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I'm planning to go to Dr.Chuang in December too! im going to get a nose job and double eyelid plus epi.

Mask, did the dr. that did your eyelash implants speak english? because since im going to taiwan, i might as well get that done also. Do you think that Dr. Chuang is as good as some of the korean doctors in Korea?
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Some people can get a tall thin sorta pointy nose, while others can't. The only doctor that I have seen that can promise that every time is Dr. Toriumi.

I'm pretty sure he can give a tall thin nose, but as far as pointy tip, it's very dependent on what the patient started off with.

Like my friend got a really dramatic change with her alar reduction, but I don't think that happens with everyone as there are limitations due to:
1. If you have a wide face, it would make your face look wider.
2. your nostril anatomy and what makes it wide.

I think his tips are always nice afterwards... but as far as how pointy you may want it, you may not be able to get it based on your current nose...

Yes, Dr. Jong speaks English, but I don't know how good it is since once I went there, I just spoke Chinese with him. He was doing research at one of the top US medical universities for a while. You may also email him in English...

I DEFINITELY think that Dr. Chuang is as good as Korean doctors, especially since some of them rush you in and out. However, you sound more comfortable going to Korea. If so, I think you should definitely do that instead as it will give you more reassurance as you heal. Healing is the most traumatic step and you want to avoid any extra questioning.
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I want to just mention this.

If you look at Dr. Toriumi's before and after photos, the Asian before and after is the only nose that DRAMATICALLY changed.
Notice how all the others are quite similar to their before. Please don't think that I'm saying he's not a GREAT surgeon. I mean he is one of the most well known, possibly the most well known rhino doctor in the world.
I'm just saying that unless your nose is similar to Nicole Kidman's already... it probably won't look like it afterwards. Even if you were to ask that from Toriumi but your natural nose is very different, he probably can't give you THAT nose or very close to it.

Actually, I took a look at Nicole's nose just now. It's not sharp sharp like Dawn's. It's doable if your nose is similar to hers and if the doctor thinks the nose would fit your face.

Hope that helps. I don't want to misrepresent Dr. Chuang and have people get their hopes down. But, I do think he is just as capable as most of the Korean doctors.
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Yay! When in December are you thinking about going?

THanks for the advice. I haven't thought about the limitations of my face and what kind of nose works most harmoniously with the rest of my features until you mentioned it!! :biggrin: haha.. I think it's easy to lose sight of what plastic surgery is for- improving your appearances, not changing them completely! thanks for reminding me of that!!

I think I'm just afraid of getting a really bulky nose. I definitely want a dainty, streamlined and feminine nose that fits my face the best.

With all the talk about eyelash implants, I want to get it, too!! But.. should I get them before or after I get my double eyelid, epi and nose job from Dr. Chuang? Or... should it be done in a completely different trip?

Also... about the eyelash implants, do you have to trim them to the length you want for the rest of your life, or does it end up growing to the length you want eventually??
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hi everyone!
been busy lately so haven't had much time to update.. It's been 3 weeks since my surgery and it really doesn't look swollen anymore although I know it will go down some more.. however, I'm a little concerned cause right now it is a little high.. Dr.Tseng reassured me that goretex will condense about 10-30% after about 6 months but im still a little nervous cause i've been going out alot lately and I've been getting ALOT of "are you mixed?" even Dr.tseng's nurses say i look mixed -_-'' i'm 5'8, long faced, high forehead and browbones, thick eyebrows and lashes.. so now ppl keep telling me i look mixed.. but i don't want to look mixed!! i want to look asian!! so now im really hoping that in another 2 months my nose will go down more. Now i'm kinda mad at myself for being so greedy with the 4 layers of goretex.. i guess we'll see how things turn out..

those of you that have had goretex does it really shrink like the doctor says?
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If you are doing double eyelid, you can't do eyelashes in the same trip. :sad: I think the lashes have less tendency to hold and the direction of your lashes will be messed up if you do as your eyes will be so edemetous.

Don't worry... from everyone that I've heard that had goretex, it does go down even after 3 months. I'm sure it'll turn out fine. :yes:
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Hey Hiromi!
UR nose looks really nice and curvy!! For the tip, did you only just use ear cartilage or did u also use goretex? I've been doing some reading and apparently using ear cartilage alone cant increase the tip projection by that much, maybe 2mm, so just wanted to know how the doctors who do my nose, cause if I increase the height of the bridge by 3mm, I wd also like them to increase the tip by 3mm too, otherwise, my nose would look realy weird, itl be like straight down if you know what I mean.:smile:

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surgeries can't give you the nose you want, it depends on how much skin you have. it will rip if too much cartilage is put into your nose to make it too high. unless you already have a high nose in order to have a caucasion nose after the surgery, but, if your nose is very flat to begin with, a caucasion nose is not possible
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Do you mean the suturing of the two sides of the nose tip cartilage together. I had that done. If so, it's not going to make a significant increase... it's more for making the shape better... but it doesn't project it, especially if you are looking for 3 mm... sorry.

I have never heard of increasing the tip with goretex... I don't think that that is possible. When the bridge is built by goretex, I've always heard they use cartilage for the tip.
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I had the suturing of the tip cartilages too.. and like maskd said, i think it makes the shape nicer, ur nostrils become more oval.. and i think if u had a big nose tip to begin with it looks a little smaller..more compact if that makes sense. As for projection, dr.tseng used my septal cartilage as a graft and then he put ear cartilage on top of that... and most doctors will do your tip projection according to your bridge height so don't worry!

oh and my nose tip is getting a little softer!!!!!!!!! :yahoo: although its not anywhere close to soft yet but i can tell that its not rock hard like it was two weeks ago
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I seriously dont think they look very drastically different. maybe just a little change.. subtle.
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Yeah I've heard that goretex will shrink with time. But I wonder if the shrinking will be uniform? I mean... what if one side shrinks more than the other? haha

I am going for goretex too..thats why I am asking.
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