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He sounds charming.:yes:
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Flakey you say... that would be a little problem? Obvious flakiness?

Did it fade your chicken pox scars?
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Congrats!!! Good luck to you!!

If you are just doing eye, its very fast. Half an hour or less?

I dont know about all doctors but what I experienced was that I was on anthesia DRIP.
I was awake but cant feel pain..
While during the double eyelid procedure, I can talk.. open and close my eyes.

The doctor actually needed me to open and close my eyes for him to see the crease he is making.

Do not take vitamin E a few days before the surgery.

When you say the slit.. do you mean Epi "kai yan tou" ?

A double eyelid procedure will be from 20,000 NT to 30,000 NT

ahha you are so fortunate to have an auntie like that!!! :yahoo:
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Yep, a bit flakey..like, when you are smearing some glue paste onto your skin, after awhile it gets peeley/flakey? like you can peel it off.

but this isnt a problem if you really rub it in and dont put on too much of it. A tiny dab of mederma onto your scars and rub it in, that would do the trick.

Yep it did wonders for my chicken pox scars! It actually works better on face skin I think, because it takes longer for my leg scars to fade, for mederma. I think face skin regenerates faster, or something like that..
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wahhhh COOL !!!!!!!!! I want that!!

Eyyyyy girl why are you not online? come come.. lets chat.. hahah
Or you not free? :P
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keenose!, Ya I meant Epi! Does that look better? I mean can you personally tell if someone has had double eyelid surgury? Because I'm so scared it will look unnatural! I just don't want people to be able to tell I had my eyelids done.

Anyways, I'm thinking about getting my Nose revision done with Dr.Chuang. Is it hard to set up an appointment with him? I mean is he always busy? Is it possible if I called him today then see him in a day or 2? Oh ya, by the way, if I was to get my double eyelids done now, and then got a nose revision in 3 months or so, would the nose revision would it effect my double eyelid surgury? ! as in stretching it, or somethin of that nature hah.

ANNDDDDD, ahh I have a bulbous nose, and I want to completely change my nose, I don't like the typical "asian" nose, cause my dad has a caucasion nose and I love it(I always blame my mom for getting my nose) Does Dr.Chuang do that? Can he like totally change a nose without it looking completely fake and "pinched" I mean Michael Jackson's nose was actually really really nice the first time he got his nose job. To give you guys an idea of my nose it's like a "african american" nose hah. Because it's just so bulbous! Ahh i want to get it totally changed!!!
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Actually, really would have to see your current eyes to know if Epi is suitable for you.
Not everybody is suitable for epi..

And also, if you heighten your nose, it will also pull your inner corners of the eyes.. just like epi.. but it depends on how much height you are increasing.

Anyway, all these.. when you meet the doctor .. he would be able to access you and tell you what you need.

Why dont you do your nose with your auntie?

Yes for Dr Chuang, got to book 2 weeks in advance. But you can always try and check with him if he can squeese you in.

On totally changing your nose... I dont know if Dr Chuang can do that.
Since I think in Taiwan, they always go for natural look.
I havent seen any pictures of work done by him that COMPLETELY changed the whole look... is more of enhancement.

So far, only Dr Tortomi and Dr Fukata .. I've seen with total change in looks.

You may like to try your luck there.
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Oooh I see ... anyway, good luck with your eye ! Let us know how it goes. :yes:
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I tried taking pictures of it, but it just doesnt show up clearly enough to see what I see in person....
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