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Yes, we know what you mean. We also know that you dont mean to say he is bad... we understand. Dont worry.

What do you mean by " I there is only so much you can do for a nose. " ?
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Haha.. im 27! Still living with my mum so i guess its hard for her to accept seeing im living under her roof.... I've been feeling really depressed as im so swollen even after a week and no sign of it going down. Iim feeling abit better now because Maskd has talked some reassuring words to me... I doubt i'll have anything more done as obviously im not a great healer :sad:
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Hahaha ahhh I guess like you said, living with her..have to see everyday lah.

Actually, eyelids take a long time to deswell. Since I've done both, I think eyelid deswells more slowly than nose.

You could try doing warm compress to help.

Did you do the full incision?
If you did the full incision, the swelling would be longer.

Dont worry too much, the swelling will come down soon. If you can, do the warm compress. I find that it helps.
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Are you using Mederma on nose or eyes?

I think we're oily because we can't wash our face as usual & plus our body is under alot of stress. Also, ointments are oily too :yes:
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Don't worry 1 week is still too soon. I was swollen for a really long time, I'm sure you'll heal up quicker than me ;)
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Thanks guys, so sweet... i only had the non cutting..dst... my brother said it looks fake and the crease is too deep and looks like im wearing a mask through eye holes?!! Im soooo depressed!! Its reversible right?!! OMG!!
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I am using it both on eyes and nose.

Ok something freaky happened last night.

Before last night, I applied Mederma ONCE.
Yesterday, I applied Mederma THREE times throughout the day (which is the recommended usage)

And not only did it make me feel really itchy.... while I was sleeping, the HOLE at my alar.. actually started BLEEDING!!!!!

I realised it because it was so itchy.. and I used a Q-tip to brush over it for some relief.. and realised that its bloody!!!

Ok the bleeding didnt last long, less than one Q-tip head was needed...

BUT......its already MORE than 5 weeks since my surgery.. and why does it suddenly bleed when I apply Mederma?

And what should I do now? OMG... should I stop using it or what?
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Of course it will look fake & ugly 1 week after surgery. Don't listen to your mean brother :cursing:
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You bled when you took Sinnech too right? Hmmm, maybe you have some bad blood in you that is trying to come out? Maybe you disturbed the alar hole scab?

I'm not sure if you should still use the Mederma on the nose then, maybe something is not healed up in there & is not ready for any itchy ointments. I would definitely email Dr. Chuang & see what he says :s
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When I took sinnech, it was bloody discharge but not through the face.. hahah its from below!

There isnt any scab at the alar..

I called the clinic and the receptionist told me to stop using for 1 - 2 weeks untill it heals up.

:confused1:Alar problems.....
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Hahaha I get it now, not from your face....ummm yeah ok ewwww j/k :upsidedown:

Does your alar look obvious still? I wouldn't worry too much about it as long as it looks pretty decent. :smile:
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Yes, its still reddish and all....

After I washed my face, the blood inside the "hole" has been washed off.. thus it looks like normal now. The normal HOLE.... (bleh)

Then again, I think I will stop using Mederma for 1 week and then try again.

Why does it seem that I'm the ONLY one having alar problems????:cursing:
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