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hehheeh ... there is a chinese comic.. the character only has 3 STRANDS of hair..... the name of the comic is SAN MAO... means 3 hair.

Its funny..
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All right... cool....

My bf was asking.. when he can pinch my nose. :nuts:
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i can assure you that if this girl posted on this board people wouldnt have so many negative things to say lol
i mean if u guys dont like how her nose looked that would be one thing, but its like u want to give backhanded compliments?

first someone says she looks older then when i point out that she is 7 years older in the picture so of course shes going to look older

now you want to add another backhanded remark such as "oh well you dont see too many asians with that kind of nose..but shes still pretty"

when in reality there ARE many asians born with that kind of nose.


visit northern china. lots of people in that area have that kind of nose (although obviously not as 'straight n perfect' looking usually with humps/bumps here n there on bridge with high cheekbones and single eyelid and pale skin)

where are you looking when you say that "you dont see many asians with that kind of nose"? the local supermarket? the subway station?
if i were to go to walmart right now or any other place with a large population of white people i wouldnt really "See many whiteS" with that kind of beautiful perfect features we see in magazines either.

Furthermore, beautiful features are NOT typical , most people (Regardless of race) do not have beautiful features. If beautiful features were so common they wouldnt be called "beautiful" they would be called "Average"

think about it.
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Oh sorry.. I didnt mean it that way.

I dont mean to generalize all Asians... :P Taking that statement back.

PS: whats with the arrow pointing to his finger?
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Hmmm I can't see this photo....there is just a blue question mark :confused1:
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Thank you for pointing out that picture was 7 years later, that can account for the more mature look :yes:

I will just say that if this person came to this board I would still say the same thing. In my honest opinion I think she looked great at 3 weeks post op & from the front view, that is not my style.

Anyways I feel like we have to walk on eggshells sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I can see where your coming from but lets not get too upset at this. Everyone is just saying their honest opinion which pops in their head when they see the picture. :amuse:
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Yeah, its a personal preference kinda thing.

Yeah, I share the same sentiments as Kim... We appreciate all your postings and sharing always and this little thread has always been very carefree and we say what we think at the spur of the moment.

Like usually we dont even think when we type then just submit the post.
Well, at least for me.. hehe :P

We totally dont mean any harm nor mean to cause any unhappiness to anybody. Just here to enjoy each other's company and share information.
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I have posted frontal pictures! The link and password is the same.

Theres one showing the brusing. Note the bruising color is like dark eye circles, not the greenish or yellowish kind.

Theres one I took today, with concealer, hiding the bruising.
Someone asked me if I could hide the brusing, the answer is yes..

I didnt conceal the alar scars so that you guys can see.. the alar is still reddish.. pretty obvious.

I added another side profile picture, pretty much the same as 7th November... 5 days difference.. not much changes.

Hope this is helpful.
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I just re-read the message and found that I have missed out reading some...

About the comment on backhanded compliments... I didnt mean it that way... Quite frankly, I dont even know what are backhanded compliments.

Forgive my poor english.

But I truely sincerely, meant to say that she is a pretty lady.
Thats all.:yes:
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Keenose, what a huge, nice difference, the side profile! Its totally worth the surgery and I think it was a successful one :tup::tup::tup:

As for the frontal pics, I'm not sure if you have posted your previous frontal view pic in there as well so I cant compare...from the frontal pics I could see that your nose is definitely still bruising..just imagine how much more potential of cuteness its stll revealing, in the months to come!!

Am happy for you. My own surgery is this upcoming Thursday, strangely I'm not nervous..just the usual travel worries that I misplace my tickets, get to the airport late, miss the plane, then forgetting something, etc etc ha ha.........:upsidedown: I am going alone..
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