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Lucy is pretty... Not as pretty as Asia's Finest like Huang Yi or Vicki Zhao,Michelle reis...But she is still pretty.
Yes she is more western "pretty".. Stronger face features, and body is curvy. She conveys that "sexy attitude" that hollywood likes.
e.g. Megan fox. ya know that sexy, diva look hollywood is all about.

In asia, they like cheeky smiles, and cuteness...
But Lucy is not ugly,maybe she won't be a Star in Asia, but she def. could be a model or some sort. Then again what do i know?...I was brought up in North America.

Sandra Oh is just ugly period....
But Really?! Asian actors here won't appeal to people in Asia??
Like Fast and furious actor Rick Yune? http://www.geocities.com/jen_jc/RickModelling.jpg
Or speed racer's Park Joon?
And Snakes on Plane's Byron Lawson(lee chen)?

Bcuz, IMO, these guys are way hotter than some of the stars in ASIA
Some like Takeshi, and a few i've seen are hot too....
But the rest seem too fragile and thin.
I'm talkin guys now.
Do you girls see that too..?? or...
Maybe its just because I'm a North American.
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Peppero~ I decided on Dr. Park something i forgot his given name, but i'm getting it at this place semips.co.kr, do you know who you're going to get your nose done at?

So i keep hearing all these complaints about silicone implants, but its really wierd because everyone I know that has it has no complaints. My aunt (who is a P.S. addict) says she doesnt know ANYONE that has ever regretted their surgery, which makes me feel kind of like a pussy.

Is there anyone reading this that is satisfied with their nose job?

Funny thing... i dont wnt to get a nose job because im scared that when the world ends, i could be possibly stuck with a mobile implant that will never be fixed hahaha i have a very wierd imagination :P

Also, i do tend to fight alot, and im very active. maybe i really should second guess this surgery haha,
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Misskimchi...is the implant a must have for your surgery??
The doctor couldn't just reshape it and tune it up for you?

I personally don't know if i can live with an implant, i am also active and into sports, and ruining my lifestyle over a nose implant is just not worth it to me.
Not to mention all the complications people talk about.
then again, i don't have the most usual situation.
I'm 1/6 Italian mixed, with Chinese. I'm very asian looking though, i got Double eyelid surgery however ,but my italian side gave me a decent nose bridge. I do however have flared nostrils, and wide nose bone..so i'm going to just "Refine and Tune Up"
I considered an implant for my tip...to really make it "perfect", but i think a tune up would be just as good.

An implant would seem like such an inconvenience, even when making out or having sex, the thought that a bump could dislodge it? i dunno, if thats worth a perfect nose.
Maybe if i was a quiet, sit at home and read kinda girl...but i'm not.
I like to go out and be active, which means my nose will be bumped now and then.

I'm not like ugly or anything to begin with, I just like to look 10/10, but if its going to cost me my lifestyle..i dunno.

Like i said, is it a must have?!
Have you really weighed Pros cons?
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BTW this is what my nose looks like... as you can see i need a bridge!!

Im pretty sure im going to go with silicone. and if anything later down the road, ill just get gortex when its more well known, hopefully i have the money to do these things when the economy is shiet!

my aunt has 3 kids and all of them are rough with her, she said if there was any problems she would never reccomend my getting a nose job, i really think shes influencing me >.<

i know im not ugly, in fact im cute, but i know when i get this nose job ill be pretty. my tip is actually fine, could use some work, but as u can see... NOOOOOOO bridge!
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maybe it's because nasal implants are so common in korea that people don't second guess themselves as much. i live in the US where it doesn't seem common so i feel self conscious about it, e.g. worry if people can tell my nose is literally FAKE, worry if something will happen to it if i go diving at a pool cause i'm probably the only person with an implant there... i can't help but feel a bit "freakish" in america for having an implant in my nose and it contributes to the obsessing and worrying.

i wonder if i can go diving in a swimming pool???

how long has your aunt had her implant? it's comforting to know that there are people with silicone implants who are happy with it and feel that it is safe/stable enough to recommend to loved ones. i wish i could find a forum of people who have lived with silicone nasal implants (especially the I type with ear cartilage) for a long time who can share all their experiences! experience speaks the loudest.

