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Don't want to sound wealthy but I can easily afford that it's not an obstacle. I don't want to give people or doctors the wrong impression and charge me the highest fee possible just because I can afford it - so please don't think this.

I want to do it, but I don't want any scars and I don't want my rib cut. Imagine they give me an X-ray one day and see I have a missing rib. Makes me feel way uncomfortable. I have to be honest with you, when I look at some of those nose jobs I see some of the patient’s nostrils no longer symmetrical and that worry me. My nostrils are already symmetrical I want it fine tuning. Maybe I am asking too much but like everyone, I only have one face and I'm willing to pay for a top surgeon as I don't want to spend my entire life in sorrow and pain thinking about the look of my nose. I want to live my life after surgery it’s the only reason I have it! I don't want to come back for more:-/
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You are quite right - when it comes to our one and only face, the one we have to live with every second of the day for the rest of our lives - cost should not be a factor. If I can't afford it right now, then it's better to wait and save up and do it when I can afford it...

and considering that people spend a fortune on a new car etc. a new nose is wayyy more important!

Hmmm...what you say about the asymmetrical thing does bother me a bit too...but maybe it's because the patient's nose was asymetrical to start off with already?

dr. T is supposed to be a very good surgeon but he only uses ribs and that's a much bigger operation than just using humble implant or ear/septical cartilege. Also, if you cut out your rib, it will leave a scar. Dr.T says it's only a small scar and can be hidden under some strategically placed clothing, but I dun want to worry about the scar when I'm at the beach or wearing a bikini. It's just one more scar on the body...

Have you found any surgeons who you are satisfied with yet? Check out this clinic and tell me what u think of the photos; http://ulsan.seoulps.co.kr/beautyinfo/partInfo/main.asp?pPartID=C&pPartName=?&pSubCategoryID=C01
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I've been trying to look for more japanese surgeons but not having much luck.

Each of every implants have it pros and cons. I've come to a decision non is ideal. If only implants are not required :smile:
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no... I dont know yet..I mean even tho he will give any discount, it wont be to the point where he will cut it to 5000 or pretty much around that right?:crybaby:
I mean I will be doing this behind my parents and I am still in uni doing my second year..So I would really have to wait prob a year or so to save up more money..
I guess I'm just gonna be a reader and questioner to this forum...:sad:
are you going to Dr. Chuang this november then keenose?wow its about 2 months from now..hope everything goes fine with you and share ur experience with us will ya?
it will be very much appreciated..hehe

I cant seem to be able to access your blog..It keeps saying "no post match your query" that is too bad as I really want to look at your nose from the front view..It is really really nice from the side but in my case, I had a really wide alar that I want to reduce, so I was hoping that you will be kind enough to maybe send it to me?:sweatdrop:

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True. No implant is ideal. Even 100% rib cartilege runs a 3-5% chance of reabsorpion and deformity. There is one pic on Dr. Jung's website showing a guy whose rib cartilege has migrated to his forehead and he looks like an alien!! scary...

there's also reports on the Singapore forum saying a girl who used rib cartilege to build up her bridge and refine her tip ended up with the bridge getting reabsorbed after one year but the tip has remained high, giving her a 'piggish' nose.

At the moment, I personally think that silicone is probably better because it can be removed easily if the s9it hits the fan so to speak. However, if you plan on getting your tip done, then it can't be "reverted" back to normal so easily and you could end up looking wierd cause you've taken out the bridge but the tip remains high.

Hmmm...Japanese surgeons eh? I don't know much about them either...but I think Korea is still considered the prime PS centre...

have you looked at Jelim? They are supposed to be good but their English website is so crap!
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The pictures look good.. love the curve of the female's new nose.

The doctors look very familiar though.... hmmmm
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I know what you mean....

LOL about the missing rib.... its sooooo true... Now that you have mentioned it... I cannot ever imagine how terrible it'd be when it happens!!! The possibility of taking a chest x-ray is much higher than a face x-ray!!! (I think)

For the nose implant, a certain type of x-ray will reveal an implant... I forgot the name of it...
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No problem angelzai, we would love to have you come here and ask questions.. participate etc...

Yeah, will be going in November (if nothing goes wrong again..). Supposed to go in October, but something cropped up.... its a bummer.

Sure thing, will definately post information and updates on the progress.
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Oh there are some Japanese PS that are amazing as well. Their fee ......... is amazing as well. LOL

but I didnt save the link...

The main barrier of Japan and Korea would be ........ THE LANGUAGE!!! LoL I heard Korea is worse than Japan in this sense at the moment.
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I truely hope the time comes ASAP! lol

I'm getting nose, eyes done for sure.
Thinking of doing bone shaving as well.. not too sure yet. Have to depend on what the doctor says when he sees me in person.

I sent him my pictures and he did recommend me to do it, but it might be different when we finally meet.

I am also waiting for Howdid to update us.. on her meeting with the PS family.

There are quite a few people going to Chuang for bone shaving, but those going before me... dont seem to be replying mails or PM much often. :confused1:
I wish there could be someone who has done it with Chuang and can share it with me.:yes:
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Guys, check out this website http://www.cindyclinic.com/star/star_list.php?code=star&category=1&page=7&keyfield=&key=

It's for Cinderella clinic in Seoul and I think those photos are of the ps with korean stars? don't know if they are stars or former customers or both - it's all in Korean unfortunately...

I personally think the females' noses are too fake looking, but what do u guys think?
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Keenose - I have no qualms about u doing the eye and nose surgery, but the bone shaving does leave me feeling a bit cold.

It's so drastic, non-reversible, and I read somewhere that you run a risk of partial facial paralysis. I can't remember where that article is now, but do a search on the internet - it's one of the north american medical journals. I also think it's a bit of a time-bomb - you just don't know enough about the long-term consequences of weakening your facial structure like that.

maybe you could use botox instead? It really is a drastic step so please be careful lo...
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