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Goodness jpor, not to frighten you or anything, but after 3 rhinoplasties, you're not thinking of switching to using autologous (rib)?

if anyone happens to be going for a revision and your current implant is silicon, DON'T listen to the doc who tells you he'll use yet another silicon implant for the revision. An extremely high number of failed revisions arise due to silicon implant being used again even after the primary failed due to silicon extrusion

the thing with gortex is that for patients with thick skin, it tends to look alot less defined in the bridge than silicon because the material is too soft and smooth. Although in the hands of an experienced surgeon that shouldn't be much of an issue. Still, many people who switched from silicon to gortex either love/hate it cos of the defined thingy i mentioned.
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Sliverlight-you are not stuck with your nose. You give other people so much power over you. You can always make something up that makes sense in order to control the "gossip". Like, that you had to fix your deviated septum, that you broke your nose...mkryu has good ideas!Besides, people who gossip or judge you when they don't know you are just idiots. Your own well being is way more important. You really should be happy with yourself, and then when you are, who cares about the miserable losers who flap their mouths?

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Good luck and all the best aussie nose! Keep us updated on how you are doing. We're rooting for you.

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Jpor I regret having surgery too.
Apparently, the doctor took off a few mm of cartilage at the side of the tip, and somehow did a suture thing to define my tip in the middle.
I don't see any difference, but from day 12 I kept pressing on one side of my nose because I thought it looked crooked so I was trying to make it straighter, and I was pressing where there was cartilage taken off (I didn't know that there was at the time cuz the doc didn't tell me anything) and now I have this slight indentation of my fingerprint on that side of my nose!!! It hurts and I know that part is not completely healed yet but even though most people don't see it, I see it, and it is just a burning reminder of why I shouldn't even have had any "plastic" surgery to begin with! I only had to correct my enlarged turbinates, but I knew that the surgeon would not do that unless I had other stuff done also.
In addition, the whole surgery was traumatic. The surgeon wouldn't even talk to me before surgery when I had questions and I was even considering asking him if he would only do my turbinates, but he was on the phone and asked his nurses to stick the IV with the anesthetic and drugs into me before I even had the chance, and when he came he only asked me to sign a consent form...
It was so traumatic.
Afterwards, I was so afraid that my nose would turn out screwed up. I was so scared of that during the recovery process because it looked more crooked when I was healing.
Now, I am almost 2 months post op and it pretty much looks like my old nose again. Except for that dent on one side where I pressed it!!!

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Thanks for the suggestions guys. I had a consultation with Dr. Charles Lee, and he recommended Goretex to me (even though I think he uses silicone a lot). I will weigh the pros and cons, I'll also consider completely removing the implant as well.

I think someone asked if my eyes were DST, they are incisional but the surgeon did not correct my inner fold. So I have inner fold then another fold on top of that. With incision he's supposed to remove the inner fold to make it more natural.

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Have you ever considered getting a rib cartilage graft instead? It produces the most natural results. I would opt for this kind of graft instead of a synthetic implant if I were ever to decide to go for a revision. I really like the way my nose looks with the silicone implant but I'm so paranoid about it's stability. I'm always so careful...right now it's fine because I've only lived with it for 7 months but I don't know how much I longer I can go constantly worrying about being careful all the time...unless eventually, it becomes second nature. A couple weeks ago, I was horsing around with some of my friends and my nose got bumped while wrestling. All I could think about was my implant...whether it got displaced, damaged, etc.

I will see how I feel after a year. If I'm not constantly worrying about the sturdiness of my nose, I will stay with what I have. If not, I will probably consider getting a rib graft with Dr. Toriumi. I hope it will look as good as it does now with natural material.
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Hi Everyone!

I have been doing my research and I still can't decide which surgeon to go to. I was thinking about going to dr. Jimmy Chuang in Taiwan. I'm just so scared to go all the way there to get that done. Then there is Dr. David Kim of Beverly Hills. I feel safer going to someone in the US but at the same time, I feel Dr. chuang can do that same. I don't know!

