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hihi ginger!! ahh tat's nice! u hv ur sis as company. hmm.. im planning to go somewhere in jan/feb. might go alone if i reali can't find anyone to go with :crybaby:dun tink i can hold on till june. lol.. all these readings is making me kinda excited to fly there rite away! :yahoo: i agree tat its quite difficult to read thru dr kao's webby though i can read simplified chinese but all those wordings is giving me headache. i'm quite decided on dr kao & dr chuang is after rambling thru these 2 threads. http://www.singaporeexpats.com/forum/ftopic50308.html
fr wat i've read, dr kao is specialize in rhino & dr chuang for his eyelid & epi works. wat will u be doing ginger?
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Hi everyone! I haven't been keeping up with this thread as closely as before, but I have noticed that a few of you have gotten your surgery done with Dr. Charles Lee of LA. I am more than likely going to have him do my nose. That is unless, there are some other notable Dr.'s in HK or San Diego..?

Anyways, I'm really wondering more about the scheduling for the surgery when you went to Dr. Lee. 1) How many weeks/time in advance did you schedule your appointment? 2) How much actual time did you have to spend in the area? Like, what day did you arrive in the area? 3) How much time did you take off from work?

I'm sure I have a bunch of more questions, but those are the immediate ones I can think of. I would really just appreciate it if one of you that did go to Dr. Lee could give me a day by day schedule of what went down so it can help me plan accordingly.

Thanks!!!! :smile:
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Sorry, out of topic but I would like to pass my observation to girls who may be influenced to have plastic surgeries because of seeing other girls doing it : I have come across really plain Janes married to doctors, caucasians and high-flying executives, and they have happy marriages, so looks is not the be-all. Characters are more important.....there are times when husbands left their wives for older women or for plainer-looking women than their glamorous wives...so what does that tell you ? Don't be sucked into this plastic surgery thing too much just because of some girls who are lack of self-esteem or overly vain.... do it because you really feel you need it.....and I personally think it is better to tell your boyfriends before marriage or else it may lead to accusations after marriage that you are not honest etc.....you cannot hide it as sometimes you need to maintain or revise the surgeries...Sorry for being so long-winded.
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I'm gonna disagree with you big time on that. It's not merely about attracting a partner; looks do matter, whether you wanna admit it or not, in every aspect of a person's life, in the career, the way people treat you.. the list goes on.
No one is saying character's not important, but when people don't look past the surface, and trust me, it is happening more and more in our wretched society, they don't bother to see how gd one's char is, what's the point?
I don't see why you need to tell your boyfriend just before marriage and it's not 'hiding' something. Plus if he liked you only for your looks.. then he's not even fit to be your bf
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Wtf? Sorry... but, WTF? You just compared marrying a caucasian to marrying a doctor and high flying executives. LOL. I don't even have anything to say to that. Except WTF.
And what does this have to do with marrying rich? Most women nowadays are successful on their own, and if we choose to do plastic surgery it's definately not because we're aiming to attract a successful (or caucasian LOL) man. Obviously that's what seems to be on your mind, because nothing along the lines of this is even mentioned here.
I agree that most girls will probably get the idea to get plastic surgery after seeing another girl get it. I also agree that girls should only get it if they really feel they need it and it's not just for physical perfection. But cersepn is right, looks are what you are judged on first impressions. You wouldn't bother trying to find out about someone if you didn't find them somewhat attractive. Those men see something in those so-called 'plain janes' that you obviously don't. Everyone has different tastes.
And check ups and such, it will be so easy to hide it, I don't see why not. Personally I chose to tell, but I don't see anything wrong with wanting to hide it.
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LOL, that's what I thought. Caucasion = Doctors. Wow. In my mind a lot of traditionally "ugly" asian women marry Caucassions 'cus they are the only one that find them pretty. Kidna like lucy lui, white people think she's SO HOT!

But I do agree that character matters a lot though. Looking pretty without character isn't going to get you very far. But looking good is always a plus, the two is not mutually exclusive. (You can look good and have good character since you were "ugly" before, so you are not ignorant haha).

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Jane03, are you implying that asian women are wanting to attract Caucasians because they are somehow "trading up" in the social ladder??????? That is so wrong.
A lot of Caucasians are just white trash. Just like a lot of Asian men are yellow trash.
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I'm pretty sure Lucy Lui had some work done. I just watched an episode of Beverly Hills 90210 (1992 version) and she had a small role as a waitress. She looked really different back then...more Asian looking. She looks very "western" now.
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I have a feeling that women get plastic surgery more so to compete with other women than to attract men.
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I agree that looks aren't everything. We will all grow old one day and if our looks are all we have going for us, it's gonna be tough times down the road.

So who are the people who really need plastic surgery? People who have a hard time marrying caucasians and doctors :confused1:
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mkryu, i remember you mentioned that when the doctor operated on your nose he shaved some bone down. is it due to a bump on your nose? what was it like to shave down the bone?

i emailed the doctor with some photos of my nose and he agreed that it was crooked. he said that the original platform for my nose is crooked to begin with, and he will need to shave some bone down to even it out, then replace the implant with a smaller one.

the idea of shaving the bone down is really scary to me. im afraid that if i decide on taking the implant out in the future, my nose won't go back to look like the way it did before because the bone got shaved. my nose never looked slanted to me in the past. it also sounds really painful and will take a long time to heal.
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