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When you went to Dr. Jong's office, did you get to see any before/afters of his double eyelids? If so, did you like his results?
All the photos on his website look kinda weird..

I can't read Chinese very well, so I couldn't figure out if he does the three-point method. Do you know if he does that?

Also, What do you think of Dr. Jong's double eyelid skills compared to Dr. Chuang's?

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I really don't know... I wasn't focused on that stuff when I was there. But if you prefer Dr. Chuang's photos, go with him...

I don't know if dr. Jong knows the new method... most Korean doctors don't know it, and it was discovered in Korea.
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Hey Howdid,

i was just wondering how you were doing.. since there were no news from you for awhile. Glad that your eyebrows are doing well...

about your lip reduction, I guess maybe its around the mouth where there is so much activity and food .... there might be contributing factors to higher infection rate? I dont know... just guessing.

I hope it heals up well...
Did you get the chinese medicine in the end? To help healing.. (I must have missed that part out)

Yeah, will be so looking forward to your information about bone shaving and stuff. When will you go?
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hehehe your first picture cracked me up.. because she had like "flour- like" marks (WHITE-tish) on her nose.... it kinda sounds funny with your white nose question.

Anyway, I agree with what you are saying too.. thumbs.:tup:
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Hi collegedude!
I have been following this forum for a while now but your pics prompted me to post! who is that girl with the side profile, green collar, second pic from the top? she is BEAUTIFUL! would it be possible to buy a nose like hers, you think? :love:
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How much is Dr. Touriumi? I just sent him an email to query...
I'm just curious why most ppl in the US are so against doing their surgery with him or another doc. As for Toriumi, the ONE :roflmfao: pic of that Asian girl looks decent....maybe a little too pointed at the tip but its not too terrible. I just think we could discuss what exactly we would want with him because he IS English speaking.
And I do like that he uses the person's own tissue. It decreases the risk of rejection and for ppl like me who are prone to allergies or atopy this may be a factor in deciding whether your body will like a foreign material.
Anyhow, I'm so lost about all this now...I would LOVE to go to Korea but at the same time is it really worth traveling all the way there for something so important?
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I havent really been keeping track about eyelid stuff, whats this 'new' method?
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Hi guys, I've been a silent reader of this forum for the last 5 days - starting from the very beginning all the way to now! I haven't had a chance to read the singapore forum yet but I'm planning to start that tonight.

I want to say thanx to all the people who have been so generous in sharing their experience with others. I know that this forum has been invaluable to me personally, and I've learnt so much that I would otherwise have no other way of knowning - searching asian nj on the internet is a b8tch!! as I'm sure many of you already know!

Maskd - a very special mention to you - you are an AWESOME girl and sound beautiful inside and outl! I've really appreciated your thoughtful comments and very useful information.

A little bit about myself. I am in my mid-twenties (HELLO Keennnose :smile: and I'm considering a nj with either Dr.Jung (Korea), Dr.Kim(BK) or Dr.Park (Ozclinic). OR, I'm considering Dr.Chueng (Taiwan) or Dr.Tseng

I'm still considering whether I want to do eyelashes, which if I decide to will be with Dr.Jong (he sounds like a perfectionist which is the perfect quality to have in a PS!!

As for timing, I am considering going October 2008 (keenose - did you say Dr.Cheung told you that October was a good time to go because it's generally quiet?)

I know that's still a LONG time away (a whole year) but for something as drastic as this, it's never too early to start planning *lol*

I would absolutely LOVE company, so please let me know if that timing sounds good to you.

The timing is not set in stone yet - I might be able to go a bit earlier or a bit later, but it's a rough estimate.

As for material, I'm thinking maybe silicone I or 'bird' L shape (again, thanx Maskd for the info). The reason I'm choosing silicone instead of gortex and rib is because I want the option of removing it if I don't like it. Also, nobody knows what will happen in the next 20-30-40-even50 years and I want the option of being able to remove the foreign object out of my nose easily if something goes wrong with it.

