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korea trip starts here:

hey everyone

I have arrive in Korea on October 8th and had a consultation at the BK clinic with Dr K im Byung Gun the very next day. We are staying at Youngdong hotel which is about a 10 minute walk to BK Clinic. Everything is close by. restaurants. subway,convienent store, bk skin clinic, and the surgery clinic, few bank. 24hr restaurant ,everthing!.
About Youngdong:

The people here are quite friendly. The pick up service at the airport was phenomenal. He was very easy to find him since he waited outside the gate with a sign that had our names on it. It took us about an hour to get to the hotel. The guy that drove us was really nice. He came back from studying in Georgia, U.S. about few months ago so his english is good. They do have Canada/U.S plugs here (you just have to ask for them). and Internet wire that you can plug to your laptop.
Food is about the same price as Canada and U.S. Prices for daily essential is really cheap and very cute.

Bk Clinic:

I love the Bk clinic. The service was AWWWSOME! We arrived there at 8:30 even tho appointment wasn't til 9am. I had coffee with another girl from thE purse forum when we arrive (coffee was really good there). We were ask to fill out a form (name, duration of stay,address,phone number, etc) The consult lady (her name is Misna..i think) she was really nice. She can speak a little english which we were able to understand. She had write down what we wanted and and made sure we know what we wanted! we were sent to another room to see dr kim. he review the paper and then went through them with us (one at a time of course) questions and DID NOT RUSH THE CONSULTATION!
He had answer all our Dr.Kim spent a great deal of time with us. He had explain everything thoroughly. His english is really good! Everyone that works there is very kind/gentle. We later went downstairs to get the computer stimulation done. That didn't take to long. It was about 1/2 for them to do it. During that time we went back upstairs with Misna and look at before and after of other peoples picture. Every office had a bowl of people bones from mandible surgery and cheek bone. It was to give people idea all the different size shape of those surgery. Dr Kim had Misna escorted us to the Bk Skin Clinic (5 minute walk i think) after we saw our stimulation. She waitted for us about 30 minutes while we were getting a consult there for our skin. Did i mention the office there is really really nice. very modern/sophisticated looking. So now we are also getting stuff done to our skin (im getting treatment for my acne prone skin 300,00 korean won and maybe fraxel 400000 korean won). We had to come back to the clinic after lunch to confirm our surgery date for October 10 at 9am. Thank god we had a consult appointment at 9am. cause the office was LITERALLY PACKED WITH KOREANS in the afternoon. There was at least 10 people waitting there. Some were there for post op consult, remove stitches or planning to get it done. The lady that sat beside us had a open rhinoplasty. her scars are fresh but it was fading away. Her nose was sooooooooo nice. She look like a movie star. there was also a lady there who was 7 days post op. she tried to cover herself up with a scarf and hat. she probably came in to get stitches/cast thingie remove. We were able to ahead before everyone else. I also took a glance of the ladys nose. she had a open sugery to since i can see the black stitches. She was wondering why we were able to go before her. Came inside the office and set the date and we were ask to desposite 10% (600,000 won)

they discounted us $300each. Both getting nose and chin.
Im getting devitation, ear cartlidge grafted to the tip, base reduction, open rhino.

bumped into dr kim on our way out and he said goodbye. We spent the rest of the day shopping at Coex mall and buying some things for our hotel

came back and slept til 4am

it is now 6 am on the dot. My surgery is 3 hours away. Im planning to go order some food at the restaurant so i have food to eat after surgery. Remember no drinking alcohol or smoking 1 week prior to surgery. Make sure you pack bromelain and arnica to help with speeding the recovery. I hope this help for whomever is planning to come to BK CLINC IN KOREA or ?

I will keep all of you posted

Since I have all the time in the world after surgery


. Didn't get much sleep since I was abit nervous. I arrived at BK Clinic 1/2 hour early to change and payed the rest of the owing.. I payed the rest of the 90% with canadian dollar and the 10% in korean won. Since Canadian dollar has gone down alot. I had to pay about an extra $1000 for currency change.Then one of the nurse took me to a room to take picture of my face/chin/ nose. After that was over a lady from ARIRANG NEWS approach me and ask if it was okay for her to interview me. She wanted to know why foreigners choose korea to do their cosmetic surgery. Have any of the korean celeb inspire you to do this.. simple questions. The interview did not take very long. Then I headed to Dr.kims office which is located on the 8th floor. They also recorded parts of the consult. Dr.kim was telling me what he was going to do with my nose and chin. alar base reduction, ear cartilidge grafted to the tip of the nose, deviation, tip refinement. $4000 an chin was suppose to be $2500 but he discounted me and my buddy $300 after asking Misna (dr.kims consultant) a few time if he can do better. Anyways I was sent to another floor to do my surgery. they will make you switch slippers to one the surgery floor slipper they have . As I was walking towards the surgery room I noticed there were sooo many surgery rooms around. This place was really big. All the nurse here seems to be very young maybe in late teen or early 20's. I noticed they all have really nice nose. One of the workers applied this brownish thing on my face after trimming all my nose hair while the other tied my hand to the table and put the blanket on me. I was knocked out cold after one of the nurse said "bye your going to sleep nows".

