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I wonder why he never said anything about that before? Didn't he say it was perfectly straight in your follow up? Would you have to pay for another revision then if you go back to him? What if you just take the implant out and leave it the way it is? I think any DR can take out the implant..
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i really don't know why he didn't address the issue of the platform of my nose being slanted before. i've never even heard of that before. have you? plus my nose did not look slanted to me pre-op. and yes, he said that it was straight in the follow up... what gives?

it's going to be pretty cheap to replace the implant ($600). for removal it is free. removal is really simple and i was thinking about just removing it so i won't have to stress over having an implant in my nose ever again. but since it only costs $600 to replace the implant, i think i will replace it. if i have any problems with it in the future i'll remove it for good. now, it's the shaving part that irks me.
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oh so you only have to pay for the shaving then? I guess anethesia is included with that fee then? I can't imagine you being awake while he's doing that.. that would freak me out.. I have heard that the implant position depends on the bridge area. Your bridge was ok to begin with, I would take out the implant and not stress over getting an implant put in. What if you take out the implant in the future, then your bridge has been shaved and it may look even worse. How much smaller of an implant would he put in?
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I think I would take it out. I don't think you can handle it again if something else goes wrong. Never consider the price as a part of your decision. If you hate your implant now, you'll hate the smaller one too.
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I think that is Jane03's preference in men. She likes caucasians, doctors, etc... I guess she didn't realize that not every Asian shares her tastes. Some people do resort to plastic surgery to attract others...some do it to compete with others, some do it to fit in, some do it for themselves (on some level - if you were the only person alive in the world and you had a fat nose, would you hate your nose and wish for a slimmer nose???).

I think many Caucasians don't really pay attention to how Asian or how "less Asian" an Asian person looks (they don't even see a difference between single and double eyelids in Asian eyes). We just look Asian, attractive or not. In this country (USA), it seems that even if you have a tiny bit non-European ethnicity in you, you are no longer considered Caucasian. Like Obama, he's part Caucasian, but he's considered, Black, no matter how white-looking he is. Halle Berry is half-white, but is considered Black...the same goes to Mariah Carey. Lucy Lui looks half Chinese to me but people don't notice that and just see her as being Asian. My Caucasian friends think I look very Asian, but my Latino and Asian friends think I look like a "White-looking Asian."

Another thing about attraction in America is that people are more into nice bodies than pretty faces here. I think in Asia, it's the other way around...attractiveness is about having a pretty face more so than a hot body. Lucy Lui has a really great figure so she is considered hot in many Americans' eyes.
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To everyone who think they need plastic surgery to look better, I would seriously reconsider it. When I saw the pics of this wedding all I think think of is at least she's all original, good for her!

She's happy being who she is and she found someone who loves her for who she is. I'm sure most of us envy that a little no?



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these are all questions i will need to get clear answers for. i would be DEVASTATED if in the future, i decide to have no implant, my nose looks worse than pre-op because it was shaved. maybe the shaving isn't as invasive as it sounds... he basically said that my natural nose has a tilt to the right side. if he replace the implant, he will "need to shave the bone down to straighten the platform a bit more so the implant can sit correctly on the nose."

the dr said he used a medium implant for my nose. i will have to look at the implants and choose a smaller one when i get it replaced. i think 2mm smaller would look about right.

since taking an implant out sounds so simple, i figured i would give having an implant another shot. my nose before was OK, but i dont want to just take the implant out and regret not giving implants a second chance. i did get rhinoplasty to improve my looks. i think if my nose was straight and had a slightly smaller implant, i would like it a lot more than my nose without an implant.
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From what I have been told it's easy to take an implant out. If it goes wrong I will just take it out...
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I had a small dorsal bump on my bridge. I know that is many cases in Caucasian rhinoplasty where the dorsal bump is shaved down, a thin layer of goretex is usually placed on top. I don't know what it was like to have the bone shaved since I had so much done to my nose at the same time (osteotomy, alar base reduction, dorsal bump shaved, bridge augmentation, tip augmentation).

When are you scheduled for the revision? Are you going to wait to see how much more your nose will de-swell from the current implant? Will you go for the smaller implant or stay with the same size? Did you ask if once the implant is replaced whether you will have swelling to deal with all over again (4-6 weeks)?
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I would assume that any type of bruising or inflammation would eventually heal. Have you contacted your doctor about this? Have you thought about seeing a dermatologist? How long has the redness been there for?
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When you see Dr. Lee, you should ask him. The best thing to do is make a list of all the questions and concerns you have and take the list with you at the time of your consult/revision.
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i haven't scheduled anything yet, although i want to do it really soon (i'll do it next week if i can). i still need to finalize my decision of what i want - replace the implant or remove it altogether. i've emailed the dr with some questions about shaving the bone and what it will entail. i am going to get a smaller implant if i'm replacing it.

i was going to decide on replacing the implant, but now that i know i have to shave the bone, it makes this decision really tough.
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MkRyu, the red mark is where I pressed it and left a slight dent on one side of my nose, above my nostril to the side. I found out later there was cartilage taken off there a bit so I don't know if pressing on a place that had cartilage taken off would pack the cartilage in more and leave it that way? It still hurts from my pressing on it before, even though I haven't touched it for a whole month now. It has healed somewhat. The doc said to wait 6 months and it should look normal after the swelling goes down. I thought maybe people have experienced this?
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