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Hi all,

I've also heard that bone shaving is a safe procedure, given the right doctor and environment. Actually, I had dinner with the daughter of a famous ps in taiwan, and she said the exact same thing about bone shaving. She also said its not scary as people make it out to be, and that it was a really controlled procedure.
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Thanks for the link. Do you realise that some of the patients are actually Korean albeit I can spot 1 or 2 filipinos (pretty obvious actually). Are these his actual patients he performed surgery on or those that were taken from Dr. Jung's clinic whilst he was understudying?

Any clues?

What are his surgical fees like in the Manila ? Yes, I have been to Belo and must admit its very modern and I felt at home.
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Hi maskd,
This is the picture. I think they are trying to show off her eyes but I really like her nose. Her eyes have too many creases I think but they are very pretty. Her epicanthoplasty is pretty obvious too.

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They are patients he's worked on but I don't know if they were performed in Manila or in Korea while he was studying under Dr. Jung. The Filipino ones were probably done in the Philippines.:confused1: Not sure what his fees are like. I guess they can range from 800 USD to 1500..pretty reasonable if you ask me..and I guess the cost also depends on what you need to have done but I'm sure it won't be too much. For Dr. Belo I spent more than $2500 but they did a bunch of stuff to my nose and it took 3 1/2 hours.
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"septal cartilage elongation of the nasal tip"

It means using the cartilage within your nose (much stronger than ear) and once you use it, its GONE !

A secondary source of cartilage indeed.
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yeah, howdid. maybe I heard it from you, I don't remember
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looks like she has double-layered tape also
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Does anyone know what a premaxillary augmentation is or if you have a before and after picture of it? Dr. Levi suggested I have this implant done. He says: this is a camouflage surgery to make the face look smaller by placing two small implants on the side of the nose to flatten the nasolabial crease.

I guess it's to put heighten the base of the nose? This is the first time I've heard of this. Thanks.

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Well my nose is COMPLETELY different. It is very straight from the side. My nose is still very very very swollen and I feel a huge amount of pressure on my nose so it's hard to make out the tip work. Dr. T told me I should see dramatic results in 3 weeks... AH so long. I felt like I've should had asked for a more asian nose.

I got rib grafts for my bridge, reduce my alar base, and refined my tip. Open primary. I recently got my stitches from removed. As you could tell from the side pic there is some blood, which I hope would not lead to scarring. I still have my stiches from the side of my nose that would be removed next week.

Below are my pictures. 1 week post-op. Sorry, the frontal is crooked.

pw: nose
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WOW ! This is my kind of nose - nice and straight !! Now, where is my travel agent?? Congrats
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Hi Jez,

Do you have a photo of your nose done by DR. Yap. I have seen him before and he looks more chinese to me............. but the staff there have nice noses obviously done by him.

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Hey Heromi,

Thanks again for all your info :tup:...Yeah i can't read chinese, can only speak it, so its hard to look up stuff. If you dont mind posting your pictures i'd love to see it. Feel free to crop out just your nose if you want to maintain your privacy hehe.

I'm having a hard time getting dr tseng to reply my emails.. your going to him soon to get your stiched removed right? When your there could you ask him for me how much he charges for double eye-lid surgery? And if he can give a price package for nose+eye surgery. I'm sorry to hassel you with this but im need to decide which doc to go to.
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ignore my pm... I didn't realize the pw.

your nose looks swollen, so I don't really think you can predict it yet like the doctor says... But, I'm sure it will turn out good. At this point, from the pics, it can deswell to something very Asian which is good... but it is hard to tell...

Anyway, I hope your rib area is feeling a lot better now!
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