Has anyone gone to Dr.Chuang or Dr. David kim before and would like to tell me how they felt about the doctors? Is Dr. Chuang good?
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I can't speak for Dr Kim, but i've exchanged some emails with Dr Chuang, and he knows what he's doing. More importantly, are you asian? If you are, i'm pretty damn sure Dr Chuang has a TON more experience doing asian faces than dr kim. In plastic surgery, experience counts for everything so that should be one of your primary considerations.
That said, dr chuang has pretty bad pics on his website and it's a very poor representation of what he can do, cos i've seen some fantastic before and afters.
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i have a few questions...

1. i have been trying out warm compresses per mkryu's recommendation and i'm wondering if i am doing it right. i purchased a hot/cold pack from CVS and i put it on top my face while laying flat on the bed. the hot pack is pretty big so it covers my entire nose. it also has some weight on it so it puts pressure on my nose. is that ok? i have heard doctors recommend patients to not even wear glasses because any pressure on the nose is not good. i am 4 weeks post op.

2. another question i have is about implants. i took this picture off dr. chuang's website.

link: http://www.wishclinic.com.tw/imgs/a3-2-pic1.jpg

the implant on the far left is the "bird" implant, the ones in the middle are the different sizes of L implants, and the one on the right is the I implant, am i correct? is the bird implant considered an I implant? dr. lee said he used the I implant on me and i wanted to make sure it's not the bird implant. i would just like to know what is stuffed inside my nose right now and causing this crooked look.

3. yet another question i have is about the arnica pellets. i have been taking them since the day after the surgery. i started out taking 5 pellets a day, 3 times a day. after week 2, when the obvious swelling was gone, i started taking them sporadically, usually once or twice day. how long am i supposed to keep taking them? if they really help with the swelling, can i take them for another two months until most of the swelling is gone?

thanks in advance for the help. i'm soo consumed by this surgery/healing stuff and have so many questions.
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I have considered it. But Dr. T charges like $20,000 for the surgery plus hotel and travel costs. I can get the money for it, but I don't know if it's worth it. I would rather take the damn thing out and live with my old nose if it's going to cost something like that. I'm not an actor so I don't need to spend that much money on my nose like that.

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I find that most actors don't have perfect noses.
At least the ones on tv or in western movies.
Some actresses have actually screwed up their noses by doing rhinoplasty. Some have ended up with uneven nostrils, or really over reduced noses.
Although a lot are still pretty afterwards, like Terry Hatcher, Vanessa Ferlito, Farah Fawcett. Rosario Dawson's nose isn't symmetrical, and she kind of has a lazy eye, but she's still beautiful.
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what I did was place the pack so that it was horizontal on my face on top of my nose. I shaped the pack in a way that it tented the nose so there is very little pressure directly on the nose. I had to do this because I was also trying to get the swelling to go down on my cheeks from the bridge narrowing procedure. Sometimes I would place the pack lengthwise across my eyes. This way, there is not too much pressure on the bridge between the eyes.

The implant I have is the one of the far right. But I think I have another separate piece between my eyes. It just feels that way.

They recommend that arnica be taken up to 2 weeks after surgery. I don't know if it does anything more if you continue taking it for more than 2 weeks.
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You're right about imperfect noses on most actors. I've noticed that since I had my surgery, I've been focusing on actors noses whenever I watch something on TV, mostly men's noses. For example, On the show "Supernatural," the two male leads both have nice noses (for their face) but far from perfect.
I just noticed Korean actor, James Kyson Lee's (Ando) nose on the show "Heroes." I pretty sure he has a silicone implant on his bridge. It's so straight and also I can see the implant shadows on the sides of the bridge between his eyes.


what do you guys think?
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Yeah that looks silicone shadows, though it's not for sure, the tip must have been left undone to leave some imperfections?

edit: Actually if you look at the side profile he's nose is not straight at all. So I don't think it's silicone after all.

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Mine isn't that straight from the side. I have a slight bump on mine. I think my implant was placed over the tiny dorsal bump I originally had so it doesn't travel down in a straight line. Either that or the implant was shaped that way. I guess it makes my nose look more natural with this imperfection.

Ando's nose looks really straight on TV. I really only noticed it after watching Heroes this past Monday. It's the scene in the African desert (around the 24:20 mark) when he's mixing the paste and looking at Hiro.
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