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Keenose, i hope you're healing well. Yes the air fair is expensive but i've been thinking about this for nearly a year. I had to wait until I've earned vacation time to take 2 weeks off from work Hopefully I can camouflage my surgery a bit but its most likely I will get some staring when I returning to work. But I need to do what I have to do for my nose as well its not in good health wise.

Keenose, so in 15 days, what is the percentage of swelling is gone? Does the swelling on your nose looks like its been punch or you bump yourself in a wall or door? I am just a little concern in this area but other than that, I am emotionally and mentally prepare for the surgery.

Also I wear glasses and my glass is very light. Does any one thinks its OK to wear it after 2 weeks of healing process from rhinoplasty?

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Hey guys,

Do any of you guys know if Dr. Chuang is a certified board member of plastic surgeons? If so, would you mind sending me the link to it so that I can check it out. Additionally, I have searched high and low for Dr. Jung in Korea to see if he's a certified plastic surgeon but I have could not find it through this link I got. Any help is appreciated.


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I didn't mean Bangkok, I meant BK Clinic in Korea lol. I have been emailing with Dr. Kim frequently & he sent me articles that he wrote about the eyelid revision methods that he uses.

I'll be flying in from Texas so it will be a damn long flight. I will not need any tip work, I just need a bridge lift. I've got a pretty small petite nose right now.

LOL I'll just be cutting my bangs long & wispy. I've been trying to do the side bang thing where it's kinda long & sideways but my bangs only know one direction sometimes :s
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Hey Gossomer8,

Thanks! Its good to know whether he is or not but it does not mean he's not qualify. I like his (Dr. Jung) short and sweet replies but precise. I also like Dr. Chuang's replies where it is more detailed and responsive. To be honest, I am leaning towards Dr. Chuang not because Dr. Jung is not qualify but I just feel dr. chuang is a bit more responsive. However i am in the middle of coordinating couple of things...flight, hotel, currency exchange, what to bring, etc and if something might not work out, I might end up going to Jung. He sounds like a sweet daddy to me but I could be wrong.

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Wow.. there really are alot of procedures that we havent heard of!!!

tear trough implants?? for the eye??? nose??? where? ahhaa

paranasal... I think for the nose????

Hmmm the only thing I know is that Medpor is a material that resembles bone.
It is used for chin implants too. In chin implants, it is screwed to your bone.

Well.. if you dont want to spend so much ......and also.. doing so many procedures would definately make you look like a totally different person!

I did 3.... and now at this point, I still look very different.
Especially the eyes and nose.

Anyway, Dr Chuang will recommend you stuff to do.. then you just tell him that you dont have so much budget, so ask him to recommend you stuff that has higher priority.

Oh and he makes good boobs.. but the thing is that it would be better if you were in Taiwan for a mth.. for the massage sessions.. which are important.. and HELL PAINFUL!!!!

Everytime I went to his clinic, I could hear women moaning... screaming... during their boobs massage session.
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Thanks! I am doing ok. I am eating everything... from seafood.. to black soy sauce.... haha seems OK

Yeah, if your time isnt flexible, its better to plan your time properly...

Ok actually at 2 weeks after your surgery.. if you are just doing nose.... you should be looking quite ok already. Its not as swollen as you think.. In fact when I look at the mirror, I think it looks natural... people who DONT know me, wont know I have done my nose.

Of course those who know me... would see the difference.

You might have some bruising beside your bridge, you can easily camoflage that with concealer. Initially (within a week), the bruising is green and turns yellow... then after that in my case, its been like dark eyecircle colour. even now... I have it. 15days.

Do your ice and hot compress sessions religiously. They do help alot- at least in my case.
Remember not to overdo the hot sessions. Maximum 15mins 4 times a day. Overdoing will cause it to swell even more.

Your glasses, are they the ones with the 2 oval plastic props or those plastic rimmed ones?
The doctor told me that if its those plastic rimmed ones, you can wear them after 2 weeks.
But still, its better to check with him again when you meet him.
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LOL.... I SEE!!!!

So Dr Kim does reply to you reguarly? He sounds good?
Its just that I've heard so much about the bad customer service from BK clinic...

On the tip work.. I think its better to check with the doctor again.. you know because maybe we dont realise we need it.
Like I didnt think I needed alar, and I'm glad I got it.

Another someone from SG forum, didnt want bridge implant, just tip.. though the doctor strongly recommended it.. and came back with regrets.

Ya know what I mean... hahah :tup:

Ook the bang thing sounds good!!! I'll give it a try...
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hey..i had a goretex T implant...the T part starts from the top..basically the top part of the T is in between your eyebrows so it wont look indented there...my doctor is very good friends with dr. chuang...they are in the same famous plastic surgery magazine in taiwan...i think dr. chuang is more famous for breast jobs while my doctor is more famous for nose jobs...my tip is still round and swollen and so are the nostrils..almost three weeks now

keenose can i see your before and after..i'll send you mine too..