It's hard to think about what will happen 50 years after we have our nosejobs, and many people might even think - at 70something, who cares!?! But trust me, when you actually reach 70 something, you will care. It's very common to live a long life now, and I want to play on the safe side. Besides, if something really great happens technology wise when I am 40 or 50, I want the option of removing silicone to take advantage of the new technology. Gortex, with its high chance of deformity upon removal, seems too permanent and scary to me.

I'm preparing a list of questions I should ask the surgeon (I'll email a couple of PS in the next week or so) and would really love any help with suggestions on what I should ask. Maskd, if I may, can I ask you what questions you asked Dr.Cheung when you did your consultations? In particular, what did he say regarding the long-term consequences of the plastic surgery, and whether the nose returns to pre-operation if you take out the silicone? What about the tip? Is it "reversable?"

Thanx so much guys for providing this wonderful wonderful forum ;)
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3 point method is a new way of creating a double eyelid without being as invasive but as permanent as the cutting method. It was developed in Korea, but even most Korean doctors don't know this method yet... but Dr. Chuang did this on my friend when she wanted double eyelids.

I do generally wear contacts, but one of my eyes has perfect vision... so even without my contacts, I can read far and close, and whatnot.

If you get a nosejob, you are not supposed to wear glasses that will rest on the bridge of your nose for at least the first 3 months.
And, then with the contacts, you can't wear it for at least 1 week as you don't want to ruin the eyelash implants.

Dr. Chuang first started the consultation addressing the "issues" with your nose. For me, he said refining the tip a bit and bringing the height just a little bit higher would be good for me. this is what I thought too. Then, he proceeds to draw a nose and show a little about what he will be doing, and which material he believes would be the best for the nose. In some cases, he recommends goretex... in others, he prefers silicone.
After that, I asked him the questions.

1. My first question to him, was if silicone will be unnatural looking overtime, especially under certain lights.
He said this had to do with the size of the implant chosen. If the wrong size is chosen, it will look that way, but if not, there is no issue with it.
2. Why he chooses silicone for me.
He said I only needed a small increase as the height of my nose was pretty good already. In many cases, silicone gives a superior look compared to goretex. This is what some doctors claim, while others claim that silicone has too many complications, but Dr. Chuang believes most of the complications are due to incorrect placement and incorrect size and shape choice of the silicone piece.
3. How I would be able to move my nose later.
No piggy nose as this is going to push the implant upwards and causes pain. But, you can move the nose tip from side to side.

I don't remember all the questions... there were quite a few, but most dealt with safety and aesthetics. I also asked how long this implant was supposed to last. He said that it should last a lifetime.

Taking out a silicone implant is pretty cheap in the United States as it is a pretty simple procedure. Your nose will just go back to without an implant height. now, for the nose tip shape, it may be hard to get it as previous if you need to as sometimes, cartilage is shaved off into a nicer shape, etc.
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Heyyy Gossomer!!!

Welcome to the thread. :yes:

Maybe you can tell us abit on how your face looks now, originally... how is your nose like... how do you want it to be like?

Yes, Dr Chuang did say that October is a good time. I dont think he said that its quiet or anything like that, but he did say that he will make sure to spend time in discussing with me (the patient) when I go to meet him. I think its good...

Generally, its a cool month... year end in Taiwan is cool.. so I heard it helps with healing. :tup:

I am going THIS year actually.. hahaha do you want to go earlier? hehe

I think on material... its best to talk to the doctor and see what he suggests. It greatly depends on how your nose is originally, and how you want it to be.

Like in my case, he ONLY recommends goretex... not silicon. As for Maskd... he used silicon. So as you can see, it will actually be a case to case basis.

Yeah I'm SURE you will have ALOT of questions to ask... though I have been communicating with him for months, I still have ALOT of questions to ask when I see him.

Lots of things to learn... :yes:
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Why Gor-tex for you, Keenose ??? Lol
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Oh.. I sent him pictures of myself. He looked at my profile and suggested to use goretex.

Because I have almost no nose bridge, in order to create a natural and yet high bridge, he only suggests goretex.

He did say that if I want silicon, he can do that as well.. but not so high... it would look unnatural.
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