i want to mention that with my old nasal implant, which was displaced, i tried to move it back with two hands a few times. i exerted a good amount of force on it, but it didn't seem to move out of its position much if at all. that says something about the sturdiness of the implant once it is fixed in place.
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Let me put it this way. If your natural nose was going to bump into something really hard, the bones are going to break anyway. So it wouldn't matter if you had an implant or not. It's really harder than most people think to get your nose hit directly
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Haha, therein lies the irony. Even though asian rhino isn't as common in the US than it is in korea, most caucasians aren't going to think there's something fake about you, since they've been seeing tons of high, prominent noses their entire life. Unless they're ignorant enough to believe every single asian has no bridge, which is absolute rubbish. On the other hand, i don't wanna live in korea cos even if i was blessed with a naturally good nose, people are gonna think it was 'made'.
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You're not supposed to smoke -_-
It will make you much more prone to infections and increase the chances of complications by alot
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i think you're supposed to stop smoking and drinking two weeks in advance, but the earlier you stop, the better. so no more starting now! if you are really concerned you should talk to your doctor.
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Nope, her nose is not natural. She's had work done. Here are some vidcaps from her first tiny role on TV on the show Beverly Hills 90210 in 1991. Her tip was more bulbous back then. It's obvious she's had tip work done since her nose tip is has more definition now. Her bridge is also higher. I wonder what kind of implant she got: silicone, goretex or rib cartilage? She may have also gotten a chin implant. Her chin now is more squarish compared to her rounded/pointy chin back then.



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van: i'm from houston, and i know some people who have had surgery at these vietnamese clinics (like hanh phuoc, bich ngoc etc)...

IMO, i don't think it's such a good idea. my aunt got her's done a while back from one of these places, and the bridge was way too high, and it didn't suit her face at all. there was a serious case many years back, and bich ngoc got sued because her patients were having serious complications. some of their implants extruded, and their flesh was exposed leaving their noses meat red. I don't mean to generalize these vietnamese houston clinics, but as a native, they are all the same to me. same results as in I can clearly tell who has had a nose job from there. they advertise to the vietnamese people here who don't really know that there are other better places to go to... you've heard they are the "best", but really, perhaps people don't even know to go anywhere else? try not to be naive about this situation... these people could say everything you want to hear but could just be after your money. ethics is a very questionable issue with these clinics.

AsianFox had surgery there and advised everyone not to go there. poor PS, money hungry, and will not consult with you after surgery if you have a problem.

i've seen hanh phuoc's place and it's not so professional looking. if you see her in person (i have), she doesn't really look natural at all, but that's just my opinion.


i've been seriously considering a nose job for years and am very observant and analytical about this issue. i've also grew up in Houston, and these vietnamese places are not that reputable (from what I've heard and seen), and I personally would not go. i don't even know if they are even certified with any medical board association.

you may lose your deposit, but it could just be the best decision you may make by backing out. seriously think about it before you change yourself...the risks, the opportunity costs, the benefits, and so forth. you may or may not get the results you want. you have downtime from swelling as well... AsainFox even said how horrible the PS and bedside manner is. Do you know who your surgeon will be? I believe that Hanh Phuoc is the "model" but she is not the surgeon. Do research and be sure who is the best surgeon for you.

I saw your pictures and quite frankly, you are pretty. I'm being honest, and I understand that we are so critical of ourselves (i am very guilty of this)...however, plastic surgery is serious. be sure you are doing this for the right reasons, and that you are confident in your doctor. like many people on this thread have said...once you do something like this, you may NEVER get your original features back...EVER. be prepared. when faced with a decision like this in your life, it'll never hurt you to really think it over.

i don't mean to be a downer...but i've been reading this thread for so long, and haven't said a word. when I read that you are getting your's done at Hanh Phuoc...I had to say something. Please be sure this is a good decision. I wouldn't want you to regret anything. Good Luck.
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Regarding seafood, why do people recommend that you don't eat seafood before and after the surgery? What is it about seafood that makes it contradicative?
I think I had a lot of salmon a day before surgery.
Oh well. I didn't know about that seafood thing.
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