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OUCH! That sounds painful. What do boob massages even do?

Tear trough implant goes beneath the eye on the upper cheek. My face is flat (Asian, guilty!) so it gives it a little lift and gets rid of the line that goes from underneath my eye down to my upper cheek. It's kind of how you look like when you are smiling or if you had fat injected into the apple of your cheeks.

A medapor implant could very well be a mythological animal (lol, Grossomer) but it gets rid of the paranasial fold from the line that goes from your nose to the corner of your mouth (smile lines). Mine are pretty deep.

Finally, everyone knows what chin augmentation is....I think

I feel like because I am mainly getting rid of lines on my face, I won't look completely different, yes? I think if anything, the rhino will make me look much different, but I don't want to look in the mirror and not recognize myself. Plus, I don't want my parents to freak out when they see me.

I know that Dr. Chuang is just recommending things that I could possibly do but man, now I feel like I need all of them. How do I choose? :shrugs:
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PrincessJenn - Who is your doctor? I haven't heard of T Goretex implants before....so many new stuff out there!

Kaspy - It sounds as if you'll have a fresh new look, maybe not 100% different but more fresher & a bit different since nose is a major part of your face. You can always get some of the surgeries for your lines later on, you don't have to do it with your nose. That way you can see what you want after your nose surgery & if you still need it. ;)
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wow this thread is getting more interesting everyday!! so glad i found it..hehe

keenose, that is so funny that u brush ur nose!!haha..how's ur nose now?what do u mean your nose tip is rounder now?i mean they say that the nose will keep changing until certain time to settle down and stuff, but is getting rounder make it looks better tho?cause asian nose are natural when its a bit round not pointy like caucasian's..but i dont know tho..hehe

anyway..about 2 days ago, I just found out that I don't have any tear duct!if that's what its called..
is there anyone here that has the same condition as mine?
I thought that my eyes were fine as I have an OK double eyelid but then one day a caucasian friend of mine was putting make up on me and she wanted to put a highlight in the inner corner of my eyes and found out there is no space to do so!!how funny!!
and since then I hate my eyes!and eye surgery would definitely be added on my surgery list if it can help...:sad:

kaspy, can i just ask u to explain more about the tear trough implant?I mean from what I googled, the tear trough implant is supposed to illuminate dark circles and fill out the hollowness under your eyes?but will it help you create a tear duct? i mean from the link below, my eyes is the 1st one..is there anything that I can do to make my eyes like the 2nd eyes?or close to it?not as scary as how i draw it tho..(sorry about the drawings, just a very quick one)


I mean when i lift my nose like pinching it inwards and upwards in the area between the eyes (u kno where the bridge of the nose was suppose to start) the tear duct will be visible so i was just wondering id nose job is enough for me?hm...

I found this case, and just wondering what surgery did she do?is it just the usual double eyelid surgery?cause her tear duct seems to be more open on the after surgery picture..

i know its a really long post but i hope someone can help me with this..
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Angelzai - Maybe you need epicanthoplasty? That is where they open up the inner eye area so your eyes appear bigger & open. Like if you pinch your nose skin together. So I'm assuming you have tear ducts they are just hidden? :confused1:
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Hi all!
After days (feels like months!) of following this thread, I have finally worked up the courage to book myself a rhino!

I scheduled with Dr. Chuang, for consultation and same day surgery on the 16th of Nov. Woohoo! I chose Dr. Chuang because I have heard so many good reviews about him from others, on this thread, and from the way he replied to my inquiries (take a few days but his answers were always specific). So, anyone going around this time? I'll be coming from Tokyo and I'm thinking of staying about 4/5 days (cant take long...too much stuff at work). Is it possible to have your stiches out on the 4th day? I am thinking to fly back to Tokyo on maybe my 4th day after getting the surgery.

Oh btw, does anyone have contact numbers of Deja vu? I've read that some of you stayed there, but I have no idea how to get ahold of them. I dont speak any chinese/taiwanese(?).

I promise I'll post on my experience, since this forum has helped so much. Basically I have a good bridge already, I just need a tiplasty (I have very rounded, largish tip). But doc advised that I should get alar, tiplasty and some bridge work. I am putting my trust in him so I'm going to go with his advice. Besides, as Keenose pointed out, you might think you dont need a procedure but then, you arent really a medical expert, so I'm gonna have to trust him on this.

BTW, has anyone had eyelash implants before? I know a lady going by the nick Mask3d had on, but anyone else? I'm very interested to know if this is a surgery worth investing in. I'd love a fuller, lushes lashes!

Wish me luck! And thank you all ohers who have much contributed to this forum.

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