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Keenose - good to hear from you again, and very happy that everything seems to be healing well. Is your nose "less straighter" now? I'm sure it's just stiff because it's so close to the surgery...also, what is the difference between narrowing alar and narrowing nostril? I thought alar was the outer side of the nostril? :smile:
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If the T implant is for the bottom part of your nose, I have read about it a little before. It sounds really interesting & hopefully the outcome is as you desired!

Keenose - I was just messing with ya about the jumping part lol I know you know what I mean lol. I went through that phase too & had to walk light steps around the house & couldn't smile normally either. It only gets better each day so one day at a time. Hope to see pics later :smile:
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haha yesterday when I used the torch light to shine from different angles at my nose. I then realised what everybody meant by a "bulbous" nosetip. With that light, I can see the nose tip being roundish. Normal light is OK though.

Hmm the nose doesnt seem to be "improving" so much.. comparing yesterday and today.
Though now I can smile already.. but not laugh broadly still.

BUT..... I just CANT STAND seeing soooooooo many blackheads on my nose! AND.....I cant squeese them!!!!!!!! OMGGGGGGggggggggggggggggg

Oh... when the alar is reduced, the nostrils looks smaller too.
Alar, the width of the nose looks smaller.

IF its those that reduce the nosetrils... for example, a guy who has HUGE nostrils wish to have a smaller nostrils, the doctor could use cartilege to make it smaller.
Thats what I was referring to.

So those are two different procedures. One is alar reduction. One is nostrils reduction.
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Where does the T implant fit?

How long did it take you to be able to smile and laugh normally?
Now I can only laugh "HOHOHOO" and its tough.........:s
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The one I saw the T implant is on the bottom part of your nose. The part dividing the nose would be the vertical part of the T & going out towards each nostril would be the top part of the T. Does that make sense?

Oh & I don't know how long it will be to smile normally because I had my implant taken out soon after. It will probably be a good few months before you can smile & eat normally, it takes that long to look pretty normal so the insides will be taking awhile too unless you are a super fast healer :yes:
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Can you use one of those Biore nose strips for the blackheads? :biggrin:

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Hmm so the wide part of the T is at the base of the nose?? Nearer to the lips? And the thin part of the T is at the nosetip?
Is that what you meant?

ARghhh I cant wait to be able to smile and laugh naturally!!! :crybaby:
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heheh good suggestion!

I thought of that too.. but I am worried that the amount of pressure when I pull out the nose strip would be too hard on my .. still sensitive nose.

Any other suggestions? hehe:graucho:
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keenose...I am so-so happy for you!!!congratulation girl!!
just one thing tho..I am so cautious about my nose as I really dont want it to look fake..

as I think that in my case I will also need an alar reduction for my nose..I just want to know whether Dr. Chang's nose will look like those nose that looks like its being pinched all the time..you know those kind of nose like xiaxue's nose?

do you like Dr.Chang's work so far keenose?did he do a good job on ur alar reduction?

you know keenose..you can try to have a facial for your blackheads...as biore never ever seem to work with me..i've tried everykind of biore or any other brand but none of them seem to work with me so far!Facial would be a better choice for you right now just tell the therapist to be gentle with your new nose...

do update us with ur before after picture will you after all the bruising is gone..cant wait to see your transformation you lucky girl!!
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About the T implant lol, I didn't really understand the whole wide, tall thing Keenose so do this. Imagine writing a T on a piece of paper below you. Then raise the paper to the bottom of your nose like you are sniffing the paper & that's how I believe it went. So the top part of the T is away from the bottom of your nose.

Also, I wouldn't use anything for your blackheads like Biore or anything right now actually because your nose is still healing & very sensitive. Don't want to risk disturbing the peace in there. I remember seeing those blackheads & I was absolutely disgusted, I mean black dots should NOT be on your nose!! :yucky:
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heyyyy angelzai!!

Thanks thanks... I know what you mean. For all of us, we also want to have natural looking noses.. if not, its basically like telling everybody every minute that its fake!!! lol

YES I TOTALLY know what you mean when you refer to xiaxue's nose. That is exactly what I was afraid of as well.
You know... I read somewhere that for all alar jobs, the nostrils will have a triangular shape. Thus it makes it seem like a telltale sign for those who have done alar.
I was kinda afraid of that.. but accepted it since it seemed inevitable.

However, looking at my nostrils now... hehehe I am glad its not that way. It doesnt look pinched or anything.

I dont think I'll ever do facials anytime soon.. I had a very very bad experience with it.
Moreover, I cant even bear to touch my tip now, let alone to let the therapist to do it. :nuts:

Yup, after the bruising is gone.. I'll show some pictures. :P
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