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yea... it looks like he did update his photos.

There's going to be a show on double eyelid from cbsnews.

My doctor wanted me to be one of the people for them to interview, but I'm not going to do it. He offered an incentive but it's not worth my privacy and possibly getting attacked about wanting to look white....
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Haha. It IS getting quiet around here!!

I still haven't completely understood why doctors choose goretex or silicone. Can someone explain that to me?

Dr. Chuang suggested Silicone for me...

Maskd- It's definitely a good thing when your doctor thinks your eyelids are so successful that he wants to show the world! Although, I can understand the importance of your privacy to you. I watched a segment of a CNN report on double eyelid surgery, and they said that the Koreans invented the surgery to "impress the American GI's". What a load of BS! Oh well.. haha..how are your eyelids healing up?
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I have yet to see the doctor except for one week after the procedure.... and my eyes are NOT as pretty as they were before...
I don't even know why he wanted me to represent...

I think I'm going to give it a little more time, and if it's still weird, I'm going to see him again.
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So your eyes have still not fully deswelled?

Maybe he wanted an Asian example... anyway you should take it as a compliment. heehee at least HE thinks yours is a good job done.
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From what I understand... it depends on your original height and your wanted height. If you have good height originally (like maskd).... and you just want to increase it a bit more, silicon will look good. It has its advantages as you know, of being easy to remove and all...

but if your original height is low, and so to attain the more ideal height, goretex is used as it can give a more natural look with GOOD height.

If silicon is used instead in this situation, it will look too sharp at the bridge and very unatural.

goretex too has its advantages of not shifting, not showing under bright light etc...
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Keenose - (I lurve ur username btw) - I have a fairly high bridge already (like Maskd I think) and I'm just looking to refine it a little bit more. I'm thinking maybe 2 or 3mm of silicone is probably the most appropriate...

As for my tip, I have a bit of a round tip so I'm hoping to make it more pointy and lengthen it a wee bit.

Gosh, I'm feeling really nervous about it...

Also, keenose, I understand what you mean by feeling "old"...hehe...I sometimes wonder when we will stop worrying about whether we are looking our best and swap it with worrying about how to look younger...hehe...
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I have to say, the Singapore forum is sooooo incredibly long, and it's hard to find the useful stuff.

A friend of mine had a nj done a few years ago and she said that the worst part about the healing is how you can't have a shower or bath afterwards...she said that it was a good thing it was winter because otherwise she would have seriously stunk!!...
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The pictures of Song Hye Gyo are so inspiring!! ...at the risk of sounding really silly, I wonder if anyone is as curious as I am to know what she would look like with a flat nose? Wonder if we can do a 'reverse simulation' (You know in the BK clinic website, people can post their pics, and the clinic will do a computer generated simulation of a nose job, double eyelid job etc)... I think it would be really interesting to see the results!
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LOL yeah I agree with you.. though I can only imagine the process now... since I havent truely experienced it. I can only prepare myself mentally.

The good thing is that... we are females! MAKE UP does help I guess.. hahaha
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