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Tinatina - how are you girl? I'm from Melb :smile:

Let's travel together (I think Asiandoll is also interested but she's got her heart set on Korea at the moment). I am still torn between Taiwan or Korea but since I won't have money to go until next year, I guess I can still afford to agitate for a few more months!

Like you, I think Korea is better in that it is the plastic surgery centre of Asia. But Taiwan is so much more affordable, and looking at Maskd's picture Dr. Cheung does one hell of a fine job! Of-course, I need to look at Maskd's before photo first to be completely certain, cause it could be that maskd had a pretty nose even before the surgery :smile:

If we go together, maybe we can even co-ordinate our living arrangements and flights before we land? It will be such a comfort to have fellow travellers in the same boat as myself. It's incredibly frightening and lonely doing this by myself.
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Coby 11, yeah, it's as I feared - Korea is EXPENSIVE *lol* but if you have your dream nose (and it sounds like everything is going really well) then the money is definitely worth it in my opinion! Do you have a b4 and after pic that you don't mind sharing?? please...?? :smile:

I'm sure your nose will only get more and more beautiful each day - that's the 'good' part of healing I guess - how if things go well, you get to look forward to each day and a better nose every morning :smile:
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Zb51 - hello there! Welcome :smile: If you read through the threads you'll find lots of information and opinions on different doctors in Korea and Taiwan. Even though BK is indeed a very popular clinic I dun think I'll be going there as it sounds a bit like a PS factory with docotors feeling very rushed and not spending enough time on each patient. Plus, the after-care is pretty atrotious.
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How is it a pain for you to save enough money? me and mizliz have the christmas holidays on our saving route! AARGHH!! btw, I'm not telling my parents about this until I'm 150% positive that I'm going. is that bad thing to do?
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Finally, one last piece of observation. Last few days I have been religiously emailing various doctors in Korea and Taiwan and this is my observation:

Korean doctors - relatively fast to reply back, but the answers are very brief (with the exception of Oz clinic). Also, despite me only sending a frontal picture of me, none of the Korean doctors asked to see a profile picture.

The Korean doctors were all relatively quick to say "yes" including Dr. Jung, who after sending him a picture of the Korean actress Song and a frontal picture of me, I asked him if it was possible to give me this nose. His reply was "yes but not exactly the same".

Taiwan doctors - these doctors were slower to reply but when they did, they asked more questions than answered mine. One doctor said something along the lines of "if you are serious about surgery, you better send me six more photos ..." and went on to list the various degrees and positions of each. Another doctor simply said "you need to send me profile photo before I can answer any questions".

I felt personally that the Taiwan doctors were more ...what's the word...medical?? i.e. they felt they needed more information before they could safely answer my questions and make recommendation on what would be best for me.

Also, one Korean doctor told me the surgery would take 3-3.5 hours. From previous threads, I think Korean doctors take 1-1.5 hours for the operation?

This gives raise to the following question.

Korean (possibly more skillful) vs. Taiwan (possibly more attentive/careful) = which is better?

Is it better to go with a more 'skilled' doctor who takes a cavier attitude towards you and is rushed, or is it better to go with a 'less skilled but still very competent" doctor who is careful and takes his time?

Which gives you the better outcome?

Maskd - that's why I'm interested in knowning how long it took Dr. cheung to give you that GORGEOUS nose!
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LOL! i'm not telling them either! I mentioned it indirectly sometimes, but they don't seem like they'd approve
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*lol* it seems our parents are all rather unimpressed with our decisions. I'm not telling my folks either. In fact, I plan to go ahead and get my nose done, then when I come back, if I get questioned over it, it's deny deny deny...

plus, there's always the chance that once they see the nj has made me prettier and happier, they'll accept my decision...
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Hi Gossomer8

I’m so glad you wanna join me :tup:, just like you , I am not 100% sure where to go for ps yet, I have just email to Dr Chuang, Kim, and Dr Park, still waiting for their replies, keep you update later.

Heard you mentioned about eyelashes surgery, read this link, maybe it help, I am using it right now, I ‘m on my first tube and love this product.

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thanks for the compliments.

ok... go to www.winkiss.blogspot.com for before and after of the front of my nose. It shows how it has changed from the front... I think this is more important than the side, because it is harder to alter for a surgeon.

Dr. Chuang did epi and nose for me in 3 hours. I was groggily awake for the epi, and that was FAST. It seemed like he sewed the stitches in a total of 10 seconds and was done with it all! I remember being so impressed when I was feeling it. When I woke, I saw the stitches were tiny! In fact, we (the other girl and I) went shopping at malls, etc, and only ONE person noticed we had stitches!

But, anyway, he spent about 3 hours for both of us.

It is only about 1000 dollars more to go to Korea...
Before I went, I put 10000 from my savings to my checking. I spent 5000 in all in the end with flight tickets and hotel, etc. From the sounds of it, the hotel in Taiwan costs more as the area that Dr. Chuang and Dr. Jong are in is EXPENSIVE.
So, if you really want to go to Korea, just save up an extra 1000... If that's what you really want, you will feel better about it in the long run.

Also, please note, that we can't simply compare doctors based on their country. But, I genuinely think Dr. Jung is the best for goretex. He did tutorials for so many other doctors!
But, just because a doctor is from Taiwan does not make the doctor inferior to Korean doctors. We must look at doctors by case by case. Dr. Toriumi is very good, but he is not even in Asia!

By the way, the reason why I went to Dr. Chuang initially was:
1. good reviews on Singapore forum
2. no language barrier (need to feel secure about what he plans to do and safety of his decisions)
3. no rushing

After going to his clinic, I can say that he is as busy as most Korean clinics. there are far less plastic surgery clinics in Taiwan... but still quite a few... you will see signs for it in that area in a lot of places... but his is very popular.

ANYWAY, I know I'm totally applauding this surgeon, BUT, please please assess where you want to go based on your own personal reasons! I don't want someone to go somewhere that they didn't really care for in the beginning.

Also, lots of information on this forum is false depending on which doctor you speak to. For instance, the oldest plastic surgery clinic in Japan charges the most for an L silicone implant over an I... L has shown high success when the doctor is skilled and knows what he is doing.

I am not a doctor, so make your own judgements and what you're personally comfortable with.
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