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So it looks too long from the side? How about from the front?

I would like to know if you left everything entirely up to him or you showed him some pictures and stuff?

Actually, if you dont mind, you can show us a picture of your nose.. maybe you alone feel that its not nice. Maybe to the others, it looks great?
You know how harsh we can be on ourselves sometimes.. if you like, we can help out.

You cant take Vitamin E before surgery as it will cause you to bleed more.
However, you can take vitamin E after surgery as it can help in your healing.
Take a multivitamin too. You need zinc for healing.
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I wore a soft cast for the 1st 3 days. Its skin color.. kinda like those you tape over your wounds when you fall down or something. haha

lol I dont mean literally jumping around... initially even walking.. you could feel your nose moving!! not kidding. at the middle portion... what do you call that? the middle portion supporting your nose.

now its better, but when you jump down the stairs or something.. you feel that sensitivity again.. haha
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Hey Justwhisper,
Yes, she is the girl I was talking about, how do you think about her nose job! You can PM me about this. Congrautulation on your eye and nose job!

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Congrats Keenose! Are you back at home now? how long has it been since your sugery? how long did ur surgery take overall? did you do general anethesia? did u get ur eyes too?? did u bring pictures in to show him wat u like? im thinking if i should bring in pictures of noses that i DONT like also just to make sure he doesnt make it look like that, haha. How did your alar reduction look and did he just lengthen the middle part between your nostrils or lengethen your nostrils and made them less visible too? sorry i have so many questions lol....but thank you for sharing with us your experience!
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Hey, this is my first post. I've been browsing this thread. I live in Taipei Taiwan and I am 11 days post op. I had nasal refinement, analar and a T-shaped implant which I have not been able to find any info on at all . But my doctor says that it's the newest thing. I've also had a chin augmentation and little liposuction in my bottom cheek area. I've also had botox injected into my jaw muscles. So far I love my new nose. The swellings gone down a lot. However, there is still swelling in the tip and nostril area. There is also swelling in my cheeks. All in all i'm pretty satisfied.
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Goodluck with your recoveries.
Would you mind sharing the name of your doctor?? thank you
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How does a T shaped implant look like? Is it silicon material? how is ur bridge healing? I got a silicon I implant, its nearly a month and a half and its still so high and thick. I'm getting quite anxious.
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Hey there,

So glad you are happy with ur new nose. May I know what is your doctor's name.
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Hey there,

So glad you are happy with ur new nose. May I know what is your doctor's name.
You are so lucky you live in Taiwan. No need bear travelling costs. LOL
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Yup! I am back home!

Its been 11 days since the sugery.
I was on local anethesia.. the drip type.

All in all, the surgery took like 5++ hours. maybe 6.
Yeah, I brought alot of pictures to show him what I liked. I think its important to communcate your idea of beauty.

Yes, I did my eyes too. The crease is already settling in quite fast. I mean the height.
From the full swelling size, its already about 50% smaller.
I think it should continue to deswell... when I close my eyes I can still see the line/ scar.
I can feel there are like lumps along the line as well. I was told to warm compress till all the lumps are gone.

LOL sure you can bring pictures of what you dont like.. and also what you like. More information sure doesnt hurt!!! haha

The alar is very nice... my nosetrils are still in good looking shape. You know there are some alar jobs done.. and their nosetrils just look so... WIERD???
I think its maybe about 10% smaller than my original size??
Initially there are stiches at your alar base... (sides of your nose).. so from far it looks like your nose hair has grown all the way around your nose.. hahah

There are 2 different types of stitches done. The outer one and the inner ones (inside your nose). The outer one would have to be taken out, the inner one stays and falls off naturally with time.

You feel tightness when you smile or laugh. Literally, when you laugh.. you want to cry. It hurts when you laugh too broad accidently.
Now the soreness when I touch my bridge is getting lesser and lesser.. but its still here. When I raise my eyebrows, I feel it too.

My nosetip was lengthened, which makes it look like the middle part of my nose is longer than before.. my nosetrils are untouched. Personally, those pictures of nostrils that were made smaller.. looks kinda freaky to me.

However, currently.. I feel my nose is too straight. I dont know if that makes any sense.
As in..when no light falls on my nose it looks great.. but when strong light falls on my nose, I can see the straightness of the nose... all the way to the tip. Which kinda looks wierd from a 45% point of view.

Like normal noses.. from the peak of your bridge, will smoothen down to your alar.. flowing naturally. But currently mine, with strong light, it is not blending in smoothly YET.

I am giving it more time.. hopefully it works out well.

Doctor did say that my deswelling is pretty fast.. for my nose.

No problem... I'm happy the information is useful to you! Feel free to ask if you have any more questions.
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Welcome to the thread! Happy to have you here sharing with us.

Wow T shape implant?? never heard of that.. maybe its really new.
Is it silicon or goretex?? hmm

For your chin, did you use silicon or medphor?

The little liposuction at your bottom cheek.. is it similar to buccal fat removal?
Do you have stitches inside your mouth?

Any deswelling tips?? heheh
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Do you still feel soreness when you touch your bridge and tip?
How about when you raise your eyebrow?

Did you bruise?
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I heard someone mention http://veriteclinic.com only use rib craft. It look like they also use GORE-TEX if anyone interested.

Check here on:

JPY 315,000
Nose Job - ​
Gore-Tex at the same rates

Slurp some more tea please..
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