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hahahahahh this is getting WAYYYYYYYYYYYYyyy too funny!!!!

First of all, the sniffing of hte paper is cracking me up.
SECONDLY......... I STILL..... cant get it. hahahah OMG.......so funny!!!!

Okok how about this.... imagine that we are looking from beneath the person.. so you can see the nostrils. The nose shape now is like a triangle.
The tip of the nose is the tip of the triangle, the base is the base of the triangle too.

At this point, this T implant... is placed upside down 180 degrees so that the horizontal line is at the base of the triangle (alar) and the tip of the T is at the tip of the nose too????? Is this what you meant????

Yeah... I wont be doing anything at the moment to the blackheads. Do you know how long I'd have to wait?

Have you heard of ginvera marvel gel? Wonder if that works.

In my life so far.. I've never seen so many blackheads gathered at a spot before... its crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!:cursing:
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Does anyone know, how long does it take for the threads to fall off? Inside the nose and cheeks...?

And also.. my nose's bruising is like a repeatitive cycle!!! It heals.. then bruises again... then heals.. and bruises again...

Is this normal???
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Talked to Dr. Park from Oz Clinic and he suggested getting Perialar augmentation with implant. Anyone know what this is?

I think I might go with Dr. Chuang. I have heard such great things about him from all of you but he hasn't gotten back to me. I may go in the beginning of January. Anyone else going then?
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Keenose - don't worry bout the blackheads girl - it's temporary and you'll look gorgeous in no time! Hmm...I'm so glad that your alar reduction hasn't made your nose looked pinched and have that 'fake look'...I may have to do my alar as well, and I was so afraid of it turning out wrong...what about your nose tip Keenose? What does it look like, and do you like it? Does it have more projection? :supacool:

Also, don't worry about the healing- it's all completely normal. We don't always heal in a linear line, so there's going to be some good days and some not so good days. In the end, there's no short cuts to healing - hehe, we've just got to do the time.
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About this T implant thing LOL I am cracking up over here. I believe it's the other way around. The top of the T is where the blackheads are like going out towards each nostril kinda & the vertical part of the T is between the nose. Man, we seriously need a picture of this....:roflmfao:

I'm getting flustered thinking about my upcoming surgeries. Eeeeeek, I can't believe it's almost time OMG!! 1 more month!! I'm scared thinking about riding the subway back to the hotel, my mom is freaking me out telling me I might get lost lol :Push:
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Hmmm never heard of it!! lol
Maybe you can ask him to describe in .....layman terms?
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You cant believe what I did today!!!
I used toothbrush and brushed my nose!!! hahahah very very gently of course. It SEEMS BETTER! Now I have a clay mask over it. haha

Actually, I didnt think I needed alar.. but now when I compare my old pictures.. I was like... "WOAHHHHhhhhh fat nose!!!" and now......"hello cute nose!!!" hahahha

My nose tip is smoothly blended with my bridge, it doesnt look like its POPPED out or something. It doesnt look bulbous to me at all.. even though it should be at this time. (unless I use the torch light to shine at a certain angle.. I then can see the roundish shape)
As the tip is slightly longer than before, it makes my nostrils less visible from the front view. I like that too.

Yes, overall I like my nose now!!!!! :nuts: (MINUS the blackheads)

My eyes now are looking already quite natural. Though when I close my eyes, I can see the scar clearly. But the swelling has gone down alot... and I dont look so much like an alien as compared to before.

The ONLY thing that is hindering me right now, is that I still cant laugh broadly. I can smile now though.

Gosh..... I wonder how long it takes!!!!!!! :cursing:
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HAHAHHAHhh tell me about it!!!! This T is messing us up big time!!!

and.... do you have to remind me of the yucky blackheads???????? HAHAHAHAH
You EVIL !!! :P

Ok I think I finally get it... but wouldnt that make the nose look wierd?
Unless the T is a flexible T... like a soft umbrella to lift the nose?

But even if its a flexible T.. how about the bridge?
Means for a full nose job, the patient might need 2 implants?
One I for bridge and one T for the bottom nostril part?

OOOORRRRRRRRR .......did I not get it again???? HAHAHhahahah:roflmfao:

Where are you going for your sugeries Kimosa?
And er.. what are you doing?
hehe its hard to keep track sometimes.

Dont worry about getting lost, the most.. just hail a cab!!!
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So far I think the soft umbrella thing is making sense lol....

How long has it been for your surgeries btw?

I'm getting eyelid revision with epi & Goretex nose implant at BK.

Yep the worst that happens is I have to hail a cab. I'm worried now that I won't look normal by the time school starts mid January. It took me several months to look normal for my eyes & with revision I'm sure it'll take me longer. I will have to cut my bangs again come January :P
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WOW.. I'm guessing January would be super peak season. Air tickets and hotels would be more expensive.... hee:P
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ALL RIGHT!!!!!!!!! :tup: I finally got it!!! haha

Its been 15days since surgery.
Eyelid looks pretty natural, nose bridge feels attached and more settled in. Alar flares feel quite like the old alar to me... the only foreign part now is the tip. It still feels numb and odd at the moment.

And also.. I dont know if its my imagination or not.. BUT I feel that my nose tip is getting rounder!! (the side profile)
I mean when I took my pictures a week ago, it looked more pointy to me from the side. When I compare the pictures I took today, it looks more rounded. Its wierd!!!!

IS this what everybody means by bulbous nose? So it SUDDENLY grows bulbous? Not as in.. its bulbous after surgery and becomes more pointy along the days?
Actually, when I observe it carefully.. the reason why its looking more round is because the area between the nostrils.. (under the tip) looks more swollen and roundish.....


Ok that aside.. so you are going to Bangkok?
Which doctor/ clinic are you going to?
Where are you going from?
Why Bangkok?
So only nose implant or are you doing alar as well?
(interview session)

Ohhh teach me the bangs thing! I want to do that!!! :P
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Why dont you do the Korean double eyelid or the suture method? It heals faster
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Finally got a reply from Dr. Chuang. He suggested open rhinoplasty, tear trough implants, chin augmentation, and a paranasal Medpor implant for a whooping 255,000 NT *ouch*. Has anyone had any of these surgeries (other than rhino, of course) done? I have heard of implants shifting, infection and being improperly placed so I am scared about having those other procedures done. Plus, for that much, I can get a new set of boobs. :oP
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