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I am still collecting information and such.. but I cant find much frankly.

I know what you mean.... I did ask the doctor before. He said that nowadays, with advanced technology and equipment, it is a safe procedure.
Howdid talked to the daughter of a famous PS (If I remember correctly) and also said the same.

However, I will evaluate more and decide when I know more facts .. and of course when I meet the doctor.
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I cant find the place where they show all the female noses??? :confused1:
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I never got my nostrils or the width of my nose reduced. My alar was always very small... I cannot advise you on alar reduction... but I have seen his work, and he is good at it... BUT, if your face is not narrow or oval, he will not suggest giving a very narrow nose.
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Keenose - there's around 12 pages on that cinderella website, there's lots of males but also a couple of females. I dun really like their noses - the bridges look too high and hard for my personal taste. It doesn't look 'soft' enough to be natural. The tips appear okay though...
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Sorry Gossmer8, I 've been so busy for the last few days.
Now....Dr Chuang replies my email already, he quotes me US$1,500.00 for a tiplasty and Dr Park quotes me US$3,200.00, that's all I want to do, cuz my nose bridge is already high.

Ummmm....I like the sound of Dr Chuang, he sounds confident, his answers also in detail what it need to be done to improve my nose tip.
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tinatina - which Dr.Park is this - is this the one from oz or dream clinic?

I also like the sound of Dr.Cheung, his answers are more detailed than some of the korean doctors. Did he agree with you that you just need to change the tip, or did he suggest you change the bridge as well? Also, do u mind telling me what you want to do to the tip? Lengthen, shorten or just make it less round?

I'm still waiting for Dr.Jung as well, please let me know when you hear something...

I'm thinking maybe we can decided on a country and a couple of doctors we like, then we can fly over there and go for consultations before making a final decision? I dun know how wise it is to get fixed on one certain doctor before actually seeing him. Afterall, he might be good in email but crap/impatient when we actually try to communicate with him face-to-face.

Keep me updated on your replies - trying to get responses from these ps is like squeezing blood from a stone sometimes!
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