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hmm when i have the time i'll post up some pictures taken from medical papers/journals (you can't get these free from google, i'm abusing my college's subscription HEHE) and explain a lil bit so u guys have a clearer understanding of the technical aspects of rhino.
Then hopefully more people will be more aware of just how much skill rhino reaally takes and why it's not worth going to a cheap doc just to save money
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hi guys,

i recently got a rhino and double eyelid w/epi done with a reputable doctor in taiwan. however, the results are not what i expected. i am very sad, sad to the point that i feel i have disfigured my face. my eyes were fine before, but i just wanted to make them bigger and nicer. so, despite hearing about epicanthoplasty, and how people with close eyes should NOT be advised to get it, i went ahead with it anyway after asking the doctor about it. i asked him, since my eyes are close already, should i get this procedure done? he didn't think one moment and gave me a enthusiatic, sure why not? i though it was a little wierd though, since in our email correspondences, he told me i didnt need epi done after seeing my pic.

anyways, its been a few months now down the road, and i dont think i'm swelling too much no more that it could be blamed for my problem. my problem is, now after getting epi, my eyes are wider yes, almond shaped, BUT i lost my roundness, bright, rounded eyes. i look werid in pictures now, and i think i look weird in general. my self-esteem has plummeted. i always think now that when people look at me, they see my weird, close-set eyes, and im so sad about this. im sorry to vent but i dont know what elese to do. i got all the suggestions to go to this doctor on this thread, which i am grateful for since the informaiton is top notch. but i feel i made a very very bad decision, and now im stuck with it forever.

i have been emailing doctors about how to undo medial epi if possible. so far, three doctors i sought out, have not gotten back to me yet. is this really the end>? is there really nothing else i can do?????

has anyone else gone through this?
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Thank you so much berryeyes! :smile:
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My doctor said 3 months after the surgery and i have goretex implants now. I used to have silicone which i had removed 1½ months ago because everytime i touched my bridge, it moved! movable implant..how horrible :sad:
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You can express yourself here, onetreehill. I find that it helps the healing process, both physically and psychologically.
If you want to share your pics, you can blank out the rest of your face since you only got your nose done.

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Can we see some pictures of what you are talking about? If your eyes are almond shaped and wide, they don't sound that bad.

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I've always wanted to get my eyes done since I was a teen but have been afraid that it wouldn't turn out right and make me look weird. I always thought it was a better option for women since they put on makeup over the eyes. I never knew how successful the eyelid surgery was for men until I saw how nice Hwanhee's (singer from Fly to the Sky) eyes turned out. I'm still not totally convinced that I will look good with the surgery. When I make the double eyelids (paperclip trick), I look like I have down syndrome. I showed my friends and freaked.
Dr. Lee recommended that I get it done with the DST method in addition to a brow lift to keep the skin from drooping over the fold. I would think that maybe the Incisional method with excess skin/fat removal would be better for me.
Maybe I should wait until I visit Korea so that I can get a few more consultations and then make up my mind.
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Mkryu - a guy friend of mine got his done but it was with the DST method. It looked natural and not too obvious. I think for guys when you make their eyes too dramatic which the incisional method tends to due looks kind of weird. Believe me even for girls, the incisional method takes awhile to settle in and looks weird for awhile (going through it now). Anyway, that's my 2 cents but I guess it depends on your overall facial structure and what you want to look like. Incisional tends to be higher and takes about 2 to 3 months for your eyes to look normal. DST takes about 2 weeks. Really quick turnaround.
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i posted some pictures of my nose up. i am currently 23 days post op. once again, i can't stand the area between my eyes, and i am still waiting for it to go down. in the first picture showing the right side of my face, you can see the outline of the implant in the area in between my eyes. gah!! i hope that will go away!!! from the front, my nose is slightly slanted, and hopefully that is uneven swelling.

judging from the pictures, does it look like there is still a lot of swelling, and that my nose should shrink a lot more in the following weeks? i still think it's huge right now.


password is "ohnose"
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Yea it'll shrink. Honestly, even at 3 weeks your nose doesn't look like it's been operated on. No doubt the tip is still slightly swollen but to ordinary people they're not gonna notice. Great job by the doc, can't wait to see what the final result looks like.
It's slightly different from angelababy's nose, not that it's uglier but it's just more well suited for your face. Although angelababy has a nice nose, it looks quite harsh sometimes, due to a reaally straight and high bridge with a super sharp tip. I think women look better with a very very slight slope, like in your case, but a projected and defined tip. btw, who's your doc?
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i think i still have that "operated on" look right now. my nose is too big for my face at the moment. it's hard to tell in those pictures because they are cropped and taken out of context. my doctor was charles lee.

angelababy's nose is indeed a little too straight, but i think it is just about the perfect size overall in terms of height, width, roundness.
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Well we're always our own worst critic, it's understandable. I've see FAR worse swelling than yours on many other people so i'm probably more tolerant i guess. Far worse swelling meaning a roman nose, where the bridge starts from the forehead with no gap in between the forehead and start of the bridge. lol
Just curious, you had dr lee see angelababy's pic and told him that's the kind of nose you wanted?
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yeah, i guess it can be worse, although 3 weeks seems like such a long time to me and i had expected to look better by now. i didn't realize the recovery process was so long. i thought what i had right now was like a roman nose... my bridge starts at eyebrow level.

i did not show the doctor any pictures; perhaps i should have. when i first saw him at the consultation he seemed to have an exact idea of what he wanted for my nose already. i told him i wanted to narrow the width/nostrils and make the tip less bulbous. he did some computer imaging where he raised the bridge (to a height that i was okay with, not like how it looks now!), narrowed the nostrils, and projected the tip.
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