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Hey... I noticed a lot of people were saying something about double eyelid surgery... just to let you know, be careful of horrible, horrible drooping effects in about 30 years time. I'm eurasian, I got a double eyelid but my sister did not and it really shattered her self esteem... her eyes are starting to droop though. My aunt got it and she's 50 now and her eyes have drooped worse than people without surgery. Just warning.
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i never said the taiwanese guy was gay?

and people "looking gay" is based on your cultural lens anyway.

the way many european/asian men dress and their mannerisms would be considerred "Gay" from an american perspective but many of them arent thats just the culture.

so i would never say that he "looks gay" because hes not an american and i cant use my american cultural lens to judge his sexuality
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Also i'm a little concerned by this whole 'why on earth would you want to look eurasian' thing. Americans also get plastic surgery, and just because they're not doing it to look like a particular type of 'race' doesn't mean they're not doing it. If I must make a parallel statement, i'll simply ask what is the western obsession with having Angelina Jolie's lips? The amount of collagen being injected into people like Jessica Simpson, Meg Ryan and Jenna Jameson make them look like pouty ducks.

Some asians just want double eyelids and a taller nose like many westerners seem to want full lips, hence all the lip plumpers out there.
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but thats my point, i know so many non-asians (and also asians) who criticize other asians for getting plastic surgery saying things like "oh ur getting ur nose done so u can look white"

and then i come on here and then i find out WHY so many people think that because even asians themselves are saying "oh yes i want a nose job because i want to look eurasian"

wtf?! why cant it just be "ok i want a nose job to be the best that i can be" white people do not question their race when they sit in the tanning booth for half their lives or when they get butt implants or when they themselves chop off half of their boney european noses. how come nobody says they are trying to "Shed their ethnic features" but as soon as a minority/ethnic person does it, society says that they are "trying to be white" or we ourselves are brainwashed to believe that we are "trying to be eurasian or white"

my point is the "idea" of a eurasian/white nose is appealing to many people its not the actual state itself which is appealing and this "idea" is largely shaped and influenced by what we have been exposed to. but again most exposure comes from media and media never does a good job at realistic portrayals.
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"Beauty" is definitely a concept that is shaped by the media. I mean back in the day curvy women were more attractive than sticks these days.

I guess the truth is... they do want to look eurasian. I'm not boasting, but when I go to taiwan, lots of people ask me if I am (I am) and then they say they wish they were. I just don't see how that's different in the west. Sure they don't say 'hey i'm trying to look like [insert race here]', but they do say 'hey I wish I had Ange's lips.' or 'I wish I had so and so's breasts'. It's the same thing, wanting to look like someone different.

I also think asians probably say they want to look eurasian because if they named a eurasian celeb, no one would know who she was unless they were asian. Like saying 'I want to look like Anna Tsuchiya' is just going to get a lot of confused looks, so they go for the second most distinctive feature of Anna, and that is that she is eurasian. Not all eurasians are pretty! (My... cousin)

And I guess the same amount of people say they're insane for wanting to look like someone else, so I guess it's fair.

I... really forgot my point here actually.
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No number of words can replace human innate INSECURITY !

Plain & Simple:yahoo:
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song hye kyo DID rhinoplasty, that's for sure! the result was not drastic, i ever saw the pics when she was young too, quite similar to now but different. go look at her nose when she acted in Full House, it's really different. :yes:
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I think there will always be a small % of asians wanting to look eurasian, but I do agree that most of them just wana look better after surgery but still look asian. I feel that only ppl who really hate the way they look completely might they wana look like another race. It's true that these ppl feel insecure about themselves, and the truth is,....there will always be these ppl in every culture or race who thinks like this, and it's sad because it makes other races think that we asians ALL wana look white.....I want a nose job cause I want a nose that fits well with my face, and I DONT want a big nose, just a more curvy one, just like my cousins! My idea of a perfect nose all belong to ppl who are oriental/asians. Im proud to look asian and I wana stay looking asian. So when the eng media says things like oh....asians get surgery to look more white....it def p**ses me off but I think all we can do is to ignore those ignorant ppl because there's really not much we can do. U know what western media is like, they say things to make the caucasians feel more superior..... All u need is for one asian to go around saying we want PS to look white, and all the white ppl will believe that! I've heard many white aquaintances say that to me, but these ppl who say it and believe it are also ignorant for believing it! Everyone's diff, and those to make generalisations on other races are simply narrow minded.....so dont let those ppl get to u. Just to let u know, my white male friends that liked me like chinese girls because they like our features,...if I made myself look eurasian, I can guarantee they will no longer find me attractive……….

