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Hey guys, i just read that someone on here wanted to get eyelash implants but i dont think you should do it. Speaking from personal experinece, i got it done with Dr.Jong of Taiwan last December and I dont like it at all! I mean, it's not like he did anything wrong but it's just that i was expecting it to be more curly looking and thicker but instead it is very straight, just like your regular hair and also it is kind of thin. You have to trim it once or maybe even twice a week. When you dont wear mascara, it looks funy because it is just pointing down and doesnt curl up. I admit, with mascara and heated eyelash curlers, it can look okay but if i had to do it all over again, i wouldnt have wasted money on eyelash implants. If you have questions, let me know!
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Hey Everyone!

I am considering getting my jawline shaved since I have a very square face which is typical of many koreans. I am also wanting to get a nose job done at the same time. I live in Toronto, Canada and visited Dr Joseph Wong for a consultation and he quoted me 12 000 for the 2 procedures. I have heard though that it is cheaper to get it done in Korea who also have more skilled doctors. Does anyone know of a good clinic that does jawline reductions and I would greatly appreciate anyone who has done the procedure to give me an overview of their experience e.g. recovery. I am just really hesitant because I have heard some horror stories of jawline reductions and was wondering if its really bad as everyone says it is!!!
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Hi there, thanks for your post. If it helps i always curl my eyelashes so quite used to that, i cant wear mascara without doin so otherwise it looks pointless. did u used to curl your eyelashes before you had your implants done? do your eyelashes look dense? I dont have many lashes and see this as the only option to sort them out but not too sure now lol. have you thought of having your eyelashes permed?

thank you
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Hey friends. I just realized something. Reading these posts, I see that a lot of us are very stressed out over getting procedures done, and then stressed out after the procedures have been done. All this stress, and for what??? I'm sure a lot of you also have exams to worry about too!!!
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^ I'm always stressed lol, then looking at my stressed face makes me even more stressed, and makes me look more stressed and older,and then i get even more stressed when i look in the mirror its a vicious cycle lol! me= lots of issues

Guys i need your opinion. Im really considering getting the double eye lid surgery for more than one reason, the main reason being that ive been told i look unhappy all the time ( This i cant help) Ive stretched my eyes out to see how id look with upper bleph and i think i would look alot friendlier. I think i have a crease already( some mornings i dont ) but i would like to make my eyes bigger by increasing the lid.
Is it possible on my eyes?

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I had surgery with Dr T almost 4 mos ago (June 25th) and the outcome is nothing short of a miracle. My nose was a total disaster from 4 previous open rhinos (due to a broken nose, folloowed by a bad repair) from other surgeons, and my T surgery was nearly 11 hours long for him to fix the mess. There are a couple of unhappy "T-basher" patients who frequent the rhino-forums and then post under different names and it is rumored that the same unhappy patient made all these posts about him on ratemds.com under different usernames. I don't know for sure; just a rumor.
Keep in mind anyone can post anything they want to on those sites with no one to monitor/censor it or not. It's a total disservice to the doctor IMO. If you are considering a surgeon, you should consult with him/her personally and make sure you see lots of befores/afters and have a list of questions ready for the doc at your consult. Your heart and your gut will tell you who will be the best surgeon for you. Dr T was the ONLY surgeon who could fix my problem, and the result is already beyond better than I ever expected.
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i forgot to mention in my last post, does anybody know the link to wish clinic in Korea, i am trying to compile a list of good clinics to get consultations at. so far i have heard of Bk clinic, oz, clinic 9 and dreamsurgery.
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Hey, did u ever get a reply from this person? im a korean canadian female seriously contemplating a jawline reduction but im very very worried about the pain and complications. I would really appreciate a first hand account from someone who has undergone thi procedure
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I would love to go to korea as its the place for plastic surgery but the language barrier puts me off a bit. Am currenly trying to save as much money as possible as i really want my nose done. Are there any particular surgeons you've got your eye on?

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Hi there, is the clinic you are talking about this one- http://www.bkdy.co.kr/english/

If anyone could point me to the right direction that would be great :smile:
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Hi. You have nice eyes. I don't know if you should do anything to them. Maybe it's all in your head? Double eyelid surgery is not uncommon though. Choose your doctor carefully if you decide to do it.
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