bone/cartilage for this procedure?

Did it change the shape of your nostrils as well (ie project more forward, away from the face) ?

How much did you spend all up?

I am in the process of saving up for a future rhinoplasty (Dr. Eng Peng Tan) with this procedure in mind.
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Have you found any other surgeons other than Dr. Toriumi? I really want a nose job but I don't want to spend all my savings on it. I really love Dr. Toriumi's work though.
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I am interested in a nose job too but I am not sure about it yet. :P I will rely on make up tricks at the mo.
I am not too keen on getting a nosejob in China. That place is really dodgy. I heard that plastic surgeries are really cheap and common in Thailand but I dont know how reliable they are.
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most of my friends have implants, and they do go flat on you like car tires. When that will happen depends on the person and their lifestyle and things such as how active and if one frequently does vigorous activities affects how long the implants last. Some people get them lifted every few years or so, because they do sag especially if they're big and heavy-- some just change them out as to prevent the "flat tire". breast augmentation is just one of those procedures that if you decide to undertake, upkeeping is required.. just like a car, acrylic nails, hair extensions, etc.. but hey they look good.
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Shoegirl, I am new to this forum, and I am considering Dr. Tseng for a revision rhino. Can you please email me your pictures of before and after, and experience. I would really appreciate it. [email protected]
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Asiandoll, I am new to this forum, a vietnamese who got a bad nose job from a Houston doctor too. It has only been a year and the implant is already sticking out. How did your consultation with Dean Torium go? Although I don't think I can afford him,(someone said it cost $20K in this forum before), but my bf is doing his residency in Chicago at the same hospital so I might be able to get it done for cheaper...
I have consulted with Dr. Jung (korea), Dr. Kim, and Dr. Tseng in Taiwan. Dr. Jung cost is $5000 vs. Dr. Tseng $2000. The methods that they are doing are the same and Dr. Tseng seems to have better and consistent results on his pictures. There is a clinic in Vietnam www.bacsitu.com that a few relatives recommended to me too, since I am going to be in Vietnam for work during the whole month of May. This Viet lady doctor claimed that she has been trained with Dr. Jung and has a pretty reputable hospital in Saigon. She also mentioned of Nasal Surgery-Korean way and having a thesis written about the Vietnamese's nasal structure. The cost is $800 for a revision rhino so I might stop at her office for a consultation once I am there. I'm currently a graduate student without income so money is appearantly an issue, however, I understand exactly what you mean. My nose looks hidious when light shines through it. The past doc did an OK bleph job for me and my mother, although on one of my eyes, the scar is still visiable and my nose is protruding in only a year time. He was refusing to take it out for free 6 months ago and would charge me $700 which is almost what it cost to get it re-do in Vietnam. I don't trust Vietnamese doctors and have no idea how I was so stupid last year to blindly went through with this. Now I must face the consequencies.

Anyway, for anyone who has their revision rhino done, please give me some insight of which doctors and where to go...

P.S. on my first NJ, the Viet doc cut open the inside of my nose to stick in the implant. It was crooked once the taped was removed but he was so mean to bend it hard to the side(real painful) and told me that it is only due to swelling. Now the whole piece of silicone is showing through my nose---
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houstong...i know that dr.jung is one of the best for revision. I heard personally that dr.tseng only does one style of nose and unless you like that style, dont go to him..but i must say that the person i believe with most experience in revision is dr.jung. I dont think you should go to ANY doctors in Vietnam because for some reason alot of vietnamese doctors do a bad job, so even though she might have trained under Jung like she said doesnt mean she has the skills like him to do a good job. Since this is your secondary nosejob, i think you should definitely go with someone with experience in revisions and you know will produce a good nose...just because the one in Vietnam will be cheap doesnt meant it will be good. You dont want to have to do a third one.
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Yeah, I couldn't find anyone who can make nose as nice as Toriumi (just my opinion :smile:). So for now, I'm still going to him.

If you think he can give you the nose you want, I think it will be worth it since your nose will be with you for the rest of your life. Let's say you spend 30K and you live 30 more years, that's 1K a year, not bad at all. right? lol.
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i mean i really like dr. T's work too but i think his nose COMPETELY changes the way a patient looks and it makes them lose the asian look...I wouldnt want to lose my asianess and have people think im half white because i love being Asian.
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sassygrl, can u email pictures of your nj? is it by dr. jung? [email protected] thanks
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Does anyone know the website url for Clinic No. 9? Or contact number? I'm having my mom call a few places in Seoul including Dream and Jelim. I'm almost certain I'm going to get everything done in 2 months! Thanks for the info!
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