Anyway.....anyone going to Seoul in nov???
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Howdid got it done with Dr. Jung also. Dr. Jung did inform her before saying that implants on the eyebrow will not look like the rest of the hair when someone is looking from above. You may ask her what she thinks of the look, but it sounds like she is happy with it.


The kind of itchy feeling on your eyebrow is going to go away like you think it is. My eyelids were a bit "itchy" for the first month, 2 months... I think it has to do with the implants "seeding." But, I tried not to touch it in fear of disturbing it's growth or "seeding."
Now, it NEVER itches.


About the droopy eyelids. Asians have a lot of orbital fat. That is one of the reasons why Asians tend to look "fresh" and "young." Unfortunately, this fat can start disappearing, resulting in saggy eyelids.

This is why a lot of doctors only recommend to remove a small amount of fat when it is IMPERATIVE to make the double eyelid natural looking. Most times, fat removal is not really needed. Fat removal may lend to earlier aging, and saggy lids in the future.

40 years ago, most doctors didn't know this. Because they removed too much fat, over the years they lose even more fat naturally, the patients' eyes got very droopy and aged looking.

However, some people who have never had eye surgery get saggy lids too. .. because they naturally lose a LOT of eye fat. :sad: There is no way to predict how much fat your eyes will lose or how saggy they will be...
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Here is a picture of her during her schooling days
and a "now" picture. her nose looks exactly the same


again same as now

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:smile: i agree witth you but even for those small % of asians who are sayign "yes i want to look eurasian yes i want a white nose" (i think deep down inside they are just enamored with the "IDEA" of what whiteness is , what eurasian is)

i think its very telling that most people attribute "a refined high pretty nose" to a white nose.

but that couldnt be anything further from the truth. MOST white people do not have such a nose. its the media which makes us think oh every white woman looks like a model in vogue, etc. it creates a fantasy image.

how do u know most white people dont look like what is portrayed in american media?

just go to your local walmart, just take a look at the rates of plastic surgery statistics amongst the white population (again highest rate of plastic surgery per capita are ALL in europe) if a white nose means having "high refined pretty nose"
why are so many of them chopping off chunks of their noses on the surgeons table? why? shouldnt they already
hve a pretty nose by default of their whiteness?

what is a white nose?

is this a white nose?


is this a white nose?


is this a white nose?


is this a white nose??


lol are people thinking about the REALITY when they say to themselves "i want a eurasian/white nose"
or "you are getting surgery to get a white nose" ?


i think people are enamored with the idea of a white or eurasian nose because they are oblivious to all the beautiful asian noses out there (Again due to higher exposure to white beauty)

for people who claim that they want to look eurasian or admitting that they want white features if you actually sat down and compare you would realize that what you want is not "white features" but what you want is what Hollywood projects whiteness to be.

and as far as "eurasian noses being prettier than asian noses" as i think i read someone said on this forum


can you honestly say her nose is prettier than Song Hye Kyos?


i just wish people were more active and aware of themselves and their thought process. again u arent born thinking the way you do, you are shaped by your surroundings.

(btw when i say you i dont mean you directly):amuse:
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Guess it's a genetic thing for us... awwwwwwww.
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Hi Everyone! is anyone going to seoul in mid/end nov time? Meowgirl has decided that she's not going, so I'm now gona be travelling alone.....shoegirl, when are u going? U wanted to get a nose job in seoul too right? ANyone else? I need to book my tickets soon but if I dont find anyone to go with me, I might just not go to seoul, cause I wdnt wana be on my own after the surgery....Can I join anyone??? I was planning on going to dream clinic,...and I wanted to stay at the EVI chain hotel...the one ppl have been talking about. Please PM or reply to this asap, cause I wd really like to sort this out soon, thanks! bTw, Im fm the UK.
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Hi everyone! If anyone IS going to Korea in November PLEASE let keropi know! I have decided to bail out and consider surgery closer to home because I realised I need to fix my chubby cheeks first rather than my nose. Please let keropi know, shes a really nice girl and would be a great PS buddy!!
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