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By the way Tina,

How does your nose tip feel? is it soft? Like natural nose?

I heard there's a difference of septal cartilege nose tip and ear cartilege nose tip.
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Did I mention that I notice a HOLE at my alar base?

Its near the starting of where the stitches where.. originally before I did the works, it wasnt there.

I noticed it when I was doing mask.. clay mask.. and when all the other parts had washed off... there was some STUCK inside this hole.

I wonder if its normal to experience this for alar jobs? Will the hole go away?

Dr Chuang has yet answered me.
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Hey Keenose,
You stayed in Taiwan for only 8 days? I will stay for 12 more days after my surgery.
Do you think it is long enough for people to not notice my nose job?
When you flew back home, did your face have bruising or swelling at all?
Did people notice that you had done something to you face? How did they react?
I hope you don't mind I asked such rude questions, but since my surgey is coming very soon, I feel really anxious now!

Congratulation on your pretty nose again :smile:
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Mine is a bit more obvious I think. I mean sometimes in the mirror I don't see it but when I took my picture with my camera, I notice it big time. I imagine people see me as I saw myself on the camera :Push:
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Did I skip over Princess's pictures somewhere? Would like to see the T implant :smile:
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I'm probably not going to frequent this anymore. I will come back if there are issues with my nose... but, I really don't think that will be the case.

My eyes are good... can see just a little of the crease when eyes are open.. they're tapered.

Eyes can be different due to three reasons. 1. Surgeon 2. still swelling. 3. eyes are assymetrical to begin with.
I think most people don't have identical eyes. But, usually, it's such a small difference you never notice it.

However, whenever people go through surgery, it actually makes you look more closely and be even more critical.
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Yes, I stayed only 8 days.

12 days is good.. you will probably be bored of the shopping by then. lol

If you mean 12 days to not notice anything different about you,that is impossible... even if fully healed.. will see some difference definately yeah?

My OBVIOUS brusing was gone in.....about 10 days I THINK... dont remember exactly.

I just told them when they asked... so far so good.
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nono... I absolutely think that when we look at ourselves, we know where to look.. you know all the spots.. and stuff....

better to ask a friend! OR.. show me your eyes's pictures.. hahaha I would love seeing your lovely eyes.
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I may have confused the nicks.. but anyway, I was chatting with her on gmail that night.

I think her nose height is nice.
And there's still swelling, so more time will be needed for deswelling.
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Thats sad..... but I can totally understand where you are coming from.

We will miss your postings alot.... :crybaby:
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I know how a lot of the girls on this forum like sharing pretty Asian pics. Girls are so weird like that. :upsidedown: So do I... Anyway, I just wanted to share something with you ladies with this photo... Notice that her tip is not sharp, but it is the perfect nose for her. Choose carefully everyone. A slightly rounder tip keeps you looking a little more innocent as long as it is set on a small nose. If this model were to have a sharper tip, she would look a bit older. My own nose is slightly narrower at the tip. It's very hard to know what looks best. If you read carefully, there are complaints of both: too round AND too sharp!
For me, I was lucky enough to be happy with what I got from my doc.
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UK,,london precisely...know any surgeon that does epicanthoplasty here that is cheap?
i really want to have an epicanthal fold that i can play with....
u kno i read somewhere that it happens to them with down syndrome..is that true?
does that mean that i was close to be a down syndrome person then??
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yea i was thinking of that as well since when i heightened the bridge of my nose(by pinching it) it kinda get visible...
so yea i'm gonna talk to the doctor who i'm going to have my rhino with (haven't decided yet but maybe Dr.Chuang..) if that will be the case..
is my drawing really that bad??????
it wasnt riteee??i mean its just to show what i was talking about...keenose!!!bad girl!!!laughing at other people's drawing..give me ur passworrd pleaseeee...
i really want to see your nose badly!!!!!!!!
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Before I go, let me just say this. Although I was happy with my nose at 1.5 months postop, it only gets better. I'm at 6 months+, and I swear it still gets prettier every two weeks. It's very small difference and can only be noticed by full face photos...

But, anyway, just wanted to let you know!
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