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Hi everyone

Finally got my lazy butt to upload some pictures today.. been going out again finally now that my nose is perceived as somewhat normal (only to strangers tho LOL)

Here is my nose from the right at 11 days post-op http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee14/hiromi888/nose1.jpg

Here is one from the left at 9 days post-op

the tip is still big and swollen.. my nose looks high in those pictures but keep in mind that goretex will condense by about 20% after everything is healed. I do have a long face and high forehead though, so I'm actually kind of liking the height right now even though i know it'll go down more haha :P

oh and shoegirl, I go back to see dr.tseng on wednesday so I'll check out the prices for you but I know they don't do discounts for eyes and nose together..
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Hi Kwell,
Yes I think he's Chinese but he speaks tagalog. His staff is very pretty which is why I chose to go with him. I may have him do my revision instead of Dr. Levi but I'm still not decided yet. It will be in less than a month. Eek!
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Hiromi & Summerskin
Thanks for sharing your pictures both of you have really nice noses! :yahoo:

Your nose looks like it really fits your face especially if it's long. High bridge and narrow..it looks very pretty on you!

Your nose looks really natural and the curve is great. I like the natural looking slope and how it is more full at the bottom which is exactly what I'm trying to get with my nose. I think it will look beautiful once the swelling goes down and you won't be able to tell you have had rhinoplasty.

The first picture is a frontal photo of my nose while I'm smiling so it looks more wide. 2nd pic my face is relaxed so it looks more narrow. I think it's a little crooked to the left too. I have always had a flat nose so I Dr. Yap to make sure you can't tell I have a nose job. He could've made it better but for me I wanted it to look more natural than anything. No one in my job knows I had it done too since it's really subtle. If anything I like the frontal view more than the side view since I have a slight bump. I haven't contacted his office yet to see how much a revision would be to get ride of the bump and make the tip more full at the bottom and longer.


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Hi ppl. I been silent reader for while in this forum. I myself interested to get nose job but I prefer something with no foreign object insert, such as silicon or goretex. The ideas of using cartilage appeal to me which I hope there no risk of infection in future or maintenance. Is that true?
Ms Jezabel,I'm quite interest wth Dr Levi procedure. How much does his surgery cost? I have a wide nose, typically south asian nose, flare opening from frontal view. At some pictures, it just look so rhino nose, i mean rhinoceros!
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I think it's about 1500 + for goretex. When they take the cartilage from your ear it's not so bad but you have to make sure to keep your ear clean. The incision is done in the back of your ear. After the cartilage is removed it's a lot softer..I noticed my ear phones fall off a lot since my ears are really small to begin with..lol. My nose use to flare too until I had alar or nostril reduction. I had the worst nose now that I think about it..I didn't think one surgery would satisfy me. But anyways good luck. I would go with him or Dr. Yap from Belo Medical depending on your taste.
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There were a few questions are cartilage a while back... I think this explains a little?:
Generally, the lower lateral cartilage is too soft and pliable to adequately support the tip. Such softness precludes the successful use of onlay grafts to the tip, except for in the rare patient who has sufficiently strong cartilage (about 10% of patients). Currently, the author prefers creating an anterior strut graft with ear cartilage when using the open rhinoplasty approach. In the author's experience, even two layers of cartilage appear inadequate to maintain the projection beyond two years. While septal cartilage appears adequate for tip projection in closed rhinoplasty, the compromise of circulation at the tip when using the open rhinoplasty approach may contribute to long-term weakness, absorption of the septal cartilage, or both. Conchal cartilage grafts placed as a strut appear to have a more durable outcome.
I got this from:

I also read today that Asian cartilage is a lot softer than other races' cartilages... so it is much harder to define.

You can ignore this if you want... but I remember you mentioning that you had a slight bump on your nose. do you think this was because of the absorption of the cartilage?
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also I found this at http://www.emedicine.com/ent/topic659.htm:

Septal cartilage is the criterion standard material for nasal augmentation. It is quickly harvested in the same operative field and has no risk of disease transmission, rejection, or toxicity. However, prior surgery or trauma may preclude its use because of limited availability.
Another option is conchal cartilage. It leaves little or no cosmetic defect at the donor site. However, it may be brittle and difficult to sculpt. In addition, it may be insufficient when significant augmentation is needed, and it requires a separate operative site. The inherent curvature of conchal cartilage may increase the potential for postoperative warping.
Large amounts of donor cartilage can be provided by costal cartilage. Drawbacks include a chest scar, risk of pneumothorax, and possible warping of the graft.
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Hi Maskd,
I have no idea what it's from. It's just a slight bump. But I think it's because the surgeon put the implant in a little crooked. I am considering getting that premaxillary/pre nasal implant put in. My nose does since in my face a little and if it would help with the deep line I have next to my nose (especially on the left) then it may be worth it. My mouth tends to protrude far making my nose seem flatter.

Geez I just wish there were people here that have had it or the septal cartilage procedure. Thanks so much for your help maskd..like always you are very informative!

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hiromi, summerskin,
both of your noses are going to be very nice!

It really doesn't look so pointy by your pics, I promise you. It's always very hard to get used to a nose at first even when it really is an improvement. Trust me on this... that, and you are still healing. ;)

You are lucky that your doctor brought up this procedure to you. I have NEVER heard of it before... he sounds like a very good pick.

anyway, you're a pretty girl, and sometimes, I can't see what you are complaining about. lol :smile:...
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You are too nice! Honestly it's from having this condition hemifacial hypertrophy that's made me this way. It's when one side of your face is bigger than the other. Before I had facial contouring done it was very obvious. Now it's only a little obvious but it can still be tweaked to be more symmetrical. I'm having revisions done to fix some of the other asymmetries and revision rhinoplasty to fix the things I don't like about my nose. My mom thinks it's a waste of money but she said since I'm still young, I should do what makes me happy..plus she knows I've gone through life having one side of my face bigger than the other so she understands that some of this is worth spending money on. I think the price of feeling good about yourself everyday is worth it.

Also, make-up does wonders!! Lolz..
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Hi all,
I just wonder if anyone has problem with traveling, like... after rhinoplasty, you look different from your pic on the Passport. Did anyone ask you at all, and how did you guys response? When I came back to the US, there was this freaking fat, mean guy who worked at the custom check-in window. He stared at me for 10-15 mins, look down at my passport and looked up, then looked down. Thenn.. he said:"You've just done something to your nose?", "Is it this trip for?", and I said:"yes", THEN he gave me couple loud sighs, shaking his head & making the tsk tsk noise, and then typed something into the computer. I was soo embarrassed, cuz there was still a line of ppl behind me. Now I'm afraid of going out of state...
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