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It looks natural. I can see a definite raise in the bridge and a slightly lifted tip but your tip doesn't look as bulbous as you say but there is still some swelling left. It's nice.
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Hi Sliverlight,
I'm sorry that you are feeling this way, but you are not alone. Around 12-13% of male suffer from depression and the incidence doubles for female.

How are you thinking of killing yourself? What ways are you thinking of? Please try to get away from whatever means that are within your reach.

Please visit your doctor office right away. There are medications that help with the signaling/neurotransmitters etc for your brain. This is not about whether a person is weak or not. It's about the signaling molecules in your brain.

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Is this because of your disappointment with your eyelid surgery? How long ago did you get the procedure done?
What was the reaction of your friends/family to your results?
Have you thought of getting a revision?
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Is it because of the surgery? Depression after plastic surgery is a pretty common phenomenon. If it persists, you really should get some help and talk to someone about it.

I have been having bouts of depression as well ever since I got the surgery. I've never felt so ugly before in my life, and I feel like people have been treating me differently because I have become unattractive after surgery. If I still look like crap in 4 weeks, which is 8 weeks post op, I'm going to be extremely depressed.
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I posted this link earlier, but I thought more people would like to read about Paloma's experiences. I found it on the rhinoplasty4you forum.
Her surgery was botched, and she became disfigured. Yet she held on and kept going with life. She maintained a great gpa in university, got a really good job, and then fixed her nose with a really good surgeon afterwards. She was very very depressed, but she was so strong and courageous.
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Here are links to some helpful information regarding rhinoplasty:

One reason why it takes so long to see final results especially at the tip is because Asians have thick skin:

Information on Non-surgical rhinoplasty: risks

Don't obsess over having a perfectly straight nose after rhino because it will look fake:

Open vs. Closed rhinoplasty:
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my nose on its own might look okay - when it is cropped out from the rest of my face. trust me, i really wish i could like the way i look right now, but i don't. i have tried, but every time i look in the mirror i cringe, and then i try to distract myself so i won't break down and cry. i'm still trying to be patient here and chalk it up to swelling/uneven swelling.

after posting those pictures up and having people say that my nose looks great just made me feel worse. i looked way better before and this is not the results i wanted.
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Hey guys, I"m sorry for the post above, I was having a bad day. I think I'm just really depressed about getting surgery as a whole (mainly nose). I feel like I'm not myself anymore and I never will be. Even though it's been 4 years. I guess the change I had was drastic, I never really got used to my new look. My uncle said I don't look Chinese anymore (he doesn't know I had surgery).

At the sametime I feel stuck. I would be happy to take out the implant and go back to my old nose. But I can't, I can't go through the look people gave me when I had it done during school (I was naive and thought people wouldn't notice, but who knew the change would be so drastic the whole school knew I'm the plastic guy). I work in the financial industry, everybody talks to everyone else I can't risk ruining my reputation. I guess all these years of pint up depression just came out. I just felt trapped with no way out. It's really destroying me.

Sorry I'm being such a "girl". I guess writing out my feelings is a good way to heal.

THanks Crazygirl for the link, it's really inspirational =)

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Asin I know how you feel, this is how I felt as well. I think my nose on it's own look fine, but it doesn't look right on my face. I guess we are so used to out old noses that we reject any drastic changes. My suggestion is that if after 6 months you are so sure you do not like you new nose then take that implant out. Dn't wait too long like I did and suffer. I never liked my nose but I just tried to get used to it. I actually thought I did get used to it, but I guess I was wrong. I now know that the key is YOU must be comfortable with how it looks on yourself in order to live with it for the rest of your life.

lol thanks for the link. THis just reminds me of how straight and fake my nose is...It's so straight he might have just stuck a ruler in there.

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