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Hey Mask, Dr. Chuang quoted me 70000 TWD for gortex, does that include fees and anethesia or will I have to pay extra for those thigns? Also, does Deja Vu hotel accept credit cards and did u make a reservation online or when you got there?

Thank You in advance,
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You NEED to make a reservation at the hotel... or you may find yourself without a place to stay. deja vu fills up fast... call ahead of time.

That price includes everything.

Remember if you pay with a credit card that is from the US, there may be transfer charges that your credit card company, hotel, and Dr. Chuang charges you. It's usually only a few percent... but please be advised.
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Hey hey Helloooooooo... !!!

I'm currently at dejavu hotel, resting. I did the operation yesterday. Today is the 1st day after.

My face is all swollen up, initially my eyes show no bruising at all.. now its slightly reddish. Like red eye bags. Hope they dont worsen.

After consultation and all... I did nose (goretex), buccal fat removal, korean incision eyelid.
I paid 115,000 NT in total.

I think Dr Chuang has increased his price as confirmed above by sassy too.. because now he quotes 70,000 for goretex nose while before he quoted 68,000.

On the details of how you get from the airport to here.. I will talk about that next time.

For now, let me share more about the operation and stuff.

The nurses and staff are all very friendly and nice. Most of them are very pretty.. and proud of their pretty boobs. LOL. I saw a semi naked one there.. hahaha showing her boobs behind one of those frosted glass.

Ok anyway, initially I never thought to do buccal fat removal because of the fact that this fat cannot grow back.. and also might make us look older prematurely. However, Dr Chuang examined my face and feels I have very thick skin (lol.. in chinese its kinda funny - because when someone says you have thick face skin its a different meaning)
so he thinks I can do that buccal fat removal.

He did also suggest that I do bone shaving. However, because of limited budget and stuff I didnt do it. So I opted for buccal and... exercising to remove more fats manually. haha

I showed Dr C pictures of what I wanted or preferred, we talked about how it could be done or whether its feasible or not.
I kept on telling him that I want big eyes... hahaha because of the high height increase on my nose bridge, I didnt have to do epi.
He mentioned that I can slit the end of my eyes, which I didnt really like. I saw pictures of those patients who did that.. didnt look natural. Wierd.

We did the korean incision double eyelid.. (not the 3 point one), so as he can remove my fats there. You can actually SMELL the burning smell when he does that.. goodness..hahaha and you feel some "sour" feeling at the eyes at that point.
At the later point when he stitched my eyes, I felt some pain. he said the anesthesia is starting to go off.. so he put more and I was fine.

Then when we did nose, he knocked me out... I didnt know what happened.
hell i dont even know HOW I woke up.. HOW I dressed (apparantly I think I remembered knocking myself when I dressed in that small...changing ward.. and my nose bled)... and HOW I walked back to the hotel! I could even tell my bf that ooo that food is nice.. lets try that stall..etc.. (which I cant even remember now). LOL

On the night just after the operation, its tough.. very tough. I had bad headache.. might be because of the anethesia. I had local.. wow think about those who had General !!
The headache and all added up, I couldnt sleep at all.. although I was very tired. I didnt sleep well the day before as well.

Today its better, I finally had a short nap just now. Real sleep. HAPPY!!! No more headache.. feel much better.... :smile:

If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask.. I'll try to answer when I can. cheers
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you can make an online reservation or direct with the hotel.

If you make a reservation with the hotel directly, quote that you are wishclinic's client. (zhi mei in chinese) and you will enjoy a lower rate than their retail.
You can ask the staff in the clinic to book for you as well if you prefer.
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Congratulations on your surgeries Keenose! How does your nose look right now? Can you see the shape of it well, even though it's swollen? Are you wearing a splint? And yay for finally getting that much needed nap :wlae:
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It's been a while since I have posted. I am trying to decide whether or not I should go to Korea or have my surgery here in NY. Does anyone know anyone who has had their rhinoplasty from either Dr. Jeffrey Ahn or Dr. Edmund Kwan in New York? I had consultations with them and both seem skilled but I just want information from someone who has had first haand experience.

If I decide to have my nose done in Korea, it will probably be in the summer of 2008. Is anyone else going around then?

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hehe thanks kimosa!

I cant really see the shape of the nose because there is a tape over my whole nose.. and the area around it is quite swollen to even see a bridge shape.
However, I can see that my tip is significantly sharper and also my alar smaller!!! It already looks more feminine as compared to before!

Currently, I look like a character in the star wars.. with those eyes... swollen and all...hahaa
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Wow, congratulations Keenose!!Hope your nose and eyes turn out gorgeous!So did you do the surgery on the same day as consultation? and did you pay him in taiwanese dollar? Hope u have a speedy recovery!
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Dr.Jung says "yes i can do that" to practically to anything without full examination.
he definitely falls under the catergory of skilled but NOT meticulous/careful/attentive/detail oriented which basically renders his skill worthless. his revision rate (of his own patients) is abnormally high which says alot. he does about 3-5 noses a day hadly having enough time to focus and give the attention and care necessary for a thorough nose job. if all you want is a simple dorsal augmentation and simple tip work for a primary surgery or whatever he might be an "okay" choice however if you are very detail oriented , and want the best result possible then i would not reccomend going to him.

i have lots of info to share but would rather be private about it. pls email me me or private message me instead to discuss privately.
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OK i have three questions about Dr. Chuang & Taiwan

Does anyone have Dr Chuang's direct email?? i cant read Chinese

I am visiting Taipei in December, what other doctors should i consult with?
I might as well get some consultations out the way since im visiting.

3.) does dr. C charge a consult fee?

and lastly

4.) what subway station is his clinic near?
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Off topic but...by the way did u guys know Jolin (most famous singer in Taiwan i believe) had a nose job? i wonder who did her nose job?

Dr.Chuang maybe?

i really like how her radix (the area between the eyes) looks in some of her after pics..it has this full curve shape to it as opposed to the stick-like shape u see in so many people who get nose jobs.

heres her Before :


and her afters:

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two more after pics:


one thing that weirds me out though is that in some of her after surgery pics
her nose looks really good, but in others (usually the ones of her up close and smiling) look a bit strange

like here it looks good


but then in these it looks weird:

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I am desperately seeking more info on this Dr.Fukuta can ANYONE direct me to
a forum or place on the net where i could find more info on him?

seems like nobody on Purse forum talks about him...or any other japanese doctors for that matter.

i would really appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction...singapore expats forum maybe? do they talk about fukuta and japanese docs?

heres a sampling of fukutas work i think his work is awesome




someone pls tell me where i can find more info about him either online or on forums...i googled him and not much came up...
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