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nini didn't just say lucy liu is ugly, she said her face is a "piece of ****" (lol).

there is a slight difference between nini bashing lucy liu and simon bashing people on american idol. simon has an extensive background in the music industry, so he is probably a good judge of skill/talent. beauty is something that is more subjective, unless you're an evolutionary biologist who wants to argue that certain physical traits are superior to others. of course, we are all entitled to our opinions and free to express them. lucy liu's probably never gonna read this so no one's feelings are directly hurt.

kim tae hee is very pretty, but she seems to have a cookie cutter look. she bears a strong resemblence to miss korea 2007 and han ga in.


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Lol, if you say so. Like i said, THAT is the asian standard of beauty. If you don't agree, you can believe what you want. But one thing is certain; lucy liu is not a conventional asian beauty. Stop being so emo about this whole thing. We were just talking about what's attractive in asian culture and the west, and how it's different. Honestly, who gives a damn if she's rich and famous lolol.

asin: That's probably cos KTH's one of korea's first few beauties; maybe it explains why so many other girls want to look like that too. Anyway han ga in doesn't really resemble her, it's just that particular photo that bears a very slight resemblance. The miss korea? omg.. dun get me started. She's an insult to kth
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cersepn--> nini1021 obviously has not killed herself, as is evident from her posting on this forum. Therefore, she must be prettier than Lucy Liu. I am just interested to see what she looks like.
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just wanted to give you guys a detailed update in case anyone in is interested...

i ended up replacing the implant with a smaller one this morning. the procedure was fairly short (around 30 minutes to an hour i think?) and i was not completely knocked out as i was during the first rhinoplasty. i was conscious most of the time, though disoriented, and felt some discomfort from the cutting, removing, replacing, and stitching. i remember asking the nurse to let me spit out the blood that had collected in my mouth from time to time. after the doctor was finished, i laid down to rest for a while until my friend came to pick me up

i vomitted a few times when i got back to the hotel, though not much came out cause i hadn't eaten. just some traces of blood and bile. it's been around 5 hours since the operation and i am still nauseous and somewhat disoriented. i dont see much swelling yet. i remember in the primary rhinoplasty 5 weeks ago, i didn't see much swelling either on the night of the surgery. however, i wope up next day looking like a cat and the obvious swelling remained for about a week.

i just hope the results will come out good this time. dr. lee put in a smaller implant, and he said it is a different type of implant that is wider at the top. the implant he had used initially was narrower on the top where it sat on the glabella, and he said that it was more prone to shifting. i'm very scared that this implant will shift again, but we will see. when i had the first operation, my cast fell off within a couple of hours, and that may have contributed to the shifting. this time, the cast is on pretty sturdy, so hopefully it will help the implant stay in place until it heals.

i hope it was a good decision to replace, not remove, the implant. i hope i won't have to go through surgery again for a while. if the implant goes wrong again, i am for sure going to take it out for good. i'm still a little shocked that i had to put myself through all this again.
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Asin - did he shave your bone down?
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i actually am not sure if he shaved the bone down. i forgot to ask before the surgery:tdown:. i had addressed my concern about shaving the bone via email though, and he said he would not plan to shave much. i will find out whether the bone was shaved when i see him on wednesday. even if it was, hopefully not much was done. i was too out of it during or after the surgery to know or ask what was going on.

what sucks is that thursday is thanksgiving so i won't be able to see him after wednesday. i'm from out of town, and he said that i should be able to go home after i see him on wednesday. i have a cast on right now - is 2 days too early to remove it?? how long did you guys leave your cast on? i wouldn't mind leaving it on longer if it makes it more likely that my nose will heal straight this time. i wonder if i can just go home with the cast on and take it off myself after 5 days or so. in my primary rhino, my cast fell off within a few hours! i wonder if that caused the shifting.

i also want to mention that prior to the replacement of the implant, i was at week 5, and my nose was actually starting to look decent. it was still a little too high for my taste, but i might've been able to live with it for a while if it wasn't crooked.

i'm about 12 hours post op currently. a little swelling has developed around my eyes.
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I agree with the majority of you guys who don't find Lucy Liu to be strikingly attractive...I also agree that Westerners have a different perception of Asian beauty than us.

