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LOL.. so far, have you seen any celebrities who admit having done surgery?

Now that I think hard about it....... None.
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Usually turkey can be kinda dry sometimes but my mom makes it kinda moist plus we make lots of gravy for dippin! Hmmmm I love turkey, yams, potatoes, green beans......really really hungry now :popcorn:
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Off the top of my head, just that one Chinese woman who got so much plastic surgery & looked kinda like Michael Jackson....she wrote a book or something & was on a talk show & crying....don't remember her name though but normally I don't hear about anyone admitting it :confused1:
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OH I see!! I think turkey is not really popular here, so maybe people here dont know how to cook it the way it should be.

So turkey is naturally dry yeah? I can imagine.. their necks look so dry too....... :P
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I know who you are talking about. But I cant remember her name too.

Dr Chuang actually sells that book in his clinic.
While waiting, I often browse the copy on the table... Nothing much really. Just describing her journey.

And she has a picture,holding her bones.. after her bone shaving. Displayed like a necklace......
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Hi guys...for those who have done rhino... i just wanted to ask how long it took roughly, to deswell enough for you to go out in public wihtout being too obvious? Im planning this dec to get my nose done wihtout an impant, but a osteotmy witht ip refinement....


BTW KEENNOSE...could you PM me ur password...i would love to look at ur nose if u dont mind. I cant PM you yet thanks
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I always imagined them shaving off the bone instead of chipping it off into chunks. I'm sure there are different ways of doing it but that's what was always in my mind, like it being shaved finely :shame:
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Everyone is different but since your getting an osteotomy, that might be different results from getting an implant. Usually I read it taking anywhere from 1 - 3 weeks for people to look decent to go out. Depends on your healing rate, surgeon, procedures done, etc. Who are you getting your nose done by :?:
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For those who is interested in understand how much is being taken out for rib cartiliage:

From: chuangcj.tw [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 6:47 AM
Subject: Re: Revision question

I used to take out a segment of 7th rib cartilage. The scar will be around 4 to 5 cm on the lower middle chest. Sometimes people will see it when you wear bikini. The scar will be less invisible after one to two years.

If you like to hide the scar I must take a higher portion of rib cartilage. However you will suffer more pain after operation.
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Hi all,

Me and PS Buddies are back from our Korea enhancement trip with Dr Kim Byung Gun in "BK Dongyang Plastic Surgery Clinic"

Day 1:
Tue 6th Nov, 7 of us were there at his clinic 3pm for our consultation.
We were lead to a room to wait for consultation, and not long later Dr Kim came in and introduce himself and saying later his consultant will help us to do a brief consultation before he attend to us.

First group that Dr Kim attended :

(Gal G) wanted to do an revision of rhinoplasty which she had done it in Singapore 4times and fail. And she is also requested for chin augmentation.
When Dr Kim, saw her nose he said that her current implant that her previous doctor insert was so high and also very dangerous because it may pertrude out which just like what happen before to her on her 2nd times Surgery which left her a dimple scare on her nose.

He said he will take the current L implant out, insert an lower I implant in for her which is more safe for her. And will do an silicone implant for her chin.

(Gal A) wanted an double eyelids surgery which looks natural.
Dr Kim examine her and suggested an double eyelid cum magic epi for her coz her eyes was abit far apart, and when Dr Kim asking her how she wanted your eyelid fold to be like, she told him that leave it to him to decided which will look good for her.

(Gal K) wanted and revision eyelid surgery which had done it twice in Singapore and fail. First time was it Jan'07 Stitching Method, second time Feb'07 Incision Method.
The first thing that Dr Kim said to her was, she got and hollow eyelid below her eyebrow and with her eyes protruding out. And to let her to had an permerant double eyelids with just normal double eyelid won't solve her problem, the chances of the fold to disappear is 60%. What he suggested is to have fats grafting to fill her hollow sac in eyelid below her eyebrow and that have an double eyelids Surgery, and this will solve her problem but he also did mention the chances of she might lose the fold was 10%.

(Myself) wanted to enhance my puffy eyelids and higher nose bridge.
As of my turn to let Dr Kim to examine, he was looking on my face and jokingly said,"You got an beautiful nice fold and I think you don't need any surgery he smiling at me. I told him, I hate my puffy eyelids, also wanted to have a bigger eyes and have a higher bridge. An he pick up his twister and poke on my eyelid saying he will make my fold higher and remove abit of fats and for my nose he will make my bridge a bit higher with ear cartilage graft on my tip to make it more natural.

(Gal L) wanted an higher nose bridge and correct her flat side profile of her face.
As Dr Kim was examining her face, and told her he can have the same procedure like mine to enhance her nose and Fat grafting on her face to correct her flat side profile.

As for the Second group which the other 2 gals who Dr Kim attended was enquiring Nipple Reduction & Areolar Reduction, and I was not present in the consulation so couldn't really share this topic.
All I knew was, both gals wanted this procedure with the tactic which leave mininal scar by cutting the skin starting from the nipple side to reduce the size of the Areolar.

(Gal M)Dr Kim said, Nipple can be reduce but as for the tactic she wanted to reduce Areola cannot be used cos her's is too wide so need to used another method that need to cut along the Areola.

(Gal N)Dr Kim said, her doesn't need any nipple reduction but she can have Areolar reduction with the method she asked for.

There after the consulation, we were lead to a room to confirm out surgery cost and timing.

Next day schdule for surgery,
9 a.m for Gal A (Double Eyelid cum Magic Epi)
10 a.m for Gal L (Rhinoplasty cum Fat Grafting)
11 a.m for Gal G (Revisional Rhinoplasty cum Chin Augmentation)
12 p.m Myself (Double Eyelid cum Rhinoplasty)
1 p.m Gal K (Revisional Double Eyelid cum Fat Grafting)

And for the other 2 gals couldn't decide on the spot so we just go ahead with the schdule Dr Kim arrange for us.
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At 1 week, I was still bruising very obviously.. with yellowish bruises.

At 10 days, it was already quite ok to go meet people.

What is osteotmy?

I cannot PM you as well, you could email me instead.
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LOL you mean like shaving ice.. for dessert? haha
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Hey Jang,

Thanks for sharing.

How is everything? Does everything look good already now?

WOW Dr Jang did everything so fast.. pro.......
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