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mkryu, do you sleep predominantly on your right side? Maybe you are getting pillow wrinkles and acne from your pillow.
I stopped using a pillow cuz of that, and also to encourage myself to sleep more on my back because that way you won't get as many wrinkles.

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No, I sleep directly on my back. I can't sleep comfortably on my side. If I do sleep on my side, I feel more comfortable on my left side, the pretty side. If I sleep on my right side, my ear starts to hurt really bad. It's been like this since middle school.
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The ps showed me the silicone implant, it freaked me out because I had never heard of anything like an implant being inserted into your nose. I just thought all I needed was tip work. My nostrils do flare, but I didn't want to change them as it's a ethnic trait in my culture, and the ps advised me not to. I originally thought my nose was too big as I thought my tip stuck out too much. but the surgeon advised me that infact my nose was too small for my face. Which didn't make sense until I saw the computer imaging.

My nose is still swollen especially on the tip and collumella..it is rock hard like yours. My bridge was raised with a silicone implant. And my tip was done with septal cartilage. Overall there isn't much change to my bottom half of my nose it's slightly more refined, but I am hoping that it becomes more refined as time goes on.. I am still a bit worried about my bridge though, I think it's quite high, it's funny coz my sisters and my dad all have high bridges, which start at about the eyelash line and thats what I have now, but I think coz I am not used to having a higher bridge it's really taking me a long time to get used to. I just don't know if I suit it. My family and my boyfriend love the results... I always had a button nose that was too small for my face which made my chin look huuuuge...now my nose has sort of balanced my features out more, but I am just worried that my bridge is too high for me.. I will be seeing the ps in 3wks, and if I still feel like this about my bridge I might get a smaller one probably 2mm as the ps said that 1.5 might be enough before I did the surgery. Right now I have 3.5mm. My bridge starts where the top of my eyelash is when my eyes are open and looking straight ahead. But I still don't know if I suit it. My nostrils are also uneven, which you can't tell unless you look underneath my nose. So I would like him to fix that and maybe put in a smaller implant if he thinks it is needed. Does anyone kno much about taking an implant out and putting in a smaller one, do you have to wait 6mths? is it classed as a revision? And is it easy to do? Overall I am okay with things at the moment, I just can't wait to see the ps..and talk to him about my concerns.

Asin I hope that you feel better about your nose as time goes, I know that this might not mean much to u right now, but I think your nose is really natural looking, try and keep positive, when I feel down I just try and keep positive, and stop looking at photos of me as I find thats what my problem is I analyse myself too much. I have been out around people that I see all the time and no one has noticed, or they probably have and don't know what it is that is different about me. I just don't know what I am going to say when someone does notice and point it out.
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Hi cersepn,
Yes I'm asian so thats a reason why I think Dr. Chuang would know what to do with my case. I agree with you completely, he is definitely poorly represented on his website. I wish I could see more Before and Afters but hes all the way in Taiwan. I really like the korean singer Hyori's nose and wanted to see if he done noses similar to that. I emailed him and he refered gortex for my nose and medpor for my chin. I'm very worried about the quality of the implants themselves. Do you know if medpor is safe? Did you go see him to view his fantastic before and afters? :shrugs:

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The before and afters i've seen aren't like hyori's nose, but pretty good too. With that said, dr chuang is more known for his breast implants than he is for nose.

I do think that there are better rhino surgeons in TW though, but it's quite hard to get information. Dr Kao and Dr Hsu are both quite popular as well, here's their websites
http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/face-nose and http://www.ychsu.com/
I might add that they almost do only rhinos, nothing else.