I guess I took some of the comments on Lucy Liu to be pretty harsh though...for the reason that I have had many, many people tell me that I reminded them of Lucy Liu. I honestly don't see the resemblance myself, but I've always hated hearing that, even if the person meant it as a compliment (my closest friends know that hearing such a comment will seriously make me fume, for the very reason that I don't find her the most attractive...albeit she is pretty in her own way, she is not someone I would wish and hope to look like)

But I should also note that I've had even more people (fobs, american-asians, caucasians) tell me that I am very pretty, and please don't take me to be conceited by any means (I wouldn't be planning for rhinoplasty in January if I was that full of myself, so I obviously have my insecurities too), but just merely stating what I'm told.

It's completely appropriate that everyone would have different tastes, but I guess I just took the above comment to be a little overboard...
Nini: Not trying to "bash" you at all, please don't take this the wrong way :smile:
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so, i saw this blog was about NOSE JOBS on ASIAN people...

well im getting one next month, but im second guessing it. Anyone that had one yet?

my concerns....
1.) can i not pinch my nose like i do now?
2.) i probably will have to do a revision surgery when i get older...
3.) has anyone had their silicone implant shift downwards over the year?

if anyone has every had a nose job with a silicone implant on the bridge, with cartilage from the ear implanted on the nostrils please respond!!!

im actually reall concerned of it shifting... wat are the chances of it shiftign? im going to a really good surgeon in apgujung in seoul. im just scared to death it will move and i would have to get a revision surgery in the near future.
-desperate girl-
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It says the silicon calcifies 100% after 20 years, does that mean you need to replace it in 20 years? or os calcification a desired effect... haha sorry if i sound so ignorant
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i currently have a silicone implant in my nose and share the same concerns. here are some things i have read:

-as we age, our skin gets thinner and the silicone implant will become more obvious, e.g. can see the outline of the implant. this is just something i've read from a couple of people in forums. i don't know if it happens to everyone.
-an implant that is done by a skilled surgeon should be not be mobile. it is inserted subperiosteally so if you use your hands to try to move it around you should not be able to.
-although an implant is not mobile, displacement still happens, meaning the implant can shift and become slanted.
-calcification occurs after about 10 years, and in about 20 years the implant is calcified almost 100%. i am not sure what are the ramifications of calcification. it may cause the implant to change shape? does it increase the risk of cancer? those are my concerns.

here's a pretty interesting jstudy i found, although it is regarding "bird" shaped silicone implant, which is an intermediary or the I shape and L shape.


the jist of it is that over 1079 samples who used the bird implant, 3% had infection and 3% had displacement, over a ten year period. both of these complications are easily treated. i would still like to know what are the LATER complications like in ten years and beyond, when calcification occurs.

the good thing about silicone implants is that they are easy to remove. i don't expect to have mine in for the rest of my life. i am just giving it a chance. if anything happens to it, i am removing it.
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im so thankful for this forum! im scheduled to get a silicone implant with cartilage grafting on the tip from my ear on 12/12, so its really close!

I literally spent all night reading these blogs last night, and i think im even more frightened in going through with this! i just really dont want to get another operation, i just want it to be a one time thing, but it seems like everyone seems to get a little dissatisied from their operation, or something bad happens with silicone, like it moves or ill get infected and be horribly disfigured

Asin, or anyone else that got silicone implants~
*how long have you had ur implant in for?
*does it feel like you have something there? Any pressure or what not...

by the way, since im getting cartiliage crafting, if I get the silicone removed, what exactly woul happen with that?

im actualy going to the surgeon this saturday to get my answers questioned, but since im in korea, and my korean is not up to par with my english itll be quite difficult to get my asnwers answered =[
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Hey misskimchi420, I have silicone L implant in my nose for 4 and half years now. I'm having it taken out soon. I'm going for rib this time. Probably will try Toriumi, but he costs a fortune!!! Anyway, I learned my lesson after 4 years. I think silicone is definitely not a life time solution. Most ppl on this forum would agree with me on this one. It'll last you 10 or 20 years, but not longer.

Of course I'm having problems with mine mainly due to instability(it moves). I'm sure you won't have this issue. So yours will probably last longer than mine. Also I have an L implant which is not good anyway.

Anyway good luck with your nose job!
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