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Is it that noticeable or just when you look for it? Right now my right eye has more of a infold & left eye is a bit more parallel :oh:
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Thanks for your quick response, I love your new nose :drool:
do you mind sharing your front pix so that I can see how's your septal's tip looks like, I had my done with ear cartilage before but the results were unsatisfactory. :sad:

Congratulations on your new nose :tup:
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Thanks alot.... I just hope it gets better.. and not progressively rounder.

Are you doing any works soon?:P
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Actually, with both nose and eyes.. for the full healing and all.. takes a long time. Years...

But if you meant like the obvious swelling and stuff... Its hard to say really.
Because everybody's healing rate is different.. and there are alot of factors such as.. what method you are going by.... how you are helping your body to heal....

So...... its really hard to say! hahaha:P
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Hmm I think its not really that noticeable to others.. but I notice it quite alot! hahaha

Is yours obvious?
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Thanks alot!!:P

For frontal pics, I think its better to wait till the bruising is gone... I'll load some when its ready.

What do you mean by unsatisfactory? Do you have pictures?
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WELCOME BACK!!!!!! Really missed you here...

You know.. I actually think the nose looks great from side profile than frontal... frontal it just looks normal. but the side profile really looks different from my old ones...

Wait till I finish bruising.. *yawnz* then I'll post some frontal pictures.
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I wanted to ask.... you know the alar job... the scars, how long does it take for them to go away?

Like mine are pretty reddish at this point. I can even see where the original stitches started and ended.. its reddish.

However, I saw that princess's alar job is done so pretty.. and totally invisible, no scars at all, no reddish signs as well.. her is done by Dr Gao.
Her T implant is really interesting.
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