As for the implants, the implants themselves should not pose any problems to the body, unlike you're one of the very rare few individuals with an allergic reaction to them. Medpor is better than silicon for chin implants from what i've read.
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the idea of having an implant put in your nose is pretty freaky, isn't it? i never liked the idea of it but when i realized how common it was especially in asia, i thought "what the heck..."

it's great that your family and boyfriend love the new nose! it must look good and suit you well, since they are probably the most honest with you. i live 300 miles away from my parents and they still don't know that i got a nose job, and i am not going to visit them until i am at least somewhat happy with my nose (perhaps after a revision). i know they will be angry and yell at me for getting work done, and i can't handle that emotionally when i am already depressed about the results.

i would like to know what removing/replacing the implant is like too. a girl posted earlier in this thread about removing her implant because it was infected and protruding through her skin inside her nostrils. the doctor simply made an incision there and popped it out, so it was really simple. i don't know about replacing it though. will your doctor charge you for changing the implant? i'm pretty sure mine will if i opt to remove or replace it. *Sigh*
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it's interesting how we have a "better" and "worse" side. i wonder if being right or left brained has anything to do with it. i think my left side is my bad side, although i am more left brained. i was looking back on my old pics and noticed that the left side of my cheek is a lot puffier than my right, although this has been significantly reduced with the botox injections. currently, my nose slants this way / and i am wondering if the excess swelling on the left side is pushing my nose in that direction. i usually sleep on my left side, especially after the surgery since i had ear cartilage taken from my right ear. that might explain the left side being more swollen and the (temporary?) asymmetry. i'm being hopeful here.

mkryu, what kind of changes did you see in your nose after week 4-6? i hear the tip takes awhile to define, but did you see any more changes in the bridge and height after week 6? i've seen some people complain in other forums about their bridge dropping. they were happy with the height immediately post op but then it kept getting lower. they might've used gortex though.
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The height of the bridge will decrease a little more as the months go by but not by much. Most of the swelling will be gone by about the 6th week.

I think my right side is worse because when I used to smoke, I always placed the cigarette on the right side of my mouth. So maybe since my right side was more exposed to the toxins, it has aged more than my left. I quit smoking almost 3 years ago. I realized that smoking is stupid for people who are concerned about their looks. It makes you age quicker. It destroys collagen resulting in pre-mature wrinkles and sagging skin. It's a definite no-no if you are thinking about Plastic Surgery. You won't heal as well.
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kudos for quitting smoking, mkryu. i quit smoking too when i knew i was going to have the surgery and haven't smoked since. wanting to look good is definitely incentive to quit, although i was never a hardcore smoker (took me a month or more to go through a pack).
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Hi Gingerale, if u decided to visit Dr Chuang eventually. Pls let me noe ya.. perhaps we can hv each other's company. Will u be alone? I'm still looking for buddy. Intending to do rhino with Dr Kao & epi with Dr Chuang. :yes:
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cersepn thanks for refering the two other surgeons. I looked at their pictures and their much closer to what I want! THanks.

Mikko_baby, that would be great!:idea: I'm not going alone, my sister also wants to get her eyes done. We are planning to go together, hopefully this june when school is out. You are completely more than welcome to join us. I don't think anyone should go alone. lol it would be fun. I looked through dr hsu and dr kaos page. I can't read chinese very well so It was really difficult to tell what they were talking about. Can you speak/read mandarin? I can't decide on which one of those doctors to go to. How did you decide on Dr Kao? They both seemed good so I can't decide. I guess I should go to the one that does chin implants also. My sister was thinking on Dr. Su for her eyes, her site is here http://dr-su.com/index0.asp, I wonder if she speaks english.
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Sorry I didn't read your post until looking back a few pages. I actually went out the next day after getting the tape removed, so that was 2 weeks later. I was sooo nervous, and burst into tears a few times, which didn't help the swelling. But I kinda had to go as it was a family function. No one said anything to me, i got a few looks from my relos like there is something different about me but they can't quite figure it out. I got a compliment from one of the ladies that I was looking absolutely stunning and that my hair colour and cut really suit me..which i thought was funny and it gave me the confidence boost I needed for those couple of hours that i was out. I still don't think my nose suits me and it's still too high. I am really worried. I wish I had gone for the 1.5mm instead of the 3.5mm. I hope my ps can help me when I see him in a couple of weeks.
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