I woke up feeling not so bad, at least for the first hour. As the hours went by my face started to swell and bruise around the eye. My surgery buddy had came in the room after. She looked fine (minor bruising and a little swelling as the hours went by). I felt really drowsy and sick laying in the bed (floor 4:recovery). I felt like i need to puke but nothing would come out. I felt more relax sitting in the bathroom then laying in the bed. At one point I was able to puke some fluid/blood out (not much). I felt abit better but then back to being drowsy again. This huge bump is appearing on my forehead. My eyelids seem to have disappear and is turning dark purple. I layed in bed with icepacks on my face. The nurse constantly came in to change our gauzearound the nose since blood keeps gushing out. There was a bit of a language barrier since the nurse on that floor did not know much english. By late late afternoon. I notice there were at least over 10 girls recovering. Most of them seem to have mandible reduction and they look fine. no bruises. Some were in chin and eyes, nose. etc. Some of the surgeons came in an would check the bump I had on my forehead. Towards the end of the night Dr.kim was finally available and came to check on my forehead. He brought me to the room next door and gave me a shot there. He said this will help the swelling do down. Then started squeezing blood out of my nose( very painful especially the nose is still very sensitive after surgery)! The nurse took over and clean me again as Dr.kim undergo another surgery. We kept asking to go home but they kept on saying one hour til hours later they finally let us go. The nurses called Youngdong hotel to pick us up. They gave us each a with cold compress and perscription for the medicine and a few gauze (pack surgical tape since they do not provide that). They should've gave it to use before surgery . We are in no condition to go pick up the medicine especially this late. 1/2 hour later the driver comes and get us. I was so embarrassed! I forgot to bring my surgical mask since they would not give me any, I had to use my shirt to cover my nose. It was my eyes and forehead that looked deform and humiliating. I look like i was beaten up pretty bad. I can see from the corner of my eyes that everyone is watching us as we got in the car.
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There is a back entrance for those who undergo surgery. I puked one last time by the elevator. Boy did I feel much better. I feel sorry for whomever has to clean that since there was no garbage bag in there >.<! We went up to the hotel and look for something to eat since the last time we ate was 24hours ago. The hotel guy that knows english went to pick up our medicine at Olive Young (couple minute walk). it cost about 47,000 won for each of us. We tipped him $14 since he has done most of the translating for us and helped us the most. I spent the night freaking out about the bump since the swelling hasn't gone down but gone up instead. I actually thought I had "angioedema". My eyes are getting worse as day 2 came. Its very hard to eat and sleep. My upper lips are really puffed out. I sleep during late afternoon and wide awake for the whole night til morning. Its very very hard to breathe. My mouth would get so chapped and dehydrated. I would wake up alot just to get a new icepack for my face, drink water and apply chapstick on my lips. My chin is not swollen though neither is my cheeks. ONLY EYES AND FOREHEAD>> AT LEAST FOR NOW. The next day (day 2) We came in the clinic to get clean up and change cast. Once again the clinic was full with korean girls. This is the post op cleaning floor. I can't remeber which floor it was. I know 8th is dr.kim office and consultation floor. Then 7 is for picture stimulation and pre op pictures and thats where you change before heading down to the surgery floor.
and 4th floor is recovery. but I can't remember what 5th and 6 floor (one is post op care and the other surgery floor). We went to Insa station after to grab a hat for 9,900 won. and walked back to the hotel.

Day 3-4
. The bump on my forehead disappear (had icepacks on during sleep hours). But now my cheeks AND lower lips are swollen. I applied hot cloth to the eyes for about 5 mintutes and my puffy eyes went back to normal. Took a shower and wash my hair. I had to tilt my head to the side where dr kim did not touch. Since I cannot let water touch my ear or nose. Thank goodness! they had one of those long shower hose thingie. I felt so good after showering. Now I just have to wait for the bruising around the eye to go away. Im less worried now! Order " vegetable Juk"which is congee (porridge) and plain tofu udon since thats all we can eat. Make sure you tell them not to make it spicey since all their food seem to have kimchi in it. My ears are looking are purple and they stick out but that is normal if you get cartlidge from the ear. Its abit harder to move my face now that my cheeks are swollen. I applied cold compress that BK gave us on my lips and its has gotten better by the end of the night. I slept from 5pm to 1:30 am. (day 4) Now its my waking hours. The stitches inside my mouth would sting here and there. The pain is bareable. Its is now 4:50 am and Im bored as heck. Few more hours and we have to head back to BK for check up and I think they will be removing our cast. It is now 8:48 am. I've been taking my arnica and bromelein which help with my bruising. From dark purple to yellowish colour. Me and my buddy have been playing Family Feud online to keep us busy. Im so desperate for fresh air. HMMZ I wonder how long it would take for the blood in both eyes to go away? I went to the Bk clinic and the remove the cast and clean my nose. The girl that was cleaning was being really rough. Another girl came and put tape around my nose. Dr.kim came by and told me the redness in the eye will go away after the bruising around my eyes are gone. He also told me my tip will get smaller once the swelling around the nose is gone. We went to go get some pizza hut before heading back to the hotel.

its day 5 now.
So far so good. Im healing fantastically from where I started.. Im healing faster then I thought! All thanks to Arnica And Bromalein. Swelling on my cheecks have gone down . Pictures are now updated.. The tape and stitches will be remove on October 17th.


