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i do too i think alot of you guys have been brainwashed by american media to think that a certain type of nose or certain type of feature is attributed to europeans .

let me just tell you that american media is NOT indicative of the reality, its hardly a realistic portrayal of the "white face" if the media were to portray how most white people really look NOBODY would be saying "oh i want to look eurasian" or "oh i want a euro style nose"

the fact of the matter is, is that when white people get plastic surgery or change themselves such as wanting darker skin, bigger lips, bigger butt they never say to themselves "oh gee i wanna look biracial" because they dont see that modifying themselves is forsaking their ethnicity...when they rid themselves of their "Characteristically big bulky european noses" they dont say "oh im trying to be something else"

but for some reason us asians have been brainwashed to think we are striving for whiteness or that we want to be eurasian when in actuality we are just trying to be better version of ourselves


anyway here are some pictures of NON eurasian noses that i really like








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Hi all,

It's been a while since I posted. How is everyone doing? I will give an update on my surgeries. If you guys remember, I had lip reduction surgery and eyebrow implants done about 4-5 weeks ago.

My lip reduction surgery satisfaction is still up in the air right now. While there is no question that my lips have been reduced in size, I might have to deal with some other issues. The area where the doctor cut out the lip has healed up, but now it is kind of hard to the touch. Harder than the surrounding lip that was not cut out for sure. When I smile, it also feels like there is something restraining me, because of the hardness of that area of the lip. I have emailed the doctor, and he has said that this is scar formation or something, and that I need to be patient to wait for results. Also, my top lip is quite weird, as it tends to slightly swell up every so often. On some days it'll look completely normal, but on other days it'll swell. I guess all I can do is wait. I will go back to Taiwan next weekend to get an in person opinion from the doctor about these results. Oh, and for some reason, I just developed a little clear bump on my bottom lip, where the cut was made. I have no idea what that is either. It literally formed within an hour.

On the other hand, my eyebrow surgery has been quite a success. A week or so ago, I thought that my eyebrows were starting to fall out and grow back. However, now I think that most of my eyebrows really never fell out in the first place. They are still there, and growing like normal eyebrows. I do experience a little irritation from time to time on one of the implant areas for some reason, but I just ice it for like 5 min and it goes down. I expect this problem to go away on its own soon.

When I go to Taiwan, I might have dinner with the daughter of that PS I was talking about, and maybe even the PS himself. I will get those questions about bone shaving answered for whoever was interested before for sure.
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no, none of the pics i posted are of people with rhino
they are natural asian celebrities.

the first two girls are hyori lee and song hye gyo
and ive seen pics of them when they were very very young and everything is the same so no surg.
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I just wanted to remind everyone that this is not a forum in which people should pass judgments on others' aesthetics.

There is nothing wrong with the desire to improve our appearance.

It so happens that many of us think Eurasian noses are pretty. That is not an indicator of a social and/or racial "brainwashing".
For example, most people know that white men, in general, are taller. Most Asian girls prefer taller men. Asian girls who prefer taller guys have not been brainwashed by the white aesthetics to think that taller men are more attractive.

We are here to help each other through this journey of transformation.

Please don't judge! Thanks!
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I tend to find that people who have this mentality i.e. white aesthetics is totally insecure about their race and who they really are by BLOOD! I really hope one day they can wake up and smell the coffee unless they can change their DNA in their lifetime ! Silly Billy.

I have had a few procedures done and now more enhanced inside-out! I still look myself but 10 tens more attractive! Its no good having a nose or chin etc.. that doesnt suit your bloody face --- you`ll look darn odd - TRUST !

Know what you want and be happy with it.
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Oh ... you`ve very good taste.... pics I would personally use and think nice, too !! hehe... I actually used Louis Koo's nose as example (haha) then you`ll like my nose !! kekekeke......

The taiwanese guy is just a pretty boy with refined features, doesn`t mean he is gay !!! Ayoh..... where and when were you born??? I have seen him in the flesh and he does look nice .......boy band kinda look !
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i also just wanted to remind you that nobody is passing judgement its a social observation.

"most asian girls prefer taller men"? dont most girls period prefer taller men? LOL

thats not a good example.

you dont wake up one day thinking the thoughts that you do, you arent impervious to social conditioning. our current thought processes/likes/dislikes/prejudices/preferences are all a result of cultural and social conditioning.

if white people did not think that darker skin, big lips, big butts, etc. were attractive you would not see such a booming industry in that regard, but they dont say "oh well i am geting lip injections today and so it means i want to look biracial or part black or that im seeking black lips" because they recognize that whiteness is diverse, whiteness means having thin lips it also means having thick lips.

we TOO should realize that Asian beauty is diverse , asia spans from Iran to the philipinnes some of us are dark some of us are light, some of us have thin lips some of us have big lips some of us have bone straight hair some of us have curly hair some of us are tall some of us are short. Why should we be BRAINWASHED into thinking that "hey if im getting my nose done its because i want a white nose" when in actuality 1.) even white people themselves need to get tons of surgery to have noses like u see in hollywood and 2.) a nice nose is a nice nose regardless of race.

Under projection of the asian nose is just as common as over projection of the white nose. most people want something in between why make it a racial matter??

the highest rates of plastic surgery per capita ARE ALL in europe, what does that say? who are they trying to look like? if white is beauty and what we are all striving for shouldnt they already be perfect with their default white features?

the fact of the matter is, is that our IDEA of what "White" is our IDEA of what "eurasian" is shaped by what we see in the media.
if ALL we saw were gorgeous asian actors/actresses and a few stereotypical looking white people scattered here and there (much like how the white/asian relationship in american media is set up) then im sure everything would be reversed in regards to people "Wanting to look white" or "wanting to look eurasian"

do not be brainwashed into thinking that you are trying to be white or wanting to look eurasian. a more proper definition is that you want to look like what you see in hollywood, HOLLYWOOD IS NOT a realistic portrayal of whitenes! even white people themselves want to loook like the images they see in hollywood does that mean they are some how trying to shed their ethnic identity? no.
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