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chances are if your nose bridge is really wide, you will need osteoplasty... which is altering the bone... this usually gives very dramatic results when under a skilled surgeon. But, generally, Asian doctors have less experience with this compared to Western ones... so you may consider the States. Asians usually have the opposite procedure.

I had tiplasty, and L implant inserted through open procedure.
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Maskd - thanx so much for sharing!~ Your old nose wasn't bad, it was cute and everything, but your new nose is so much more elegant. I think the 'before' was pretty but the 'now' is beautiful.

It looks so natural as well!

I think you are right about not comparing countries but rather, comparing doctors. Money aside, I have to say I'm really rather worried about being "rushed..."

Just to confirm - is that 3 hours for you each that Dr.Chueng spent on you and your friend, not 3 hours in total (for the two of you, i.e. 1.5 hour per person)...*thanx*

Tinatina- what do you think? do you reckon Taiwan might be the way to go? I think we should pick a country, and then just fly there and do face to face consultations with a couple of chosen doctors. We can then make an informed decision over there...
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Maskd - I need your help with another question. Donated rib cartilege - as much as the idea of wearing someone else's rib on my nose freaks me out - what do you know about the safety record of this? I know there's the risk of absorption with using my own cartilege, but is this risk increased when it's donated from someone else's rib?

Also, do you know if donated rib is as easy to remove as silicone?

Thanx heaps! ;)
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Has anyone had any nose job recently? Alot of everyone here is saying Jung is the master. I have been considering him for surgery and went to see his site for after and before today again. :sad: I don't feel very impressed and haven't seen one Korean site that really impress me. Seems alot of Korean surgery is only raising the bridge and minor refinements to the base. Maybe I should see Dr Toriumi.

Anyone know any sugerons. I don't mind paying a high fee as long as I never had any regrets
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I didn't get any scarring at all; it has completely disappeared. No scar on the nose or for the epi on the eyes. If there was one for the nose, it would be on the bottom.

I don't know much about donated rib cartilage. I think that if it weren't your own, you'd have higher chance of rejection... but, I don't know much about rejection either...

3 hours each, but it passes by FAST because you're mostly asleep. we didn't do it on the same day either. She did it a day before me.
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Maskd - thanx, I think I need to do more research regarding this donated rib business - and also, just as a side note, I wonder if it's REALLY donated...hehe....I mean, who in their right mind would just decide to donate a rib for the cosmetic use of other people??
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cup a chair - hello to this thread. If you read through it you'll find that quite a lot of people have had njs and there's lots of useful information.

The photo of that Vietnamese girl on Dr. Toriumi's website is indeed very impressive but he is SOOOO expensive!! I think one girl did it and it was something like $20,000 USD...can you really afford that kind of $$$?

Plus, Dr. Toriumi only uses rib cartilege, no implants...

to tell the truth, if I had the money I probably would consider Dr.Toriumi, but $20,000 is just insane!!
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Personally, I too think that its very important to go with a doctor whom you trust. Language and being able to fully communicate with the doctor is so important as well...

My plans have changed and I'm going in End November instead.

Hoping to hear from Shoe_girl who supposedly is going in September to Dr Chuang.

There is another girl in the SG forum who is going to Dr Chuang for bone shaving in October...
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I have emailed some Korean doctors as well.. thought their answers are wayy to short.

BUT.. it might be because they are way too busy (popular place).. or .. their english is limited.
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LOL that is sooo funny! hahahah

So he didnt catch the "new nose" sentence???
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Hi there Angelzai,

So you are planning to go to Dr T ??

hehehe you can try your LUCK on the student discount thing.. hahahha;)
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Hi there swt3,

Its great to gather more information before you decide on which doctor and what you want.

I think if you show the PS pictures of your desired nose.. this will let them know your defination of beauty. They will then evaluate if its possible to do it for you, and if its suitable for your face.
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Hi there Asiandoll,

Welcome to the thread!

Thanks alot for sharing with us your experience.
I'm sorry to hear about your bad experiences with some doctors...

I hope you can be happy and be able to be find a good doctor this time.:yes:
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how long has it been since the goretex procedure?

And when are you planning to go for the revision in Korea?
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