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November is coming up really fast! :tup:
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I did double eyelid, nose(goretex), buccal fat removal.

I'm still brusing, so I think I'll wait till the bruising is over.
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I think Jolin did face liposuction? I read somewhere about that.. and that it has left uneven bumps on her face. I dont know the details though...
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The surgeries costed 115,000NT.
The hotel was 1,700NT per day at dejavu.

I shifted to another cheaper hotel on the 3rd day... 1080NT per day. hehe

By the way, after surgery around the 3rd day.. its Ok to walk around and shop etc... not so bored.
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LOL Kimosa.. you crack me up.

She is really famous in Asia... like Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia etc...
She sings and dances... has a nick called "wu niang" that is dance queen.

She sings OK in my opinion, not mind blowing but her performance and dancing is interesting to watch.
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Yeah while I was there, I asked him the same thing. Its not determined by the thickness of the crease.. if its too big, it might look fake and like those auntie....

He mentioned that if you want to increase the size of your eye, you can do epi or cut the end corners of your eyes.

In my case, I didnt need to do epi and I felt that cutting the end corner of the eyes does not make a big difference, and has a wierd look without eyelashes and reddish.. etc.. so I didnt do it.

I hope this helps
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I dont think he recommends that. He prefers to use nose cartilege.. but It might be a case to case basis. so its better to check with him...
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Hey Jessica,

I read about the massaging thing he asked you to do. Its kinda wierd. Have never heard of anything like that...

Are you doing warm compress still? I think it would be still better to wait it out and see what happens. It may be the swelling.
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Yes! Recently, we saw someone who raised his bridge with using ear cartilege alone. It looks pretty good.

However, I think at the end of the day there are still some differences between using this and using implant. You can check out more information at

The guy is hello84. You can find his doctor's details there. Browse the threads.
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hahaha I agree that his website pictures dont look that good. Especially the eyelid ones.

Quite frankly, at the clinic I was showed one book of the before and after pictures. Hmmmmmmm they arent that impressive frankly. Maybe there are more "collection" that they dont show...

For example, face liposuction pictures... I was shocked that they only have ONE. One and only one...

Nose and breast there are quite a few...

I think they can only show the pictures IF the patients allow them to. So maybe thats why they are limited in this sense.

On making a downturned nose.. do you mean that when looking from front view and the nosetrils are not visible?

If it is so, when I was there I actually requested to have that too.. but Dr Chuang said that my nose is too short by nature. If I make it that way, it would make my nose appear too long, and thus the lower portion of my face would look short.

So I think its depending on facial harmony and what you already have.. and how to improve it.

However, my nosetrils are not so obvious now.. meaning my nosetip is more downturned compared to before.
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Here's more details on everything that went on... as far as I can remember... hope this helps.

Getting to the clinic from the airport:-
You can take the freego bus to the city area (1 hour duration), alight at the "china airlines" stop and you could walk to his clinic or simply take a taxi.
If you took a taxi from the airport to his clinic, it costs around NT1200. If you take the freego bus, its 120NT per person.

At the clinic:-
When you finally reach the clinic, be prepared to.........WAIT.
I went during the "lull" season and had to wait hours to meet the doctor.
Even during my operation day, I was called up and informed that the surgery had to be delayed 3 hours...
Imagine the peak seasons then!!! haha

Doctor is friendly and kind.... he only recommends what is suitable for you. Prior to meeting him in person, I conversed with him via email and his advise for me didnt change when he met me. Same advises.
Nurses and receptionists are all friendly and nice... though there was one that was snappy! :hysteric:she even broke my blood vessel ( do you call it that? or what?) when she inserted the needle.. causing brusing. Had to redo on the other arm.
I am guessing that almost all the receptionists did their boobs? hehe... they seem all very happy with it. ......hahahah

After the surgery, you can take the taxi back. They would help you with it if you are alone.

If there are any stitches inside your mouth, it would be best to be on a liquid / soft food diet for the first 2-3days.

DO NOT TAKE VITAMIN E before the surgery...
You can take vitamin C and multi vitamins after it to assist healing.

1st 3 days, did cold compress. afterwhich is warm compress all the way.
Clinic didnt provide/ offer any gel packs whatsoever. They only gave me a ziplock bag with the medication. I used it to put ice cubes to ice my face.

For warm compress, I used a face towel with warm water to do the job.
Dry the wounds/blow dry after you are done.

Stitch removal on the 7th day AFTER surgery. Its quite painful to me.... especially at the nose area. You can hear the snipping of the sharp scissors....EEEEEEEKKKKkkk....

Did I miss out anything?
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Hey Keenose,

I'm glad to see your doing well, your very brave going alone. So did Dr Chaung extend your tip? I really wish my doc didnt extend mine, i think my nose is short by nature too, but it was right for my face. Any length added makes it look too long. I wish Dr Tseng looked at my face more carefully, seems dr chaung is quite good at making noses that suits your face. How come you shouldnt take vit E before surgery? My doc is advising me to take it now for bridge deswelling. I'm stlll warm packing too...Take Care
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Hey Jessica,

Yes he did alar, tip extension and implant for my nose. I am not sure if he also did the tip defatting thing. I kinda left it to him.

My nose now looks better day by day.. the side profile is looking good. The front is good too.. just that I still have brusing beside the bridge, thus it looks abit wierd.
My nostrils were orginally quite exposed, now it looks more concealed from front view. Overall, it has a very feminine look.

It still feels a little sensitive when I jump, at the connecting areas- especially the middle to be exact.

My nose still feels tight, and I am unable to smile broadly for the moment. It might take 1 month to be able to smile properly.

Also, remember not to OVER do the warm pack. maximim 4 times per day 10-15mins each. Overdoing it will cause it to swell MORE!

To add on, doctor used the BLOCK type of goretex.. which doesnt shrink like those layered goretex. He said that it would only shrink like.. 0.1mm if I remember correctly.
He said that as time goes by, you can feel that your nose is starting to settle in... bonding with the internal structure to be more firm.

He also mentioned to be careful and NOT bump into the tip of the nose, its not strong enough yet.
Thats why I find it strange that your doctor actually asks you do the opposite and massage it... hmmm

ALSOooo...... I did ask if we can wear spectacles! He said that after 2 weeks, it would be fine to wear spectacles provided IF its those plastic rimmed ones. Do not wear those with 2 oval supports at your bridge.

ALSOooooooo... though I tried so hard to sleep perfectly straight facing the ceiling, I wake up facing the side.. most of the time (3rd day after surgery onwards) and its OK.. perfectly fine.. not crooked or anything. Doctor says its OK to sleep that way too.. but just dont bump into it.
Of course, if you can sleep perfectly straight, that would be a plus!!! :tup:

He also mentioned to not drink alcohol or those "bu ping" (chinese herbal medication for improving your health) for 1 month.

Now I have only one problem...... due to not being able to touch my nose and having it casted earlier on... not able to wash it as well... (now I can).... my nose is FULL OF BLACKHEADS!!!!!!!!

HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee........
The tricky part is that I cannot... squeese them....
so ... anybody? Know any way to remove blackheads effectively.....yet being soooo gentle?????:P
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