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Welcome to the foum Benlan!

Wow so you had a nose job at 16? I'm wondering if it became not symetrical because of your puberty or not? Since usually I heard its good to wait till an older age, since our features might still change and all... then do any works.

Anyway, then I guess your parents must be supportive. Thats so cool....

So far, the doctors I've seen who does like a total look change.. is that Japan doctor Fukata and also Dr Tortomi...

You could email Dr chuang at [email protected]

So how old are you now already? :smile:
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AHhhhhhhhhhh I see.... that is interesting. Seriously never heard of them untill now.

I paid in Taiwan dollars CASH. They dont accept credit cards.
I dont think travellers check too.

Thats why.. its better if you get off at the airport, head straight to his clinic. Go for the consultaion, pay the money.. and PHEW... you are broke!!! LOL:graucho:

For cheaper hotels, there are actually quite alot. However, the problem is.... if you decide to stay at cheaper hotels, the ones I checked were further away from the clinic.. and thus you would have to take taxi or subway. Imagine your face all swollen.. I dont think you would take the subway at that point.. so add in the taxi fee... although it still is cheaper.. but its just the convenience.

You have to go back to the clinic on the 3rd and 7th day.

If you want, you could stay at dejavu till the 3rd and change hotel.
After the 3rd, you could already walk around and shop etc.

Are you going alone?
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I've posted my pictures of the side profile of my nose.

BEFORE, 1 week after, 3 weeks after.

I am not posting the pictures of frontal yet because there are still bruising and it affects how the nose looks.. so its not accurate.

Comparing it that way, I really feel that my nose tip seems ROUNDER!!!!
I mean comparing the 1 week photo and 3 weeks photo.

Not only does the tip seem rounder, the columella area ( the connecting area from nosetip to lip ) seems bigger or more swollen?

Take a look.. what do you think?
Let me know....

Is this wierd or what?

PM me for password
Link for photos : http://www.4shared.com/dir/4490745/6f9a09f9/nose.html
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So you're saying it usually gets rounder as time passes? not more refined? I'm almost 2 months post op and of course, there's visible swelling. But I'm counting on the swelling to go down.
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would you mind showing some cropped pictures? I would really love to have some comparison and see if our case is similar?
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I would of thought your nose would become more defined as time passes....maybe it gets worse before it gets better? It's hard to say, I mean your nose is still very swollen even if it doesn't look like it so only time will tell :Push:
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Are you referring to me?
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Im 20 Now :smile:, My mom was actually the one that came with me to get the procedure done for my birthday... when i turned 16. It looked so natural back then, now it's just bulbing. Anyways, Thanks for your help :smile: keenose
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Hey, thanks for replying!

yes that must have sucked..I hated when that happens. Happened to me a couple of times when I was writing mega-long emails to my friends...

Thanks for the tips! I will definitely bring the face towel, ziplocks, lots of jell-o, vit-C, Sinecch (I bruise badly so I assume I'm gonna look like those guys in the Contender after some rounds..so Sinnech will be my good friend). Did you take Sinecch previously too, as well? And I think thats a good idea, getting someone in japan to remove the stitches...if its just taking out the stitches i guess it doesnt have to be a nose surgeon doing it...

And thanks for the hotel link as well! You're a dear. I'll have alook. I figure if I can always wander around the first day before my op and try to get myself a cheap room, worst come to worst..

Out of curiousity, I called the Veriteclinic in Japan.....and got a Japanese speaking staff. ( I work in Japan but speak no japanese..go figure! I'm malaysian). The doc wasnt around and I got frustated trying to get his staff to understand me so I gave up. But the prices on his website are sky-high...so that turns me off abit. Dr. Chuang seems like a good doctor and never heard a complain about him, and the price quoted is really reasonable, so I'm sticking to him. Its just too expensive to do anything in japan!!

BTW, has anyone heard of this procedure : Permalip? seems like its only available in the UK. Its a new silicon implants for lips and is all the rage in the UK, but it hasnt seem to reach Asia yet.......sigh.

Thanks all for replying! I just caaaaaant wait for my surgery....am I nuts or what, to look forward to my face being cut open :P
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oh ya, one more question! I had my eyelids done when I was 16, don't really remember how long it took to heal... anyways long story short, one of my eyelids has become "normal" again, so i'm getting that done too, I only have about 10 days till I go back to school. Would this time be enough for my eyelids to heal completely and for people to not notice this ? I'm getting the nose revision probably this summer or so. But I just can't wait, and wanna get my eyelids done now. Thanks!
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Yes I took sinnech, its only lasting till the 4th day after surgery.
The weird thing is... when I took sinnech, I had bloody discharge which was not supposed to happen. When I completed sinnech, the discharge stopped too.

I didnt really bruise from the 1st to the 3rd day. On the 4th day when warm packing starts, the bruising started too. But its the yellowish kind of bruising.

I think taking out the stitches, you could go to a plastic surgeon.. maybe they would know better? Maybe you could check with Dr Chuang for instructions.

If possible, book your hotel before you go.. since you are going in the "peak" season.. you really dont want to risk not getting a room in your conditions..

Yeah, the prices in Japan are so high!! Anyway, Japan is so near to Taiwan.. so it should be ok for you yeah?

Nope, never heard of the lip thing.

So you are only doing nose right?
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Hmmm I think 10 days, you definately would look different...
the swelling cant be all gone by then.

I think you did the suture method before? That can come off after some years..

Also, it depends on what method of double eyelid surgery you are doing this time.
Incision would be longer healing time... :Push:
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Did I miss out anybody's PM?

Because the forum is not really stable right now... I have, several times lost the info.. and lost track of what I was doing.. because it suddenly went into maintanence..

so if I missed out anyone, please let me know again.. :smile:
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Keenose, I wanted to pm you, but I dont quite know how! Any hint?

A friend of mine did her eyelids via the cutting technique, I dont see any difference with her eyelashes (but then, both of us are kind of lacking in the lashes department!).
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