- surgical tapes, cap (one that cover the front of your face), surgical mask (a.k.a sars mask), Bromelain & Arnica (helps speeds up recovery..bruising swelling etcs), q-tip (clean nose + ears),

- laptop is a must!! to keep in touch with family. You can also log on to yahoo an call family for free . The only problem is they need a yahoo account then you can log in to yahoo messenger.

- pick up medicine before surgery

- show a sample picture of how you want ____ done

- ask to see the product (check size to see if it suits you..etc) feel the difference between gortex and silicone.

- make sure you buy soup/porridge thats already made if your room does not have microwave.
cup noodles, oily, spicey, seafood, beef is not recommended for recovery. make sure your food will last.. if there is a restauant then you can order from there.

- drink lot of fluid..water ..water...water..juice...etc

- buy fruits before not after since you probably want to rest

- limit yourself to less activity.

- pack some fravorite snacks

- bring lots of comfy loose clothing since you will spend more time in the hotel room then out.

- check currency rate and change it.
For Canadians: If you are coming to korea do not change to U.S dollar. You actually lose more. change to korean won. Since it cost more to buy U.S dollar then korean won. There are banks KEB Bank, Han bank, and few others located along the Bk clinic. Western Union is located inside most banks. I actually payed mostly Canadian dollars and deposit in Korean won

- make sure you don't forget your camera. DO TAKE PICTURES EVERYDAY TO SEE HOW YOU ARE HEALING AND IF THERE IS ANY SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN YOUR LOOK. Keep a day to day journal of your experience.

- Make copies of passport driver license, bank cards etc. before heading International. Leave it with a family member in case you lose it overseas.

- Write down a list of words you need to know or you can carry it with you like I did.

- BUDDY UP If you can find somebody to shares expenses and recover with!

- Buy travel insurance. It doesn't cost much but it really helps incase something does ever happen. I usually buy it from RBC Insurance. You can purchase this online. (trust me this is nothing compare to the lump sum we spend on surgery) Never buy from Airlines. They don't cover much. RBC cover up to $400 for hospital stay per night (if anything happends), $1500 of flight interuption, 1 million medical expenses as long as its not the same symptom you had in the past 90 days.up to $1000 baggage insurance. $400 to buy some clothes and essential need I for baggage delay 12hr. emergency airlift etc.

- bring some food/juice to clinic since you will not be fed. They only provide water if you ask them for it.

- ipod/iphone to help you sleep. on plane ride airport, clinic etc.

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We decided to go stop by the Bk Skin clinic.. Sat there for 1/2 while my friend got laser treatment for her freckles. The numbing cream that was applied when I arrive was actually working well. One the nurse took me in a room and there, they lasered off my little mole( from pimple) above my lips. My friend came in after to get both her moles remove. The laser wasn't too bad. felt like little needles poking you. This cost 20,000 korean won
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HI THOANG!!! I'm glad to know that you are ok and recovering well. I have some questions:
1) Why do you have a bump on your forehead?
2) Why do you have blood in your eyes???

I hope you are enjoying your time in Korea:smile: Come back to Canada soon!
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hey thoang!
thank you for sharing your experience & the pictures! OMGOSH, your soo BRAVE! i think your nose was really nice! i don't think you needed the surgery. you look GORGEOUS already! :rolleyes: is that blood on the corner of your eyes? will it go away? also, are you suppose to get a nose bleed after surgery? on a scale from 1 to 10, how painful is it? 10 as being super crazyy over the charts aching. i wish you a speedy recovery & take care!
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Hi everyone,

my first post here. i've been following this thread for quite some time now but can never seem to finish reading the whole thread.

I'm 18,chinese and i live in japan now. looking at getting a nose job in Korea or Taiwan.

I want to get my nose tip define and get a higher nose bridge.

I'm contemplating between Korea or Taiwan because of the reviews they got here.
so far the clinics and doctors that i'll be asking is



Can anyone help me with the price difference between the 2 for the 2procedures that i mention? any help at all would be very much appreciated.

Also, the reason why i'm not doing it in Japan is because i dont find the doctors here work as well as the korean doctors with asian nose. i had my inner-eye opening surgery done this year and it was amazing.
but the nose jobs here deserve much less than they are credited for.

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thanks for sharing the pics, thoang! i am getting rhinoplasty tomorrow (OMG!) and am really excited/nervous. just wondering - did you get an implant for your nose? i have a pretty similar nose. my bridge is relatively high already so i'm not sure if i need an implant, though i think i am going to because it is necessary to make my nose more "pointy."
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hi doveybuzz,
Am in a similar situation as you. Am also contemplating between korea and taiwan. If i can find dr that performs eyelash transplantation in Korea I would go there. I've heard that the prices are pretty similar to eachother but am not definately sure. When do you plan on going?

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